
I try to initialize some properties of a %DynamicObject during his creation.

I Try to use InitialExpression this way :

Property refDate As %Date [InitialExpression = $piece($horolog,",",1)];

But it doesn't compile

I don't found if %DynamicObject can have a constructor to initialize properties by a calculated value, like other languages.

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When I do $TRACE("message") I can see the message on the message viewer. However, I don't know where to find messages generated from $$$sysTRACE, and I haven't found anything about it in the documentation.

Do you know where I can find it?

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What changes are to be made while customizing a FHIR server package when adding a new field. As provided in the documentation, we have a sample JSON package of favorite color and it is added in the table, but when we are adding a new field 'Insurance', it does not imports the package and says package already exists. We have three files of JSON

1) Package.JSON

2) SearchParameter.JSON

3) StructureDefination.JSON

What should we have to change for adding new field.

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· May 24 15m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in GCP, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

The main issue, when deploying to GCP, is that an IRIS VIP has a requirement of IRIS being essentially a network admin, per the docs.

To get HA, IRIS mirror members must be deployed to different availability zones in one subnet (which is possible in GCP as subnets always span the entire region). One of the solutions might be load balancers, but they, of course, cost extra, and you need to administrate them.

In this article, I would like to provide a way to configure a Mirror VIP without using Load Balancers suggested in most other GCP reference architectures.

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Hey Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Working with InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL

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Hi guys,

I need to check my HTTPS POST REQUEST, in order to do this I try to catch it by using wireshark.

I can't see anything because of the encryption.

I try unsuccefully to use the SSLKEYLOGFILE key (windows 11), but the generated file did not increase when I trigger my code OR postman, it grows only by the action of the web browser.

My question is so simple :

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Hi Developers,

Join us at the upcoming Developer Roundtable on April 25th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET. 📍
We will have 2 topics covered by the invited experts and open discussion as always.

Tech Talks:
Practical Usage of Embedded Python - by Stefan Wittmann Product Manager, InterSystems


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0 143

I am trying to extract GMHeap, Locksiz values form Config.config using python (imported irisnative for Python) but the below python progam is not returning any value. Please suggest if i am doing any mistake -

Also, plese suggest how i can set values for GMHeap and Locksiz to a different value through Python.

import irisnative

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Why to use it

This app offers an easy interface to analyze storage:

  • Filter by database (namespace), global name, used size, or allocated size;
  • View a sum of the used and allocated sizes for the filters applied;
  • Export the table to JSON, CSV, or XML.

How to use it

Follow the instructions on the README file from the GitHub repository, and configure the settings to connect to your instance.

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First of all thanks for your time reading this doubt.

We have discovered the following behaviour. Inside a Router we have a roule which needs to filter out the ADT_A08 messages which have not OBXs.

The legacy system had this rule implemented:


However we have tested it and it does not filter out the ADT_A08 messages.

0 5
0 156

Hi community,

We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.

The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.

My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.

I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.

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0 158

Hello everyone,

I'm currently conducting tests using the docker image intersystemsdc/irishealth-ml-community:latest. I'm accessing the Linux terminal and attempting to utilize the superuser functions, but I'm encountering an issue with the password. Could someone assist me, please?

Best Regards,

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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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If you are a customer of the new InterSystems IRIS® Cloud SQL and InterSystems IRIS® Cloud IntegratedML® cloud offerings and want access to the metrics of your deployments and send them to your own Observability platform, here is a quick and dirty way to get it done by sending the metrics to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring (formerly StackDriver).

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· Oct 15, 2023
MIRROR for Embedded Python ?

MIRROR is the best solution for almost immediate replications to a Failover Server.
The related mechanics are based on Global Journaling.

Globals hold Data and Classes and Routines and more ...
If Mirroring is in place all is in sync. With minimum delays
This is of course rather useful for code changes in Classes, Routines, ....

To what extent is Embedded Python covered by Mirroring?
What is required to Synchronize EmbeddedPython like Mirroring.

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· Aug 21, 2023
AWS Batch

Has anyone tried AWS Batch with InterSystems IRIS docker images?

I have a noninteractive workload (but it requires internet access from the job to deliver results), so I'm considering using it as a simpler alternative to ECS since Fargate backs both, and that's enough for my use case.

I wonder if anyone tried and cares to share the results, issues, cfn templates.

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Wanted to share something I learned recently while working on a problem. We needed to add and change some Business Hosts in one of our edge productions.

In the past, we simply added the production class to CCR and then spreading it around. But there was a problem because different developers were working on different things, and we only wanted to include only the relevent production changes onto the CCR.

Here's a little piece of code that can help add new things to an existing production:

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I don't have a current project where I am needing to create a new operation that uses SOAP at the moment but as someone who still has some SOAP connections in her Production, I was curious if VSCode had an equivalent to the SOAP Wizard that helped create all of the SOAP classes needed based on the provided WSDL? Does anyone know? Or has this become a manual process?

Thanks in advance for help curbing my curiosity!

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