Cubic Spline and 5 PL curve fit and data reduction
Has anyone used Cache \ DeepSee for graphical curve fitting and data reduction using Cubic Spline and/or 5 PL for complex curve fitting
Has anyone used Cache \ DeepSee for graphical curve fitting and data reduction using Cubic Spline and/or 5 PL for complex curve fitting
Hi Alex, for an unlimited tooling consider trying ML Toolkit (Python Gateway and R Gateway). These extensions enable usage of Python and R in-IRIS (terminal, COS classes, Ensemble BPLs). The results obtained via Python and R (can be combined in one class/BPL) are written to a Caché table and can be visualized using DeepSee (as a Dashboard or as a graphical image formed in Python/R). Like this one, for example:
The BPL that generates the above example (please, note that the particular step is implemented in R while the surrounding steps are in Python):