Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in February 2020!

New applications in February 2020

EXCEL SUDOKU by alex kosinets

Sudoku game implementation in Excel using InterSystems IRIS as a server

RESTForms2 by Henry Hamon Pereira

RESTForms2 is a framework to create the REST API for InterSystems IRIS persistent objects automatically

FirstLook-Globals by Evgeny Shvarov

Firstlook example of InterSystems Globals

IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

A new approach for the Interoperability Message Viewer

iKnow by Benjamin De Boe

The iKnow Natural Language Processing technology was originally developed in Belgium and then acquired by InterSystems in 2010. In February 2020, InterSystems published the technology to open source, expanding the possible use cases for it beyond embedded use from the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. iKnow is open to community contributions to enhance the engine, language models and interfaces for use in-text exploration, information extraction, and machine learning use cases.

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Hi Developers!

Another way to start using InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager is to use prebuilt container images of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition.

We deploy this IRIS images on DockerHub and you can run it with the following command:

docker run --rm -p 52773:52773 --init --name my-iris -d intersystemsdc/iris-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

Launch a terminal with:

docker exec -it my-iris iris session IRIS

And install zpm-module as:


zpm: USER>install objectscript-math

[objectscript-math] Reload START

[objectscript-math] Reload SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Module object refreshed.

[objectscript-math] Validate START

[objectscript-math] Validate SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Compile START

[objectscript-math] Compile SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate START

[objectscript-math] Configure START

[objectscript-math] Configure SUCCESS

[objectscript-math] Activate SUCCESS

zpm: USER>

And use same commands for InterSystems IRIS for Health using the tag: intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2019.4.0.383.0-zpm

The images are being published on IRIS Community Edition and IRIS Community Edition for Health repositories of Docker Hub.

We will update tags with every new release of IRIS and ZPM.

Happy coding!

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Dasha.AI is a platform that allows you to create and manage voice interfaces for your applications. One of Dasha’s distinctive features is that most users believe they are talking to a human, not a robot.

Voice is the most natural way for people to interact. Dasha allows to use voice interface to interact with your application as naturally as communication between people.

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AnalyzeThis is a tool for getting a personalized preview of your own data inside of InterSystems BI. This allows you to get first hand experience with InterSystems BI and understand the power and value it can bring to your organization. In addition to getting a personalized preview of InterSystems BI through an import of a CSV file with your data, Classes and SQL Queries are now supported as Data Sources in v1.1.0!

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in January 2020!

New applications in January 2020

OUReports by Irina Yaroshevskaya

Online reporting tool for InterSystems IRIS. Online User Reports - automatically analyzes data - generates automated reports - provides interface for ad hoc reports - conducts statistical research. Learn more on OUReports.com

Samples-Aviation by InterSystems

Provides sample data for use in exploring InterSystems IRIS Text Analytics capabilities.

objectscript-package-example by Evgeny Shvarov

ObjectScript Package example with a simplified folder structure to edit/compile/collaborate with InterSystems IRIS, Docker and Github.

Reducing Readmission Risks with Realtime ML by Amir Samary

Patient Readmissions are said to be the Hello World of Machine Learning in Healthcare. We use this problem to show how IRIS can be used to safely build and operationalize ML models for real time predictions and how this can be integrated into a random application.

REST Business Activity Monitoring by Stephen Pisani

Send IRIS Business Metrics to a REST Endpoint, or host a REST API to retrieve Business Metric values

eXTreme for IRIS / Caché Example by Iryna Mykhailova

A console .NET application which shows how to access, create and store globals from a .NET application using eXTreme.

zpm-dockerhub by Evgeny Shvarov

repository for publishing zpm enabled images for InterSystems IRIS via Github Actions

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Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Install and Use ObjectScript Package Manager with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community,

New video, recorded by @Eduard Lebedyuk, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Python Gateway: Jupyter Support - extended

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Hi Developers,

2019 was a really great year with almost 100 applications uploaded to the InterSystems Open Exchange!

To thank our Best Contributors we have special annual achievement badges in Global Masters Advocacy Hub. This year we introduced 2 new badges for contribution to the InterSystems Open Exchange:

✅ InterSystems Application of the Year 2019

✅ InterSystems Developer of the Year 2019

We're glad to present the most downloaded applications on InterSystems Data Platforms!

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Hi Developers!

Recently we published on Docker Hub images for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS Community for Health containers.

What is that?

There is a repository that publishes it, and in fact, it is the same container IRIS Community Edition containers you have on official InterSystems listing which have the pre-loaded ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) client.

So if you run this container with IRIS CE or IRIC CE for Health you can immediately start using ZPM and install packages from Community Registry or any others.

What does this mean for you?

It means, that anyone can deploy any of your InterSystems ObjectScript application in 3 commands:

  • run IRIS container;
  • open terminal;
  • install your application as ZPM package.

It is safe, fast and cross-platform.

It's really handy if you want to test a new interesting ZPM package and not harm any of your systems.

Suppose, you have docker-desktop installed. You can run the image, which wiil pull the latest container if you don't have it locally:

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Hi Developers!

Many of you are looking for samples on how to work with InterSystems IRIS Analytics, formerly known as DeepSee.

There is a Samples BI module with Patients and Holefoods examples which is available on Github with source code. The installation steps are clear but take time.

Recently we added the option to run IRIS Community Edition containers with ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) on board. This simplifies the installation to the "run-one-command" step for the modules submitted to ZPM Community Registry. And thus we can benefit the Samples BI installation with ZPM.

And here is how you can run it on your laptop. Let's go!

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Hi Developers!

Often when we install a code package we want to make some post-install settings, e.g. call to a method, set up a configuration file.

This article describes how to do this with the ObjectScript Package Manager.

To make any post-install calls you need to add <Invoke> elements into <Invokes> tag to the module.xml. Each <Invoke> element can have nested <Arg> elements if you want to pass params to the method:

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Hi Developers!

I'm pleased to announce that ObjectScript package publishing is now generally available on Open Exchange with this November 2019 release!

If you want your ObjectScript application to be published in ObjectScript Package Manager just enable "Publish in Package Manager" option:

And send the app on approving.

Once the application is approved it will be published automatically in ObjectScript Package Manager Registry and will be available for installation via ZPM client.

See the details below.

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Hi Developers!

Suppose you published your application on Open Exchange with version 1.00. And then you've added a new outstanding feature and you make a new release.

You can also make a new release of your application on Open Exchange.

Why make releases on Open Exchange?

This the way for you to highlight the new features of your application. When you publish a new release the following happens:

Release notes appear on the News page of Open Exchange

The version of your app changes

Version History tab is updated

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Have you ever needed a math function but could not find what you needed and ended up writing your own? Look no further! ObjectScript-Math is here to solve all your math related function needs.

ObjectScript-Math is an Open Source library for ObjectScript Math functions. It is now available on Open Exchange. This library contains a mix of new functions that are not currently available and functions that are available. The existing functions will be wrapped for use from ObjectScript-Math so that all Math functions can have a central location.

This library will continue to grow, so give it a try and give your feedback!

Don't see what you are looking for? Please feel free to submit requests for additional functions or contribute code yourself!

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in December 2019!

New applications in December 2019


Math library for InterSystems ObjectScript

Author: @Peter Steiwer , OEX Profile


Sample for %JSONExport against a class with Many to Many Relationship

Author: @Peter Steiwer , OEX Profile

InterSystems ObjectScript zpm-registry

Server-side hosting service for ObjectScript packages installable via ZPM client.

Author: @Evgeny Shvarov, OEX Profile

Publisher: InterSystems Corporation


SUDOKU game written in InterSystems ObjectScript

Author: @Robert Cemper, OEX Profile

Portlet Samples

Sample DeepSee Portlets showing different ways to implement custom widgets

Author: @Peter Steiwer , OEX Profile

Advent of Code ObjectScript Docker Template

A simple template to craft Advent of Code with ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS

Author: @Evgeny Shvarov, OEX Profile

Ingestion Speed Test
Shows how IRIS can ingest thousands or millions of records per second while allowing for queries on the same cluster. Works on a single IRIS instance or on an IRIS cluster on the cloud.

Author: @Amir Samary, OEX Profile

John Conway's Game of Life

With this class, you could simulate Game of Life world that John Conway invented in 1970. We can see how John Conway universe evolves in our terminal

Author: @Jose-Tomas Salvador, OEX Profile

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· Dec 31, 2019 3m read
Portlets that use data from DeepSee

In the previous part of this series, we saw how to reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience. Now we will look into referencing data that is already in our cubes.

In this example, we will be referencing the controller object and we will be extracting data from it. This data will then be displayed as text in our Dashboard. In Part 5, we will show how to incorporate this data into other charting libraries.

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· Dec 12, 2019 2m read
Creating Portlets in DeepSee

What is a portlet?

The simple answer is: a custom widget. A portlet can exist by itself on a DeepSee dashboard, it can be used along side standard DeepSee widgets, or along side other portlets. The rendering of the custom widget is completely user defined. This means you can embed a web page, create a form to perform any sort of action needed based on the data on your dashboard, use third party charting libraries, or simply display data from outside of a DeepSee cube.

How to get started

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Hi Developers!

For those who want to participate in the Advent of Code 2019 and code with ObjectScript in IRIS, I created a very simple but handy Github Template.

Use the green button

to copy template in your own repo, clone the repo and run in the repo folder:

docker-compose up -d

you will get InterSystems IRIS 2019.4 Community Edition running with the template classes to load input data from files and Day1 solution.

This is also set up to start crafting solutions of Advent of Code 2019 and edit, compile and debug ObjectScript with VSCode addon.

Happy coding with Advent of Code 2019!

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BridgeWorks is pleased to announce a VDM, v9.1.0.1. This release includes the following updates:


  • Historical Linking is now based off connection profile name
  • Saved Formatting is now based off connection profile name
  • Tables and Fields column headers no longer hide based on connection type

Bug Fixes

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I'm pleased to announce the latest version of extensions for ObjectScript. Just a month has gone since my latest update, and I already have something new to show.

Important. In this version connection to the server will be disabled by default. You have to activate connection through the settings:"objectscript.conn.active" = true.

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