Hi All,

I'm having a strange issue where doing a .setValue on a ZEN datacombo is updating it with the value as-is, not the corresponding display value. Eg, if I connected it to query that returns two columns: ID,Name, and do a setValue(ID), I would expect the text in the datacombo to update showing Name. Instead it updates show ID, which I only want to use internally.

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· Nov 5, 2021
ERROR #9406

I'm trying to send a POST request to my REST API and I'm getting this error and most likely due the lack of experience, I have no idea how to fix this issue:

"error": "ERROR #9406: Unexpected format for value of field, AlertText, using class base mapping",

"id": "JSONImportError",

"params": [


"class base"


Am I missing something from my string definition?

Defined below as:

0 4
0 337

I'm in a tricky situation where a new required property is being added to a class, along with an index on it. The existing data has nulls, so the index build fails. I can't run a query to update the rows where there are nulls, because it tries to use the index, which hasn't been built yet.

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0 214


We are connecting to our client's Intersys database with python3.8 on our Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, we are having trouble gettin the intersys.pythonbind module to work.

We are able to install the intersystems_irispython-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl but, when we try to run the code we always get:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./get_well_life.py", line 4, in <module>

import intersys.pythonbind

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'intersys'

Please could you tell us what may be going wrong?

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0 445

I want to INSERT a record in a database using JDBC in OBJECTSCRIPT. At the same time, I want to obtain the insert ID. Is there a way to achieve this using the SQL Outbound adapter?

My code is something like this now:

Property Adapter As EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter;

set sql = " INSERT INTO Prenotazioni_CUP "_
" (ID, cf
" VALUES (SEQTAB.NextVal, ?) "
set status = ..Adapter.ExecuteUpdate(.rs, sql, pRequest.cfAssistito)

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0 364

Hi guys,

My client has a requirement to add a column of random numbers to the query result.

I wrote a function as below:

Class Utils.SqlUtility Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod GetSomeNumber(intInput As %Integer) As %Integer [ SqlName = GetNumber, SqlProc ]
Return $R(intInput)


But in the returned sql result, every row share the same value, as below,

SELECT Utils.GetNumber('456'),
ID, Citizenship, DOB, FirstName, Gender, IDNumber, LastName, PatientNumber, PhoneNumber
FROM CDR.Patient

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0 895


We have ODBC 32bit Encryption working on our database with a SSLDEFs.ini file. However 64 bit ODBC Encryption will not work and give generic error, same error if the ini file is not there for 32BIT.

We have copied the ini file to the 64bit folder? Any ideas please?


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0 294
· Nov 1, 2021
Globals export exclusion

Hello everyone,
I'd like to export Ensemble globals, but without Ensemble messages, this way:

^^database>s list("Ens*.gbl,'Ens.Message*.gbl")=""
^^database>write $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export(.list, "/tmp/globals.xml")

Documentation says that it could be done by adding an apostrophe, but it doesn't work for me - all Ens* globals are still exported.
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

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· Oct 26, 2021
Parse ACK msgs sample

Hello - basic question. Looking for sample code to parse inbound ACK messages. Messages are coming in a SOAP envelope. The ACKs will have MSH/MSA/ERR segments (other segments for QBP messages down the road). Looking at common, established way(s) to parse the messages HS would be a great help to get started on this. Thanks in advance.

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0 204

In specifying a "WHEN" condition statement, I don't seem to be able call a function directly from this declaration, as the generator seems to get confused

In the graphical editor:



In the DTL directly:

<when condition="(%request.GetValue(&quot;MRN&quot;))=123453)">

<when condition="(%request.GetValue&#40;&quot;MRN&quot;&#41;)=123453)">

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1 268

I have a workstation with a CACHE instance up and running.

On that same workstation there is also an instance of IRIS (fresh install). I would like to migrate manually the CACHE database to IRIS (ideally, all globals, routines and classes).

What I tried is to copy C:\InterSystems\Cache\mgr\CACHE.DAT to C:\InterSystems\IRIS\mgr\IRIS.DAT (after shutting down both instances) but it does not work.

I got the following message : (112) The service for the IRIS instance did not start.

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2 951
· Aug 11, 2020
JDBC Gateway Server

Hello all,

I'm trying to setup the JDBC Gateway Server so customers can connect to IRIS remotely using JDBC and not ODBC. But I'm facing a problem connecting, as our system department tells me IRIS is using the loopback address ( and that makes remote systems cannot connect to port 53773 (the default port for that).

So, I would like to change this host for the hostname but I cannot see where to do it:

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0 1.3K

Hello, I need to use IRIS to connect to an MSSQL base.
It has to be done via ODBC, I can't use JDBC at this time by client option.

I am trying to use Microsoft Driver

But I can't, my attempts result in:
Connection failed.
SQLState: () NativeError: [11001] Message:

I have done all DSN configuration, and my configuration is listed in SQL Gateway Connections. I know it's working, because when I run a test with isql I have the information that connects to the bank.

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0 734

I have an issue where a Windows Reserved word, in my case CON, is causing an error when used as part of a JSON Get operation. In this case CON is the user identifier (the full identifier is CON.SURNAME) of a person and I am trying to read the employee record using a web service provided by the payroll system.

Is there a way I can get around this, some sort of encoding that would enable the inclusion of this identifier. I can't just change the identifier has it is used extensively across systems.

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