· Jul 13, 2021
Initialise object list

How do you initialise a list of objects of a particular type?

I have tried the following code and I get an undefined when I try to insert.

I can do this and it works but I don't know if it is correct.

Is there any way to do something like this?

Set a= New list of Accciones()

Thank you.

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Let's consider these two ways of passing an obj to a function:

//var is a structured obj
(1) do ..methodX(var)
(2) do ..methodX(.var)

In c++ if we pass an obj by reference like in (2) we save a lot in computation because we are not copying the whole object, and when the object is modified within the function it is modified also for everyone.

In this case does (2) achieve any better performance than (1)? Is passing with the "." save any computation? the object is copied anyway?

Is there a simple way of passing obj to a function?

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I am looking into creating a ZSTOP as you probably have seen from my previous posts, is there a way to capture the type of shutdown that occurred? So say if there was an unknown hardware failure (forced), vs a user shutdown? Mainly looking for user or system shutdown when we force another destination to become the primary in the mirror. So if a user shutdown the production to do.,... Task A, Task B etc..



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A REST API (Representational State Transfer) is an interface that allows different applications to communicate with each other through the HTTP protocol, using standard operations such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. REST APIs are widely used in software development to expose services accessible by other applications, enabling integration between different systems.

37 3
3 151

What happens if you don't declare a Persistent value when you call ExecuteQuery()? What does Ensemble set as the key value for your query? I have a query that I've executed on SQL Server, and I get 15 rows, but because this is my second time querying the data Ensemble thinks it exists.

The Method in question is SelectProviderClarityAudit. If I call this query multiple times it is not returning the same number of results each time in Ensemble.

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· May 21, 2018
How is your code health

As a developer, usually I'm concerned about how my code health is, and how the other coders code can affect to my own work. And I'm quite sure most of us feel very similar.

In our company we use a Static Code Analysis tool to analyze code for different languages to ensure we are writing high quality and easily maintainable code by following a few best practices in terms of code structure and content. And the question was: why should be different for Caché ObjectScript language?

6 3
4 1.1K

Hi Developers!

Suppose you have a persistent class with data and you want to have a simple Angular UI for it to view the data and make CRUD operations.

Recently @Alberto Fuentes described how to build Angular UI for your InterSystems IRIS application using RESTForms2.

In this article, I want to tell you how you can get a simple Angular UI to CRUD and view your InterSystems IRIS class data automatically in less than 5 minutes.

Let's go!

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5 1.2K
· May 9, 2016
Production Monitor

At the Global Summit several folks had mention that they developed their own production monitor. I am looking to create a monitor similar to eGate that we only display those Services/Processes/Operations that are in trouble, and those Errors that are showing up in the Event Log. Does anyone have any examples of this?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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· Jun 7, 2016
Atelier bracket problem

We have noticed that when compiling with Atelier (either Atelier itself or sending the code through the REST interface) that the build will fail if all brackets '() {} []' are not closed. This includes brackets opened in comments.

For example, this will fail:

class myclass


//if someVar {


I do not know if this issue has been fixed or if this issue has been brought up, but it has been a nuisance over here.

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· Nov 1, 2016
File size.

Hi everybody,

My name is Sérgio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.

I need to get the size of file that the user wants to upload in my application.

I'm getting it name with %request.GetMineData("fileName").FileName, but not found it at Ensemble documentation how would i get the size of file.

My version is Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0 and I'm doing it at csp.


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· Aug 15, 2019
List property

I have a list property that I query from the database to get the values contained in that list using $LISTFROMSTRING() when the list is returned the list values contain a rectangle like character similar to when you copy past something to the Terminal and it has a preceding space .The problem is I need to compare those values to other values and they do not match because of this value I have tried to use $EXTRACT(value,*W) and *P but this is not striping the preceding character how do I get rid of this character any ideas please.

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0 569

In VS Code using the InterSystems ObjectScript extensions, I'd like the indentation applied to match that of IRIS Studio. Specifically for comments and dot syntax, I'd like pressing enter (carriage return) to preserve the current dot depth and same comment beginning.

In IRIS Studio after changing the indentation settings to custom using " \t.#/;" without quotes (note the leading space), the behaviour looks like this:

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· Nov 27, 2017
"Contains" operation for bitstring


Is there a handy function to test wether one bit string is covered by another one bitstring? For example, "bb" is covered by "aa".

I currently implement this by one AND operation and then do a bitcount, I just want to know any default function is already out there.


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0 374

(Originally posted by @Ben Spead on June 25, 2014)

This code snippet generates a list of Ensemble Lookup Tables and Schema documents in the user's current namespace. Run the code by running the class method "test":

Class benspead.EnsTablesSchema
    classmethod test() {
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument") {
            // only supported in Ensemble 2012.1+
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble Lookup Tables..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument") {
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble HL7 Schemas..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""

Here's a link to the code on GitHub:

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0 843


Does anyone have a cleaner approach than this for looping through grouped NTE segments in order to set the segment ID in an ORM? I am aiming to avoid the NTE segments that may follow the PID segment and find the NTE's that follow the OBR segment. By using the below If statement in the While loop, I'm finding NTE's that have comments in the fourth field (PID NTE's tend not to have these in the messaging I'm seeing, I'm awaiting confirmation on this), as well as finding my newly inserted NTE segment using $FIND to locate the colon (I've concatenated some values).

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0 461

Good morning, evening, night,... wink

A small reflection/question for today... it's true that new IRIS for Health (I4H) releases are more and more powerful each time regarding FHIR capabilities. Nowadays it allows us to consume FHIR resources with extrem easiness, we can connect with end-points in external FHIR servers very easily and make I4H act as passthrough or consume their resources... or, even more, we can define, configure and run a FHIR repository in, literally, less than 5 minutes.

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0 356

Trying to gather basic code examples written in ObjectScript and realized it's probably easiest to ask the people who know what they're doing!

I'm looking for examples of the following five prompts all in ObjectScript:

Prompt 1. Write a function that partitions the array into two subarrays: one with all even integers, and the other with all odd integers. Return your result in the following format:

[[evens], [odds]]

Prompt 2. Create a function that computes the hamming distance between two strings

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