· Jun 30, 2020 3m read
Replicating Audit Log Near Real Time
Many organisations implement centralised log management systems to separate and centralise the log data in order to e.g. automate threat detection (and response) and to comply with regulatory requirements. The primary systems of interest are the various user facing applications, but increasingly also other kinds of systems including integration platforms.
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This article aims to explore how the FHIR-PEX system operates and was developed, leveraging the capabilities of InterSystems IRIS.

Streamlining the identification and processing of medical examinations in clinical diagnostic centers, our system aims to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare workflows. By integrating FHIR standards with InterSystems IRIS database Java-PEX, the system help healthcare professionals with validation and routing capabilities, ultimately contributing to improved decision-making and patient care.

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The motivation behind the InterLang project is rooted in the innovative integration of LangChain chatbot agents with the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) framework to revolutionize conversational social prescriptions in healthcare. This project aims to leverage the rich and standardized data available through FHIR, an emerging standard in healthcare data exchange, to inform and empower these advanced chatbot agents.

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In our previous post, we discussed the motivation for developing a chatbot agent with access to FHIR resources. In this post, we will dive into the high-level design aspects of integrating a Streamlit-based chat interface with a Java SpringBoot backend, and enabling a LangChain agent with access to FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) via APIs.

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· Feb 1, 2023 17m read
OpenAPI Suite - Part 1

Hi Community,

I would like to present my last package OpenAPI-Suite, this is a set of tools to generate ObjectScript code from an OpenAPI specification version 3.0. In short, these packages allow to:

  • Generate server-side class. It’s pretty similar to the generated code by ^%REST but the added value is the version 3.0 support.
  • Generate HTTP client classes.
  • Generate client production (business services, business operation, business process, Ens.Request, Ens.Response) classes.
  • A web interface to generate and download the code or generate and compile directly on the server.
  • Convert specification from version 1.x, 2.x to version 3.0.

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If you work with Productions, highlighting connections between Business Hosts is a very convenient feature, allowing developers to get a visual representation of a data flow.

This feature works by default with all system Business Hosts. If a user writes their own Business Services, Processes, or Operations, they must implement the OnGetConnections method for this functionality to work with their custom Business Hosts (or use Ens.DataType.ConfigName properties for connections).
That said, the SMP shows only the first layer of connections of the selected Business Host. Sometimes, we need to get connections of connections recursively to build a complete data flow graph. Or we might need this connection information to check which downstream systems might be affected by a change upstream.

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Wanted to share something I learned recently while working on a problem. We needed to add and change some Business Hosts in one of our edge productions.

In the past, we simply added the production class to CCR and then spreading it around. But there was a problem because different developers were working on different things, and we only wanted to include only the relevent production changes onto the CCR.

Here's a little piece of code that can help add new things to an existing production:

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When creating custom Business Hosts, it's often necessary to add properties to the class for additional settings that will be used in the initialization or operation of the host. The property name itself isn't always very descriptive, so it's an advantage to have a custom caption display with the field.

In Caché, it was fairly straightforward:

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In response to a community question asking to view Request and Response message types in Production settings..

A community helper class was implemented should people need this. ( alwo.EnsHelper.HostRequestResponseInfo )


zpm install alwo-enshelper

The code may serve as an example, to project bespoke configuration into Production settings.

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In a fast-paced clinical environment, where quick decision-making is crucial, the lack of streamlined document storage and access systems poses several obstacles. While storage solutions for documents exist (e.g, FHIR), accessing and effectively searching for specific patient data within those documents meaningfully can be a significant challenge.

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Hi Community!

Just want to share with you an exercise I made to create "my own" chat with GPT in Telegram.

It became possible because of two components on Open Exchange: Telegram Adapter by @Nikolay Solovyev and IRIS Open-AI by @Kurro Lopez

So with this example you can setup your own chat with ChatGPT in Telegram.

Let's see how to make it work!

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Recently I needed to restore a version of a production class, which was overwritten by compilation and running UpdateProduction. As the correct version was unavailable in the source control, I used journals to restore the data. Journals store a plethora of information about what's happening in the system and are quite a powerful tool. This article explains how to work with journals to extract the data you require.

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I'm proud to announce the new release of iris-pex-embedded-python (v2.3.1) with a new command line interface.

This command line is called iop for Interoperability On Python.

First I would like to present in few words the project the main changes since the version 1.

A breif history of the project

Version 1.0 was a proof of concept to show how the interoperability framework of IRIS can be used with a python first approach while remaining compatible with any existing ObjectScript code.

What does it mean? It means that any python developer can use the IRIS interoperability framework without any knowledge of ObjectScript.

Example :

from grongier.pex import BusinessOperation

class MyBusinessOperation(BusinessOperation):

    def on_message(self, request):"Received request")

Great, isn't it?

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· May 23, 2023 1m read
Production settings

When developing interoperability productions, it might be useful to have settings outside of a Business Host. The primary reason is when you need a setting to affect several different Business Hosts and want to guarantee that the value is the same. While System Default Settings can be used to propagate settings for Business Hosts, they can be changed by overriding the value on a BH level (although the advantage of Business Host settings set via SDS is that they don't need custom code which our current approach requires).
Another reason is when you need to affect non-setting parts of the Business Host configuration (PoolSize, Enabled, etc.)

We will be adding an env setting to a production.

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· Aug 25, 2022 8m read
Transform custom healthcare messages to SDA

EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems are modeled in a proprietary format/structure and are not based on market models such as FHIR or HL7. Some of these systems can interoperate data in a proprietary format for FHIR and other market models, but others can not. InterSystems has two platforms that can interoperate proprietary formats for market ones: InterSystems HealthShare Connect and InterSystems IRIS for Health.

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Hi Developers!

As you know InterSystems IRIS Interoperability solutions contain different elements of the solution, such as: production, business rule, business process, data transformation, record mapper. And sometimes we can create and modify these elements with UI tools. And of course we need a handy and robust way to source-control the changes made with UI tools.

For a long time this was a manual (export class, element, global, etc) or cumbersome settings procedure, so the saved time with source-control UI automation was competing with lost time to setup and maintain the settings.

Now the problem doesn't exist any more. With two approaches: package first development and usage of IPM package git-source-control by @Timothy Leavitt

Meme Creator - Funny WOW IT REALLY WORKS Meme Generator at!

The details are below!

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I'm always on the lookout for tools that make the development and testing of my interfaces more efficient. A couple of years ago I came across HL7 Spy, from Inner Harbour Software. It quickly became my go-to tool for running message comparison reports for interface engine migrations, message statistics gathering, and troubleshooting message receipt and delivery. It also offered enhanced functionality for things like fetching messages via sftp that other tools don't provide.

I've recently been working with HL7 Spy's author, Jon Reis, to enable support for fetching messages directly from the Ensemble message store. Its SQL Loader feature now has native Caché/IRIS support, and I've contributed a small server-side class to support the extraction of messages using it.

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We start this new article refreshing what we did in the previous EMPI configuration articles:

  • Installation in Standalone mode the Patient Index on a HealthShare instance.
  • Configuration of basic parameters to start working with the EMPI.
  • Definition of indexes and weights for NICE process.

Very well, we are practically ready to start rolling our EMPI. We only have one detail left, to start the production created by the installation to be able to start working.

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Welcome community members to a new article! this time we are going to test the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to work with DICOM files.

Let's go to configure a short workshop using Docker. You'll find at the end of the article the URL to access to GitHub if you want to make it run in your own computer.

Previously to any configuration we are going to explain what is DICOM:

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In the previous article we have reviewed how to install our EMPI in standalone, so we are ready to start the basic configuration of our EMPI.

First of all we have to do an initial basic configuration, we can access to the configuration from the Configuration menu of our Registry.

Selecting that option will allow to us to edit the basic configuration table of the Registry:

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Hi community! I would like to show you how to install and configure one of the HealthShare products, the Enterprise Master Patient Index or EMPI.

The EMPI provides to any organization a master patient index to identify each patient of the organization univocally. You can find more information about the EMPI in the following URL:

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