Recently, the question came up while discussing the access to the data stored in IRIS from different languages with my students if it was possible to initiate the connection and get data from Cloud solution (InterSystems IRIS CloudSQL) from Microsoft Excel, not the other way around. Considering the many varied ways one can get data in Excel (import data from external sources, connecting to databases using ODBC drivers, using power queries and web queries etc.) the obvious choice was to try ODBC driver. The only task left was to try to connect to the database in the cloud using the ODBC driver.

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This article is intended to be a simple tutorial on how to create ODBC connections and working with them, since I found starting with them a little bit confused, but I had amazing people to take my hand and walk me through it, and I think everyone deserves that kind of help too.
I'm going to divide each little part in sections, so feel free to jump to the one you feel the need to, although I recommend reading everything.

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It has been asked a few times recently, how one can make Laravel Framework work with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. It's been a while since this post about Laravel and InterSystems Caché was published. To bring it up to date, the article gives a brief instruction set on how to setup and configure a Laravel project for use with InterSystems IRIS through ODBC.

What is Laravel?

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Hi Community

I have created a simple package that allows the use of Cache with the Laravel Framework.

From my initial testing everything seems to be operating smoothly but I would like to appeal to the PHP users in the community to help me improve this package.

For those of you out there who have time and would be interested in this, please visit the repo at

Thanks in advance

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Hey Developers,

New demo show by InterSystems Product Manager @Raj Singh is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Develop a Python Flask app with InterSystems IRIS in 10 minutes
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I've asked a lot of questions leading up to this, so I wanted to share some of my progress.

The blue line represents the number of messages processed. The background color represents the average response time. You can see ticks for each hour (and bigger ticks for each day). Hovering over any point in the graph will show you the numbers for that period in time.

This is super useful for "at a glance" performance monitoring as well as establishing patterns in our utilization.

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I was struggling with a procedure that was meant to receive a string and use it as a filter, I've found that since I want the procedure to do some data transformation and return a dataset, I needed to use objectScript language.

I've created the procedure using the SQL GUI in the portal, and everything works fine when calling the procedure from the SQL GUI but not through a JDBC connection here is the call "call spPatientOS('2024-04-07T12:35:32Z')"

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The ideal number of table permissions to assign for your users is zero. Permissions should be granted upon sign-in based on the application used for access. For web applications, we have a simple way of doing this by appointing application roles, matching roles, and required resources in the System Management Portal.

ODBC and JDBC connections present a different problem, however, especially when third-party applications are involved. As providers of an ERP system, our customers often wish to be able to employ various software packages to integrate with or report on their data. Many of these programs are capable of running any kind of query. Yet, letting them do that can be devastating to a customer’s data.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If multiple InterSystems products are installed on the same system, the latest version of the InterSystems ODBC driver among the installed products will remain registered in the driver manager.

You can change to any driver by changing the registry entry below.

Please note that running RegFiles.bat does not change the ODBC driver.

The registry entry is as follows.

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Hi all,

I'm trying to use LOAD DATA to insert 11k (11,377) rows of data. LOAD BULK DATA is not available for the version of IRIS I am using.

After calling LOAD DATA it says only 5,500 rows has been inserted. The LOAD DATA docs says any error rows are skipped and a count of skipped rows can be found in %SQL_Diag.Result however there are no results here. There are no errors in the xDBC error log either.

Why have over half the rows been skipped?

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One of our apps uses a class query to support a ZEN Report and works just fine in that report, producing the expected results every time. We’ve since migrated to InterSystems Reports and noticed that, for a report using the same class query, 100s of extra rows with the same column values appear at its bottom.

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· Apr 9 1m read
ODBC / JDBC data truncation

Hi, I hope this post helps.

The bottom line: MAXLEN is relevant mostly for odbc/jdbc connections and you need to specify an appropriate value within your tables (classes), otherwise the data might be truncated when you query it, or even fail when you try to insert data.

Long story:

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Several steps should be done in order to secure the connection through xDBC clients to an IRIS Server instance using TLS. Most of the information can be obtained from the documentation about TLS on IRIS here, about configuring the security layer for encrypted connections. In the next paragraphs we will cover an step-by-step guide on how to configure and test the connection using SQL Clients apps using ODBC and JDBC.

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Hello Community,

Thank you all for your continued feedback and support of our ad hoc reporting platform, VDM. There's been some questions around setting up a non-ODBC connection for InterSystems platforms. We published a new YouTube video showing the steps necessary to connect to InterSystems Caché and InterSystems IRIS with BridgeWorks VDM.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems YouTube Channel:

InterSystems and Python QuickStart
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I have a MySQL server with "posts" table.

I also have a Caché server with "downloadedposts" table.

They are connected from Caché to MySQL via SQL Gateway

I want to keep Caché table synced with MySQL one (MySQL "posts" table is a master copy), so periodically Caché queries MySQL server and downloads data. So far so good, and if a record appears or changes in MySQL table, Caché downloads the changes.

The problem I'm encountering is that sometimes rows would be deleted from MySQL "posts" table.

How do I synchronize deletions?

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Attempting to setup an outbound (I'm querying out, not querying the IRIS db) SQL connection. I am connecting to a PostgreSQL database, name "hl7interface".

I have setup the odbc.ini file at /usr/local/etc with the following contents:

Driver = PostgreSQL
Description = HL7 Interface DB
Servername = localhost
Port = 5432
Protocol = 7.4-1
#userName = postgres
#Password = <real pw here>
Database = hl7interface
ReadOnly = no
ServerType = Postgres

I have set the /etc/odbcinst.ini file with the location of the PostgreSQL driver:

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Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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· Jun 30, 2020 3m read
Replicating Audit Log Near Real Time
Many organisations implement centralised log management systems to separate and centralise the log data in order to e.g. automate threat detection (and response) and to comply with regulatory requirements. The primary systems of interest are the various user facing applications, but increasingly also other kinds of systems including integration platforms.
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Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how to connect to InterSystems Cloud Services from your C++ application, using the InterSystems ODBC Driver:

Connecting to InterSystems Cloud Services with ODBC
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