I have created person.csp in my namespace using studio and view->webpage then web page opened in below url


I have crated new web application as /csp/test. only change is selected unauthenticated


it should open same webpage , but showing "Invalid Action"

please help me what should i do.

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0 461

Hi Dev Community,

I have a persistent Document class that has a FileName string property and another Question class that has an optional one-to-many relationship with Document.

I'm trying to add a SqlComputed property to the Question class (docFileName) where docFileName = Document.FileName if there is a related Document or an empty string if there isn't one.

I'd prefer the property to be SqlComputed so that if Question.Document changes, Question.docFileName will automatically update.

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0 452

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this question, but I am struggling to setup TLS security for our IRIS Management Portal and etc. through Apache and the Web Gateway. I have a couple of questions when it comes to the setup.

  • if I build a private key and certificate within Red Hat, does that certificate have to be on everyone's pc to connect to the Management Portal?
  • Can I use a self signed Certificate?
  • Can I use the existing CA on the server, or do I need to work with my Data Security team to get a Certificate?
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0 462
· Oct 8, 2021
Code Golf: Just add water...

Have you ever seen those vaccum compressed towels, that look like a pill and after you add water became a towel?

That's our challenge for today. As usual shortest solution wins.


You will receive an integer number and you will return a new number where each digit is repeated a number of times equals to its value.






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0 452
· Jun 22, 2023 1m read
Countermeasures against SQL injection

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Countermeasures against SQL injection have been published on various websites, but we believe that it is possible to prevent SQL injection in applications using InterSystems SQL as well as other RDBMS by implementing these countermeasures appropriately. In addition, InterSystems Data Platform (hereinafter referred to as IRIS) incorporates several measures that make SQL injection more difficult than general RDBMS.

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0 462


We are in the process of upgrading to 2023.1 for InterSystems Health Connect, and the Business Rule Engine editor is very difficult to use compared to 2022.1. It's difficult to scan over the rules as it all looks the same style with barely any distinction between rules, constraints, conditions, whens etc. There's also tonnes of whitespace, and searching on the page is hit and miss (using Ctrl + F) . I can see the previous editor is still available when you modify the URL, but I'm wondering if we can set it to be the default editor, and if this is something supported.

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1 454

Is there a way to get dynamic object from iterator?

set arr=[1,2,3]
set iter=arr.%GetIterator()

I pass iterator several frames down and I'd rather avoid passing both the array and iterator, but for debugging I need to access original object in a situation where only iterator is available.

Is there a way to do it?

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0 456

Sometimes we need to know for sure if the current environment has sufficient cores, memory, and bandwidth to support the planned number of users and such SLAs as latency, response time, and availability. This is true for databases and backends. This is why it is mandatory for critical applications and databases to simulate the users simultaneous/concurrent requests and collect metrics about performance and availability.

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2 460

Hi Developers!

This is the second post on the resources for Developers. This part is about Open Exchange

Using Open Exchange to Learn InterSystems

InterSystems Open Exchange is a applications gallery of tools, connectors, and libraries which InterSystems Developers submit to share the experience, approaches and do business. All the applications are either built with InterSystems data platforms or are intended to use for development with InterSystems data platforms.

If you are a beginner developer you can take a look at applications in Technology Example category. All the applications in this category come with open source code repositories, so you are able to run the samples and examples in a docker container with IRIS on your laptop or in the cloud IRIS sandbox. Examples:

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0 379
· Apr 16, 2023 4m read
Tuples ahead


Cross-Skilling from IRIS objectScript to Python it becomes clear there are some fascinating differences in syntax.

One of these areas was how Python returns Tuples from a method with automatic unpacking.

Effectively this presents as a method that returns multiple values. What an awesome invention :)

out1, out2 = some_function(in1, in2)

ObjectScript has an alternative approach with ByRef and Output parameters.

Do ##class(some_class).SomeMethod(.inAndOut1, in2, .out2)


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0 459

I got an error that occurs inside %CSP.Broker. That class is located inside %SYS namespace.

I tried lot of things (including checking system logs) but ultimately what would really help would be to be able to modify that class to add my own logs into it.

If I try to modify it, I got this error message:

Item '%CSP.Broker' is mapped from a database that you do no have write permissions on.

0 5
0 454

Hi there,

Does anyone have an example of the method used to run an SQL query and generate the view in a Mumps routine. I have several SQL queries created from a vendor that need to be converted and the corresponding view referenced. I cannot seem to find any examples in IDX routines or in the IRIS/Cache documentation. Any help is appreciated.


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0 453

Since some months ago we automatized source code analysis for projects on Github, so anyone with an open source project can have its code analyzed with no cost.

You only need to create the file ".github/workflows/objectscript-quality.yml" in your project with following contents:

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1 358


When wanting to use VS-Code for server-side editing.. - In VS-code I can right click on a server item (eg a class) to see a set of menu options including 'Server Source Control... ' and 'Server Command Menu...' at the bottom.

I noticed that these options are somewhat connected to my server-side source control hooks class that inherits from %Studio.SourceControl.Base, however, I am seeing different behavior between my custom subclass of this, and, the provided %Atelier.SourceControl subclass.

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0 457
· Aug 21, 2019 2m read

Hello everyone,
After some work with IRIS we want to share our ToolBox-4-Iris with you.

What is this about?

The ToolBox-4-Iris is an API for IRIS with a collection of handy and useful tools - features that are not available in IRIS, but greatly simplify application development. To save time and effort on the "typical tools" that every developer needs. This includes additional classes, individual methods or even more efficient macros, which are described in the respective packages.


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