
I need to develop a HL7 Q22/K22 query/response mechanism for a NHS Trust I am working for, but I do not know how to handle the message continuation.

Can any one give me any advise on this and/or point me in the direction of any documentation on the subject?


Neil Thaiss

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We are using IRIS, and have some systems that we send data to that cannot accept messages with certain fields larger than a particular size.

Is there any way to utilize the schema to truncate any fields that are larger than the entered data?

I've tried just setting the max lengths and doing the transform, but it puts in the entire string, and can't find a topic for it.

There are a large number of fields that need to be truncated, so it would be ideal to get it to respect the hl7 schema maximum lengths.

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1 555

I need some help with unescaping a value in TXA 2 of an MDM message that I am writing to a variable, to be used in a filename for a PF. Would I use the method Unescape(pData) if so how can I use it in a transform to set the variable? The reason I need to do this is I need to use the name as file name when writing the PDF to a directory. The escape characters and invalid for file names .

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0 553

I have a service named FTP_In that is of class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService. It picks up files from multiple subfolders and sends them to an EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine. What I want to do is somehow capture the subfolder as a variable for use in the routing rules. Is this possible?

Let's say I have the following files and directory structure on my FTP Server

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0 549

I'm trying to read PID-3 and route the message based on if a certain prefix existed, but I keep getting Property Does Not Exist.

I've tried

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID()) Contains "COS"

HL7.(PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)) Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID()} Contains "COS"

HL7.{PID:PatientIDInternalID(1)} Contains "COS"

This is a 2.3 MDM message. Thanks!

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0 549

If you're viewing a HL7 message in the front end, with a schema correctly applied, you can mouse over a segment or a field and see the schema path, e.g:

Mousing over PV1 in the above message shows the schema path is "PIDgrp(1).PV1".

I'm writing a utility function which you pass an EnsLib.HL7.Message into. I'd like to loop through each segment and take action dependant on that schema path. How can I reference or determine that schema path in code?

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0 536

Hi Community,

New session recording from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Performing Analytics on FHIR Data

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0 469

Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Creating an HL7 v2 to FHIR Transformation Pipeline with HealthLake Target

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0 508

For a HL7 production, How will I be able to use two different segment level transformation (sub transform) in the main transform.

For Ex:
Few mappings from source PID --> target ZAX segment (subtransform 1)
Few mappings from source PV1 --> target ZAX segment (subtransfrom 2),

In the main mappings, I have used subtransform 1 followed by subtransform 2. It doesn't seem working fine.

Any suggestions please. Thanks:)

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0 524

Hi Community!

Check the new video on DC YouTube Channel:

SMART on FHIR Apps for Information Exchange

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We have a system that gives an AE 'Error' response for warnings, that we want to transform to AA codes when returning the Application ACK.

MSA|AE|fbwZaoKW/USAdFI3IGLU||||0^Nothing To Update^^W
ERR|||0^Nothing To Update|W|

Fortunately they include a warning code in MSA:6.4 and ERR:4

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0 503

Hi Everyone,

I'm currently implementing an interface solution to send through data to community pharmacies here in the UK from our hospital PAS system. As part of this project i have created a BPL which calls a SQL operation to infiltrate our Data warehouse and add to the message - this is all done and working as i expect.

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· Sep 13, 2018
Operators as Variables

We have the need to write a function that can loop through say a field in an OBX segment within HL7 and compare it to a string passed. Is it possible to have the user enter the Operator ( >,<,=,<>) as a variable inside Cache object script? Does anyone have any examples they can share?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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0 493

Hi there.

I am dealing with a clinical system that returns a stack trace within the NACK (Specifically, within MSA:3).

Within the stack trace there is an error code I am interested in, and hoped I could use the Reply Code Actions to look for that code within the error by using the "E*<text>" condition to either suspend or accept the response and move on. The problem is, looking at the error within the event log, I can see that the error text is truncated, cutting off the error code I'm looking for within the stack trace.

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· Jul 17, 2017
Purge for "IO Log Input Data"

Hello mates,

When turning on the “Archive IO” option within the business operations, it provides us the capability of seeing the input and output communication with external systems. For instance, watching the messages sent out + ACK message sent back .

Our production has got a scheduled task that runs daily (by default I guess, as many others) and is in charge of purging “Errors and log files”. And this is likely to be linked to the “Archive IO” feature, right?

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0 481

Hey Developers!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Contest!

So, it's time to give your vote to the best FHIR solutions built with InterSystems IRIS for Health.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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· Feb 16, 2018
CDA on Ensemble?

Hi everybody,

I love the integration of HL7 v2.x in Ensemble, it's really easy to use.

I would love to see the same about using CDA on Ensemble. I know it's a complicated standard, but it would be more easy for developers in Europe if we could use it like any other type of message instead of using at XML level and xsl transformations.

Any experiences dealing with CDA on Ensemble?

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· Nov 2, 2020

Hi All,

I know hundreds of people have done this but I'm looking for some DTL's as a start to do HL7 to FHIR, I appreciate everyone's HL7 is slightly different, but just some starter DTL's would be much appreciated? Can anyone help?


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0 466

Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

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