· Oct 12, 2017

Send back RSP_K22 message in response to QBP_Q22

Hi everyone,

I started working on Ensemble this year so maybe I am not implementing the right way. I'm trying to connect a Welch Allyn monitor to TrakCare. The workflow is the following:

- User scans patient number with the monitor.

- The monitor sends a QBP_Q22  message to request patient information

- Ensemble (or TrakCare) sends back a synchronous RSP_K22 containing the patient data (name, dob, sex)

- The user checks the patient's information displayed on the monitor, takes vital signs and sends them to TrakCare (via Ensemble)


I designed a DTL to build the RSP_K22 message using a query that retrieves information from TrakCare database with ODBC. My problem is that the monitor cannot receive messages from a standard Business operation. It only receives the ACK Ensemble sends back.

With other french colleagues, we found an old discussion that really looks like what I am trying to do

What I understood from this is that I need to "trick" Ensemble to send he RSP_K22 message instead of the ACK.
I set the acknowledgement mode to "Application", but the thing is I am not actually sending to an application as I get all the data I want with my DTL (as I started to design the interface as a standard BS -> BP -> BO). Also, I am not sure TrakCare handles QBP / RSP, synchronous mode... But then again I still have a lot to learn

And I don't understand how do I define the custom schema.

I tried different BS and BP classes, I tried using a HL7 schema based on HL7 v2.6 where I added a returntype :
<MessageType name='QBP_Q22' structure='QBP_Q21' returntype='RSP_K22'/>

But honestly I don't really know what I am doing... So if anybody could help me I would be very grateful

Maybe I am not doing this the right way, any suggestion is welcome

Thanks a lot!


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