· Oct 12, 2018
Healthshare/Ensemble Learning


I'm wondering what the path is to learning healthshare & ensemble? I've looked on the learning page and its minimally helpful. I've found that as a long time mumps programmer that new jobs are requiring this. I've just been using mumps to assist with epic emr. Everything I'm seeing is either VistA or Healthshare. Does someone know where do I go to learn these apps? Seems like a catch 22. You need to know these prior to getting a job but you can't get a job where you can learn them. Frustrating.

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I would like to use EnsLib.HL7.Operation.HTTPOperation for sending HL7 messages via HTTP. It sends the Content-Type as "text/html"

I would like to change it to something else, say "text/plain". I cannot see a way to do it.

I have now written a custom Operation (based on EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter) and modifying the Content-Type while POSTing using SendFormDataArray(). It's bit frustrating to parse the response etc.,

I would rather prefer to use HTTPOperation of HL7. Can somebody help?

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I've setup ODBC connection so I can access Cache data within SQL Server.

I want to be able to write SQL queries for internal monitoring purposes, similar to what's possible with SQL Server. Specifically I want to be able to check mirroring status (i.e. check which is the current primary mirror member), check the status of any Ensemble productions (started/stopped), check the status of business hosts etc. I want to do all of this from SQL Server to go with our other system monitoring solutions.

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I have a cube that lists services, processes, and operations information and wanted to make the names of the items more user-friendly to end users and to use a flag to determine which components would be displayed in the dashboard.

We created another table/cube that has a status flag (1/0) to determine whether we would look at the item, the existing name, and the human-readable name.

What is the best way to reference the data in the new cube from the original cube to use the human-readable name?

Thank you, LG

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· Dec 26, 2019
File System

Hello All,

I am working on Files where I have to compare contents of two files and display result.
e.g Suppose file1 contains data in Name and Roll form and file2 contains data in name and class form, so it should compare name from file1 and file2 and display those matching data(Name,Roll,class).

I have piece of idea about file system so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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Hello All,

I am able to transmit a small batch of billing files: B/W 5 and 20 without issue-
Put stream 11@%IO.LibraryStream to /SFTP/unmhsmcsa/OUT/TEST_021920201426.tst

But when the size of the batch increases to over 20 the operation hangs and I receive the error below: The file is created in the SFTP server with 0 data.

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Been cleaning up our production 2017.1 instance of Health Connect in preparation to a move to Health Connect 2020.1 (on IRIS!)

One thing I have found I we have built up a number of old classes and other configuration files.

It would be nice to start on the new server with a clean slate.

Is there any way to identify classes that haven't been used for a long time so they can be reviewed and removed?

Kind regards,


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I am trying to create a HL7 message (REF_I12 message) using variables extracted from a Dynamic Object and need some advice about segment creation issues that I am having. Some background info: I receive a JSON response from an API call and used %FromJSON to convert the response to an Dynamic Object. Some of the items in the response are repeated such as NOKName, NOKrelationship.

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· Jul 27, 2021
How To Pass Custom Class

I've created a custom class that extends to the standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest. Inside the custom class i just want to pass the data as input only.

But i am getting ERROR #6277: Type attribute, s01:AcoPatientSearchRequest, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: pRequest (ending at line 5 character 171)

I tried adding Parameter XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1; and

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Hi all,

I'm trying to output a XML file, mapped from a ORU_R01 2.3 HL7 message, with a file name based of fields in the source HL7 message in the following format,


To give something like RXR0000000-000000123-20211125105415.xml as the output filename,

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Hello, good morning

First thank you for your time in reading and answering our question.

We have been reading, inquiring, researching about how to make multiple dispatches from 1 Process of type "DICOM.BP.QueryProcess" to several target Operations.

We need some help to further develop this use case, and some advice 🧭, examples or recommendations

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This morning I noticed that the ISCAgent.log for one of my high availabilty healthconnect servers has many entries that say:

"Mirror remote control command requested access to instance directory not found in registry."

In addition, Messages.log has many of the following entries:

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Hi Community

I am using a standard DTL for Allergy Intolerance but it shows codes for Category and Severity Columns on cliinical viewer.

I have copied the standard DTL to my custom folder and I want to modify it to show descriptions for these two columns but I don't know how to do it.

Please see the below DTLs for Category and severity and advise how I can change them to get descriptions.

Category DTL section

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First of all, thanks for your help, and time reading this question.

Why, when we send a SOAP message from SoapUI to a SOAP service in a HealthShare environment called 'ESBCHUIMI,' it recognizes the 'Credenciales' header, which has 'usuario' and 'password' as properties. This class is a %SOAP.Header.

However, when we load the WSDL using the SOAP wizard from this SOAP Service to another HealthShare environment called ESBSSCC and send it from SoapUI to ESBSSCC, when it is being forwarded from ESBSSCC to ESBCHUIMI, the ESBCHUIMI's service outputs:

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We have multiple implementations spanning many namespaces and edges. I would like to see if I could identify a single place, perhaps on HSREGISTRY or HSBUS, that I could capture certain events like searches (from all customers) and record transfers (with requester and provider).

The goal is to have a dashboard that would show simple stats such as searches by participant, records shared by participant and records consumed by participant. These are the 3 most important.

I appreciated the feedback on the other question of "how" but now I'm hoping to find the "Where".

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I have Healthshare/Ensemble version 2015.2.1.

I created Business Operation in my ENSDEMO namespace that will connect to an external REST endpoint to send data to this external REST Service.

I also created an http service in Home>Healthshare>Service Registry, under the Service Type: http. I entered the REST endpoint Name, Host, SSL Configuration, and URL.

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We are currently in the process of migrating from Ensemble to Healthshare and I have been advised Healthshare works with the IDE Atelier.

Does anyone know if you can change the views for transforms like you can in Studio? IE to see the .dtl, .cls and the .INT?

It would be nice to be able to visually view the transforms like you can with Studio.


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