
I'm using CircleCI to spin up the image `store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2021.2.0.649.0`.

When building the application we are getting messages that say:

ERROR #5373: Class 'EnsLib.HL7.Message', used by 'Package.Class', does not exist
Skip class Package.Class

Other missing classes seem to include, but not limited to:


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0 345


We have a global with 65 million entries. All we are doing is just iterating through each entry to find out the total no of entries. It is currently taking 110 minutes. Is this something normal? What can we do to speed up this process? Below is the program for just iterating each entry in the global.

s sub=" ,count=0
s sub=$o(^YYY(sub)) q:sub=""
s count= count +1
w!, "Total Count:"_ count

3 19
1 422


An exception occurs randomly.
I expect the value of ^TEST to be 20, but it's not.
Did i miss something like closing, flush the stream or locking the global?




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Say I have an ObjectScript object called Book. It has 2 properties title and author. It extends JSON.%Adaptor, so I can call book.%JSONExport() and get this output:

{ "title": "For Whom the Bell Tolls", "author": "Hemmingway" }

In my web service I want to have a search function that returns an array of Books along with the total number of responses, like this:

0 13
0 1.6K
· Aug 2, 2020
Kafka Java Host

I'm trying to produce Kafka Message to Topic using Java Objects. I have build Business operation and Jar file and trying to execute. I'm getting following exception

Terminating Job 8316 / 'IrisKafkaProducer' with Status = ERROR #5046: Error executing java command 'init() returned: "ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("java.sql.SQLException: [InterSystems IRIS JDBC] Communication link failure: Access Denied")"'. Java may not be installed correctly on your system., %QuitTask=

Getting following trace at Audit Database

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0 459

Hi all, New user here. I have an instance of Google Cloud Iris Health Community Edition running and am logged in on terminal. I follow the instructions for Google Cloud IRIS Health Community Edition. How do I get to iris? iris status yields nothing, there is no /bin/iris and sudo docker ps -a shows no containers but there probably is a iris container somewhere on the instance? 'Visit the site' yields ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

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0 337

I have successfully created REST service classes on my local IRIS server following this book: Using the /api/mgmnt/ Service | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.2

I am now 1) trying to edit impl.cls in VS Code and 2) export it to my local repo so I can push to the remote repo.

When I click on my project in VS Code and 'Add to project' and choose the new package, spec.cls and impl.cls, I get the following error:

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What is a Foundation Production and what does it do?

We are currently on HealthShare Health Connect 15.03 and we are starting the process of moving to HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.

The 2019.1 Installation Guide is pretty clear that it is essential, but I'm having trouble working out exactly what it does?

Leading on from this is what should I call it?

From the installation guide:

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0 811

Is there a way to compare the content of two variables/ lists and if they share a common element/ value return 1?

Example the two below both have "Yellow":

Set y = "Red, Green, Orange, Yellow"

Set x = "Purple, Black, Yellow, Pink"

The lists I am working with have over 30 elements/values that vary so it is difficult to hard code it to say look for "Yellow".

0 12
0 149

For a REST application, when a user connects, I have to write a message in an application log.
The login is processed by the /login routine by default.

How can I add a process to the login process?
Is there a callback ?
Should I create a login method in my class that extends %CSP.REST ?
I'm not sure and can't find information in the documentation ?

I try this (not working) :


<Route Url="/lists" Method="GET" Call="GetLists" />

<Route Url="/me" Method="GET" Call="GetUserInformations" />

0 11
0 145

Hi, I was wondering if anyone already dealt with this issue:
"System has been suspended for over X seconds, exceeding the maximum duration specified. Allowing system activity to resume. Any ongoing backup has presumably failed. Next InterSystems IRIS backup must be a full one"

our backup system "Commvault" is automatic, how do you tell it once you get this message that the next backup should be full?



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0 161

Quite a complex scenario we are trying to solve but should be able to understand.

We're developing a task executer that runs on a server with a certain timezone.

The tasks run every day at a defined time, but in different timezones.

We're saving in database at what time we want to execute the task, and in what timezone (don't go to the save in UTC pitfall, as with DST it will be at different times)

What I want to do if when opening a task from the database, convert 02:00 Europe/Madrid, either to UTC or to local (server) time.

0 11
0 531

Hi All, We have been using DeepSee which has been the integrated Analytic Dashboard built over Cache Cubes. It works fine but it's visual capabilities are limited and most probably is getting phased out. If I am not wrong, Tableau is the suggested alternative to DeepSee . It is expensive and a big and considerable shift from existing technology I wanted to get an opinion of the community as to these few key points - What other BI tools others have been using with IRIS and what have been their experience - For which tools are the best inbuilt support / api's avaialble in IRIS

2 10
0 519


I am writing a POST API using IRIS. My POST API Endpoint invokes a Business Service -> Business Process -> Business Operation in an IRIS production .

I am trying to import the JSON payload into a JSON enabled class and work with the JSON class in my Business Process and invoke different Business operation(s) based on the data supplied. This works fine for simpler JSON schemas.

The POST API I am writing now needs to handle a complex schema. I.e. one of the Item on my JSON schema ("recipient") can be an array of "anyof" 5 different schemas.


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0 626

Now I want to return a large amount of data to the front end. The string length has reached 40000 +, and the returned data needs to be encrypted by AES + Base64. I can convert the string into a stream. AES can use the AESCBCEncryptStream method to encrypt, but Base64 has no stream method。Anyone who get the solution would you kindly share the solution please。

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

1 10
0 13.2K

Hello All,

I am just wondering if there is any inbuilt function or utility available in IRIS to clean up "null" elements from JSON e.g. I want to remove "null" elements from payload below before I do any processing with it.


recipients: [

{ "name":"Utsavi", "email":"utsavi@gmail.com"},

{ "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":"utsavi1@gmail.com"},

null, null


content:[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]


Thanks & Regards,

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0 570

I am looking for any pointers on how Intersystems IRIS Health can monitor a filesystem/Folder that user/s /applications can drop in CSV files via FTP and load the file to the IRIS DB . I understand that I will need create a record map for the CSV files, I am looking for any configuration references on how how to process files using file inbound adapters with the intent to pick up the CSV file as they are dropped in the target location and pass it to a Business process and ingest into the IRIS database

Any help would be greatly appreciated ...

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