I need another set of eyes to look at the following. Instead of a Data Lookup table, I wanted to try to lookup a value against a Cache table that I had build. So I thought I could write a function to run a simple SQL query against the Cache Table and return me a %Boolean value back to my routing rule. However today I found that it was not working properly.

Can someone take a look at the following method and verify that I am doing this correct?

index = column name

value = HL7 field that I am passing into the method

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0 338

I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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0 270

Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application?

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0 683

We are trying to convert some of our SQL Service Integration Service jobs from Visual Studio to Ensemble. If we execute a Stored Procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it is returning approx 12,000 rows. However when Ensemble executes the same Stored Procedure it is only returning 250 rows.

Is there a limitation to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot?

This is how we are calling the Stored procedure

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· Dec 9, 2020
Code migration using VSCode

I am fairly new to using VSCode. I have used VSCode to create some files on our Test Server, now I need to move them to Production.

Looking through the VSCode extension documentation, maybe I missed it but how to I migrate code from one workspace to another. In Studio I was use to exporting the code into an XML and just being able to import it on the Production server version of Studio.



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· Dec 4, 2020
SQL Query returns x00

Hey Intersystems Community-Member,

Following Issue: When I update a SQL table like (update OnlineV3Admin.ParameterApp set popuptext = '' where ID = '1') and then read it for my Json WebService there is a /"x00" in my Json.

What is the best option to disable that? I need here a empty String and not /x00.

Any ideas?

Best regards,

Florian Hansmann

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I need to create a util function that loops thru every character in the data, execute a $ASCII() against it. If it falls outside the realm of extended ASCII we toss it.

the function should receive a string, execute a for...loop across it's length and use $ASCII to evaluate the character. Also the function should return an output argument that indicates if the string is UTF8 valid or not.

could anyone help me with this?

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0 267

I am getting the date 20201121090000 in the HL7 message, How do I convert it to 2020-11-21 09:00:00 in a easy way?

I am currently doing it by extracting the first 7 values and splitting as date and time and then adding a hyphen using substring.

Is there an easier way by using $ZDATE? or something like that?

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0 1.7K


I'm trying to access the categories configuration for the WorkMgr via COS, so I can be able to create new categories for our processes and this way try to overlock the limit of cores*2 workers. I've seen that last version of IRIS is supposed to have a menu on the portal (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > WQM Categories), but since we are in 2020.1 this doesn't exist.

Does anyone have experience with WQM.API to manage the categories, or the usage of ^%SYS("WQM") to set it directly?

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0 212

In Cache WIndows environment:

Trying to use the $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport to import XML File that has ClassMethods, no SQL Table, but it doesn't appear to be working. I can use this ClassMethod to create SQL Tables. The manual method I have been using is to go into Cache Management Portal, Classes, Import.

I create an XML file first, then run the following to import but get no errors. Any ideas?

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0 204


I need to read a UTF8 encoded text file and translate the content to 8-bit.

Using %File class and $ZCVT(TXT,"I","UTF8") works , but I see that if the content is larger than max string (32000) and we cut the content

To max string chunks, we can get a <translate> error if we cut it in the "wrong" point..

Is there a better way to do this task?

My code looks like this:

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I noticed when creating Record Map's within Ensemble that it is creating a Persistent cache table as it translates the file and puts it into the Record Map data structure.

I was wondering if there was a way to add a column to the cache table that is Hidden from the record map, but is a calculated date value on when that record was inserted?

0 4
0 196

I want to call some Java Remote Call through Java gateway. The call code as following:

class CallRemote Extends %CSP.REST {

Method Index() as %Status {


set gw = createJavaGateway()

Do callJavaMethod(gw)

do gw.%Disconnect()

Catch {




But Every call need connect to Java Gateway and disconnect it. But It's cost too high( about 80ms)

So, According to my Java experences, I need create some connection and put it into global static ConnectionPool

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0 184
· May 31, 2019
Indices Not Working

Forgive my lack of understanding, but I am working on a vendor created Cache database and the indexes specified in the classes for ODBC connections are not working. A few of them are created, but of the 50+ classes we have, only a handful of them are created when the class is compiled, yet no errors occur.

Example 1:

Example 2:

0 21
0 1K

Hi guys!!

In the system that I work, I came across an iterator pattern that uses the %Resultset library without performing the close after executing the query. Does anyone know how to say what are the impacts of not performing such a procedure?

If you have any model of iterator pattern made in caché to recommend as a good example, I will be grateful hehe :D

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0 287

Common macro def as following

#def AnyNumber(%args) for i=1:1:$listlength(%args) { Write $listget(%args, i)}

Using this marcro in objectscript code:

ClassMethod Test() as %Status {



if ths args is literal value , Iit worked great. But When I want pass Objects, It's not working


I know I can pass a %ListObjects , If I want more shorter Line. How can I do this.


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0 202
· Jun 19, 2017
Date Filtering Functionality

I have come across several cases where I need to set a Date filter to send only send any admit/scheduled date past a certain point. We have a couple different date comparison functions but none looking at the true date. Most of them are date + 15 or etc. Does anyone have a good date function they have written to say if x > 20170102 ?



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I have java language experence. If I need parse a binary tcp packet . like following format

encoded string and send it to peer by tcp

1byte msg type + 4 byte(unsigned int) + raw byte(body)

To parse this package , Some Java code like this:

byte[] data = new byte[1024];

Bytebuf buf = new ByteBuf(data)

byte type = buf.read()

int len = buf.ReadInt()

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0 293

I was able to define ECP connection in Installer class that I run when I build docker image for my Docker IRIS application. Now I start to use Amazon ECS and Autoscaling. When a new instance is created and it runs the IRIS container, I want it to "register" as an Application server on the remote database server. What code can I execute to add an ip address as an Application Server?

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