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Member since Sep 12, 2023

Hi John,

Sorry the documentation didn't quite get updated in time but you are right, IPM 0.7.3 includes a fix to using flexible python runtime. I just added a wiki page on how to use it. 

I noticed that you were trying to run `config set UseStandalonePip 1` but missed the `set` word. That means UseStandalonePip is not properly set. But seeing that you successfully installed the package, I think it should fine. 

I would recommend trying to import the packages listed in requirements.txt of iterm in an interactive embedded Python shell 

do ##class(%SYS.Python).Shell()

and if that works, it means the python dependencies are properly installed and the problem lies somewhere else. 

If it doesn't work, maybe the section on incompatible python dependencies in the wiki page can provide some help.

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