Hi Brett, many thanks. I had not realized that the "edit code locally" had a Git component to it. I'll read this carefully. Thanks also for pointing me on the DC post. I very much appreciate the prompt and efficient feedback! 👍
Hi Tim
Let's assume for a moment that I don't want to use a third-party, server-side source control tool. You write "Just use VSCode with a local git repo and push your changes out to the server - it's that easy." Fine, but where is this documented? How do I get started without making a mess of things? E.g., how do I link a namespace or project to a specific Git repository? (without edits in different namespaces or projects coming to "pollute" my repository - is that possible?) Also, does InterSystems officially support that scenario (native VSCode-Git functionality)?
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes I got that part 😉 I just missed the part of the documentation that gets me started. Looks good now.