I am reading the following code in ObjectScript:

GitHub repository

And there is a sentence which I am facing difficulties to understand:

kill ^OPNLib.Game.CWLF(..World)

I know that kill removes variables, OPNLib.Game are the package and subpackage, and ..World is a property. However what does CWLF mean?

You could think that it is the class' name, but it is:

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0 187

$LIST string format and %DynamicArray and %DynamicObject classes

IRIS, and previously Cache, contain several different ways to create a sequence containing a mixture of data values. A data sequence that has been available for many years is the $LIST string. Another more recent data sequence is the %DynamicArray class, which along with the %DynamicObject class, is part of the IRIS support for JSON string representation. These two sequences involve very different tradeoffs.

$LIST String Format

11 4
8 2.7K

Hi Everyone!

New video, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

SQL and Object Access

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

4 0
2 251

Hi Developers!

When you prepare your modules for ZPM (InterSystems Package Manager) it expects the certain directory structure for ObjectScript source files.

ObjectScript in your source folder need to be stored by types in the following subfolders. E.g. if you have the source folder named as /src the structure should be as follows:


/cls - for classes

/inc - for include files

/mac - for mac files

/int - for interpretable files

2 0
1 692

At least three different ways to process errors (status codes, exceptions, SQLCODE etc is given in ObjectScript. Most systems have status, but for a range of reasons exceptions are more convenient to manage. You spend some time translating between the various techniques dealing with legacy code. For reference, I use several of these excerpts. It is hoped that they will also support others.

4 2
2 1.7K

Hi All,

I have a class method, this can be any cache expression to execute (usually a class / method and args) and and args stored in a variable, for example;

set aa = "##Class(Utils.Test).Run(1,2,3)"

do aa

I tried using $classmethod(class,method,args..), by extracting the values but sometimes there can be no arguments, or arguments such as ;


which causes issues while running the $classmethod, (i am using $P to extract the Class, Method and args).

Is there any simpler way of doing this?

0 4
0 288

We have a case where we have 1 message coming in, but then sending two messages out to the same location. Even with FIFO sometimes the messages get out of sequence depending on what is need to be done to the message in the DTL before send. Is it possible to call sleep or Halt or write some kind of a function to put a pause in a routing rule between two sends?

0 5
0 603

I've created a scheduled task that dumps HL7 messages to flat files. It uses the OutputToLibraryStream() method of EnsLib.HL7.Message. I'd like to be able to run it on a mirror member host whether it's primary or backup.

When run against a database that's mounted read-only, it works fine. However, when I attempt to run it against a mirror backup database, I get the following error:

#5002: Cache error: <PROTECT>%LoadData+7^EnsLib.HL7.Message.1

Tracing that back to the source, I find:

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0 380
· Sep 14, 2019
Replacing character groups

What's the best way to replace character groups?

I want not to remove character groups as $zstrip does but to replace them with whitespaces.

$translate needs explicit character list.

Effectively I want to remove any characters besides letters, numbers and a small (known) subset of punctuation characters, replacing everything else with whitespaces.

0 6
0 559

Hi Developers!

Often I find questions on how to install IRIS, connect to IRIS from IDE, setup the environment, compile, debug, maintain the repository.

Here below possibly the shortest way to set up all the environment and start development with ObjectScript on InterSystems IRIS.


Make sure you have Git, Docker, and VSCode installed

Install Docker and ObjectScript extensions into VSCode

Sign in or Create an account on Github

Here we go!

5 9
5 1.3K
· Sep 12, 2019
Clean up code after compile

After upgrading I ran a $SYSTEM.OBJ.CompileAllNamespaces("u"). What I got in return was kind of a shock.

In reviewing errors I am seeing code being referenced but no longer applies. It is referring to stuff that might of been defined in the Context , Formal Spec ,Thread , etc.

ERROR #5373: Class 'osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.TblPharmacyDEA', used by 'osuwmc.CPD.BusinessOperation:SelectProviderTempDEA:FormalSpec', does not exist

0 1
1 437

Hi Everyone,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

GitHub Repository Template To Develop and Debug ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

9 13
3 515
· Sep 10, 2019
%OpenId Query

I am new to cache programming language . I am facing below issue . please assist.

Question: One persistent class ID column is a combination of its properties (Roll No and Marks) [ Exact: RollNo||Marks]. When i am running the query from Management portal it is displaying data in the same format and data is there. But in the code if i am making below statement, i am getting null value.

Set ExistsID=##Class(User.School).%ExistsId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

set ID=##Class(User.School).%OpenId(RollNo_"||"_Marks)

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0 1.1K

Hi all, it's finally time for the next release of VSCode ObjectScript extension. So what's new in this release.

  • Debugging support, for classes, routines and attach to a running process
  • Files in Server Explorer now can be edited

  • Added more details about connection errors

  • Improvements in Server Explorer build tree

  • Fixed memory leak when exporting large amount of files
  • Server view can be opened in explorer as virtual file system with schema `isfs://`
  • Option to suppress popup information message about successful compile, ("objectscript.suppressCompileMessages": true)
  • Export, addCategory setting have more flexibility in naming category for exported items
  • Formatting for commands and functions, as Word, UPPER or lower
  • Some improvements in syntax highlighting
  • Some other small fixes

10 16
3 1.6K


I had an issue when using the method Exists, I noticed that if you provide a directory for this method it returns 1.
This is really misleading, because sometimes the input could be a directory and the only way to predict this is to also test if the file is a directory.

I didn't tested using the Attributes method, but I supposed that this means could also be a solution for that issue.
But still, I expected the Exists method to return 1 for files and 0 for directories, since there's also method called DirectoryExists already.

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0 422

OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

1 3
1 781

Hi Developers!

Often we need to use relatively small arrays with constants, static arrays in algorithms, etc where we need to do something with each element of an array. There are several ways to deal with it in ObjectSctipt.

Previously I used to use globals, locals, PPG for this but not so long time ago figured out that %List is a way too handy.

Indeed, suppose we have an array of months and need to set up and use it in our code.

2 15
1 578

Hi Developers!

Often when we develop some library, tool, package, whatever on InterSystems ObjectScript we have a question, how we deploy this package on the target machine?

Also, we often expect that some other libraries already installed, so our package depends on them, and often on some particular version of it.

When you code on javascript, python, etc the role of packages deployment with dependency management takes package manager.

So, I'm pleased to announce that InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager available!

13 19
4 2.9K

Hi Developers!

A question to those who use VSCode to code InterSystems ObjectScript.

Suppose you have the ObjectScript code on IRIS server and you want to export it into the desired folder.

And you have VSCode connected to the server.

What is the way to tell VSCode that I want to export classes into some particular folder in /package/class.cls way?

E.g. into:


and project_folder is opened in VSCode as the folder of the project.

1 8
0 883

The .NET Core Identity model has an IPasswordHasher<> interface for for

  • Hashing a password so that it can be stored in a database
  • Verifying a provided plain-text password matches a previously stored hash.

I am getting invalid password errors during the login process when the .NET Core Identity model computes a hash from a plain text input and compares it to a password hash value I've returned from Caché. The default hashing algorithm is PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, and 10,000 iterations (detailed article on .NET Core Identity PasswordHasher). The algorithm Caché uses is probably different which may be why I am getting errors.

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