· Feb 8, 2022

VS Code: Moving Classes Between Namespaces

Is there a straightforward workflow in VS Code for moving a class from one namespace to another on the same server? With Caché/IRIS Studio, it was a (sort of) simple export/change namespace in file menu/import operation. But in VS Code it's not obvious (to me, at least). 

I can add multiple namespaces to a workspace, but when using isfs:// paths I see only a "Download" option and no "Upload" or "Import/Compile." When I'm navigating the local file tree, I see Import options, but no way to select the namespace into which I want to import.

I've worked around this by creating the package name on the isfs:// path as "folders," adding a file for the classname, then pasting the code from the source class to the new classname "file." I can then compile and get the end result I desire, but not quite in a way I find intuitive.

Product version: IRIS 2021.2
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@Brett Saviano ,

Apologies if I'm seeming a little dense here, but what's the relevance of CI/CD to the workflow I described? In my experience the need to move code from one work area to another has been fairly common, and while it's not a streamlined operation in IRIS Studio, it at least doesn't require editing configuration files.

I'm not talking about big projects here, just the sort of stuff you need to do in healthcare integration (custom business hosts, scheduled tasks, or utility methods used in business rules/DTLs).

Is VS Code simply the wrong tool for my needs? I use it for other projects and very much like it as an editor, so was hopeful it would be an effective replacement for IRIS Studio.