
We have created a dll with .Net that generates a MS Word document with a template. The .Net method works, we have tested it with Visual Studio and it generates the document.

But once we have created the dll and embebed it in Ensemble through the Wizard, when we try to execute the method that generates the document, it doesn't work. It doesn't throw us an error, it simply doesn't open the template.

We have seen that MS Word program is opened, but that's all.

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We are updating a C# module which creates consumes an OdbcConnection from System.Data.Odbc. This module used to create a DSN-less connection through the InterSystems Cache driver, and we are updating it to call the IRIS ODBC35 driver following migration of the target database.

The Cache connection was formed formatted as follows:

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When calling the below stored procedure using the management portal (Run Query) no data is being retrieve, but if it is directly executed management portal data will show.

"IN" does not work changing it to "=", "like" the stored procedure will work. Does any one know how to fix this ?

Pass values to code is 'AB','TS','SK','GM'

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I'm attempting to use the .NET Entity Framework provider that is provided by InterSystems (see: https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GBMP_eframe). In our environment, the "Support Delimited Identifiers" option is turned off and we are not allowed to turn it on without significant testing effort. When this setting is off, the SQL that is generated by the Entity Framework provider is not considered valid and therefore the provider doesn't work (it DOES work,

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Does developing a RESTful API in Caché remove the requirement to use the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll and generate proxy classes using the Caché Object Binding Wizard for .NET web development? If anyone has links to sample applications using .NET with Caché and REST Services, I would be grateful if you could share them.

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I am upgrading our application from dotNet Framework to dotNet Core.

Prior to the upgrade I was able to connect to both my Cache & IRIS instances using the IRIS ADO.NET driver.

However, in dotNet Core, whilst I can connect to IRIS, I get the following error connecting to Cache.

InterSystems IRIS Provider is not compatible with Cache xDBC server

I am using the IRIS driver from the Windows (x86-64) 2022.1 distribution (the one in dev\dotnet\bin\net5.0).

The cache version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2


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Microsoft Office has components for using in third party applications: COM Objects for C++ and Interop Assemblies for .Net programming.

Many Cache projects used to include calls to those libraries. However, recently this solution started being problematic.

There are two main reasons - legal and technical. Let’s check the details.

Microsoft technology support

Microsoft is supporting Office Automation only for desktop computing.

It shall not be used for server computing, as they offer Sharepoint for this scenario. Have a look here:

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We do have a production including a SOAP.OutboundAdapter that make a request to a .NET WCF Service. The response from that service vary in size. When it come to large one, we talk about maybe 8000 records (with 6-8 attributes per record) in xml, the adapter always give a timout. Even if we put a high number of seconds or set -1. After 1 1/2h still nothing get back. It's just standing there and waiting for ever.

Our .NET developer have look at it (on the WCF-service) and from ther point of view they say that it seems like Ensemle can't handle such big responses.

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video specially recorded by InterSystems Product Manager @Bob Kuszewski for the 3rd InterSystems Online Programming Contest on InterSystems IRIS Native API:

Using the IRIS Native API GitHub Template

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What’s the contest about?

In the last year, InterSystems added and expanded Native APIs for Java, .NET, Python, and Node.js. The Native API provides high speed access to globals, the ability to instantiate and use ObjectScript objects, and fine-grained control over transactions.

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· Feb 13, 2017
Connecting using factory

The following code in .Net using CacheObject.dll version 2016.1.2.206 com library

ConnectionString = "cn_iptcp:[1972]:PHDEMO:PHSYSADM:***********"

b = factory.Connect(ConnectionString )
objCacheObject = factory.Static("CacheObjectConnection")
clist = factory.GetConnectionList()

for the above code, b is true and clist is Local,cn_iptcp:[1972]:

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I'm trying to connect to one of our Ensemble servers Cache database from a C#-windows form . I'm running the client from my local computer with OS win7. Using .NET FW ver 4.5.2 in the client.

ODBC local setup using "InterSystems ODBC35"

In this ODBC konfigurationview i can put my userID and password and try a testconnect (or ping). And that run successful.

However, we don't want to leave credentials in the ODBC-configuration it self (open up for anybody to use the source) but instead send it from the klients.

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While I can query the HL7 message class EnsLib.HL7.Message (EnsLib_HL7.Message for SQL) to my heart's content in the SQL Shell or the Management Portal's SQL page, I can't seem to SELECT anything other than ID/%Id from an ADO/ODBC client. Properties such as TimeCreated, Name, MessageTypeCategory, etc. all seem to prevent the query from ever completing EXCEPT when I provide the ID as part of the WHERE criteria.

This works fine in the Management Portal and Shell:

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I have SQLCompute with SQLComputeCode on a couple of Properties in my class.

These work fin when I insert/update via ObjectScript or SQL from the ManagementPortal.

However, if I insert (create new record) via my C# app using the Caché ODBC DLL the SQLCompute is ignored, it does not run.

Is this expected InterSystems Caché behaviour? We are on latest IRIS platform.

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I ran the below query in three different modes. Coordinated Universal Time is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time so there is difference in value from column 1 and column 2 in ODBC, Display mode, but not in Logical Mode. By default the query executes in ODBC mode when we query the data from outside world(via ODBC connection).

I don't know why query 2 and query 3 outputs different from query 1.

Query 1. Ran in Logical mode, DATEPART() took in memory stored timestamp data(stored in UTC)

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At LifeLabs, we are focused on our vision of building a healthier Canada! We are the largest community diagnostics laboratory in Canada with over 350 collection centers, 21 laboratories and service over 19 million patients each year. As the Software developer, you will be concerned with all facets of the software development process. You will be responsible for the design of application modules, maintain and deploy software applications to meet user and business needs.

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