InterSystems is pleased to announce a new Developer Download site providing full kit versions of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS for Health Community Edition. These are available free of charge for application development use.

You can download directly from the InterSystems Developer Community by selecting Download InterSystems IRIS.

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What is a Foundation Production and what does it do?

We are currently on HealthShare Health Connect 15.03 and we are starting the process of moving to HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.

The 2019.1 Installation Guide is pretty clear that it is essential, but I'm having trouble working out exactly what it does?

Leading on from this is what should I call it?

From the installation guide:

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Hi all, New user here. I have an instance of Google Cloud Iris Health Community Edition running and am logged in on terminal. I follow the instructions for Google Cloud IRIS Health Community Edition. How do I get to iris? iris status yields nothing, there is no /bin/iris and sudo docker ps -a shows no containers but there probably is a iris container somewhere on the instance? 'Visit the site' yields ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

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The following steps show you how to display a sample list of metrics available from the /api/monitor service.

In the last post, I gave an overview of the service that exposes IRIS metrics in Prometheus format. The post shows how to set up and run IRIS preview release 2019.4 in a container and then list the metrics.

This post assumes you have Docker installed. If not, go and do that now for your platform :)

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· Apr 9, 2019 3m read
IRIS/Ensemble as an ETL

IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.

But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.

To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.


Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.

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I am getting this with %RCHANGE:


This routine changes all occurrences of a string in
routines/include files.

1. Change every: Cache to: IRIS
2. Change every:

Routine(s): %*

Then I get these types of messages:

This routine is mapped to another database, are you sure you want to change it??


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Hello All.

In need of some help.

We are currently migrating Interfaces from JCAPS to HealthConnect 19.1 and have done a lot of work on our Dev server. I am looking to copy/export this work over to the Test server and have managed to export the production and Rules, HL7 custom Schemas etc. The only thing left now are the Data Transformations but so far I can only find ways of copying the transformations over individually. Is there some way to copy all of the transformations we have produced in our namespace to another server in one go?


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I am sending a PUT FHIR message for a CodeSystem Resource using the defailt Service and server that was installed when I installed the FHIR on the NameSpace.

When I try to use the FHIR Request "id" property it is empty; e.g. is EMPTY. I really need to get this value, how can I get it?

I added a trace ion both the HS.FHIR.Service and HS.FHIR.Server.Process, details to follow:

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Loading your IRIS Data to your Google Cloud Big Query Data Warehouse and keeping it current can be a hassle with bulky Commercial Third Party Off The Shelf ETL platforms, but made dead simple using the iris2bq utility.

Let's say IRIS is contributing to workload for a Hospital system, routing DICOM images, ingesting HL7 messages, posting FHIR resources, or pushing CCDA's to next provider in a transition of care. Natively, IRIS persists these objects in various stages of the pipeline via the nature of the business processes and anything you included along the way. Lets send that up to Google Big Query to augment and compliment the rest of our Data Warehouse data and ETL (Extract Transform Load) or ELT (Extract Load Transform) to our hearts desire.

A reference architecture diagram may be worth a thousand words, but 3 bullet points may work out a little bit better:

  • It exports the data from IRIS into DataFrames
  • It saves them into GCS as .avro to keep the schema along the data: this will avoid to specify/create the BigQuery table schema beforehands.
  • It starts BigQuery jobs to import those .avro into the respective BigQuery tables you specify.

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The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud provides a broad set of infrastructure services, such as compute resources, storage options, and networking that are delivered as a utility: on-demand, available in seconds, with pay-as-you-go pricing. New services can be provisioned quickly, without upfront capital expense. This allows enterprises, start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses, and customers in the public sector to access the building blocks they need to respond quickly to changing business requirements.

Updated: 10-Jan, 2023

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Hi I am getting this message for some databases but not for others: This database is mounted as read-only due to 'Failed to access iris.lck file'! and not for others on Google Cloud community non-health edition.

For example this default database displays the message: Name IRISLIB Directory /usr/irissys/mgr/irislib/

But this default database does not: Name IRISSYS Directory /ISC/dur/mgr/

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I need to add some extensions to the HS.FHIR.vSTU3,Model.Resource.Patient class and then use those extensions to convert incoming FHIR JSON to the FHIR Patient Resource and Likewise add functionality to create A FHIR Patient (target class) from my patient database into the FHIR Patient Resource Object (target class)

many months ago I found a tutorial that explained all of this but can no longer find that tutorial.


Nigel Salm

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Hi Community,

New session recording from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Performing Analytics on FHIR Data
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Released with no formal announcement in IRIS preview release 2019.4 is the /api/monitor service exposing IRIS metrics in Prometheus format. Big news for anyone wanting to use IRIS metrics as part of their monitoring and alerting solution. The API is a component of the new IRIS System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) solution that will be released in an upcoming version of IRIS.

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· Oct 15, 2019
Graphql API using Fhir


I am new to fhir framework, I have searched articles to write graphql API using FHIR i did not get any proper tutorial for this. I need to find better tutorial or articles for this. I have written API using graphql, typescript with mongodb. Can some one tell why we need resourcetype, identifier in fhir.

Also i have tried github code based on fhir using javascript. The source code i got from "" here i tried to save patient informations

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