· Dec 17

How To Give a Condition To Data Row based on First and Next Data?

Hello my Friends,

I have a question, I have a data like this

And I want to create a display like this, which I can put a status column beside the Item Column

The status become new, if there's no previous item, and if there's a same item after the first one, the status become Old

Does anyone could help me ?

I need to display it without subquery if possible

Thank You

Best Regards,

Steven Henry

Product version: IRIS 2024.3
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Discussion (5)1
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I'm not sure this is the answer you're looking for, but I would loop through the result set and store the data in a local array and then loop through the array and output the data with the calculated column set as you wish. The array would allow you to loop through each ID to find the latest to mark as new.  This is an ObjectScript approach along with SQL. I wonder if you could just re-save the data back to the table once calculated so you can still project it as needed to other systems.  

you crate your own stored procedure to decide during SELECT

/// Return NEW for first occurance of item 
/// otherwise return OLD
Class User.ItemStat Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod NewOld(item As %String = "") As %String [ SqlProc ]
    if item="" quit "?"
    if $d(^||list(item)) quit "OLD"
    if $i(^||list(item)) quit "NEW"

How to use it:

SELECT *, ItemStat_NewOld(item) as Status
FROM items order by 2


ID	date	  item	Status
1	09/13/1932	A	NEW
2	04/06/1933	D	NEW
10	06/15/1940	A	OLD
4	11/26/1940	A	OLD
6	02/19/1956	B	NEW
8	04/22/1957	D	OLD
7	05/01/1959	D	OLD
9	06/29/1961		?
3	07/04/1992	B	OLD
5	12/08/2020	D	OLD