Hi Community!

We'd like to invite you to join our next contest to share your FHIR knowledge:

🏆 InterSystems IRIS for Health Contest: FHIR for Women's Health 🏆

Submit an application that uses InterSystems FHIR or InterSystems Healthcare Interoperability!

    Duration: November 14 - December 4, 2022

    Prizes: $13,500!

    >> Submit your application here <<

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    Hello, developers!

    In this series, I will not show you how to use IRIS for Health, but rather how to use SUSHI, a tool for creating FHIR profiles, as an associated technology.

    With the right tools, the profile information (specifications, limitations, extensions, etc.) of a FHIR project can be well organized and published.

    Before we begin, what is SUSHI? I will briefly explain it.

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    Hey Community,

    Please join the next InterSystems online programming competition:

    🏆 InterSystems FHIR Accelerator Programming Contest 🏆

    Submit an application that uses InterSystems FHIR-as-a-service on AWS or helps to develop solutions using InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator.

      Duration: May 10 - June 06, 2021

      Total prize: $8,750

      👉 Landing page 👈

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      Healthcare interoperability is instrumental in improving patient care, decreasing healthcare provider costs, and providing a more accurate picture to providers. However, with so many different systems, data is formatted in many different ways. There are many standards that have been created to try to solve this problem, including HL7v2, HL7v3, and CDA but each one has its drawbacks.

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      · Sep 5, 2017
      Create Patient via FHIR?


      I've been trying to create a patient using FHIR, but all I seem to get back is:

      {"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"invalid","details":{"text":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"},"diagnostics":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"}]}

      I've tried a variety of requests and read operations work, but create doesn't seem to. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks.

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      · Mar 17, 2017
      Convert HL7 to FHIR

      Hello Greetings-

      I am exploring on converting HL7 to FHIR.

      1. I saw there are built in DTLs “FHIR.FromSDA” and “FHIR.ToSDA” to convert SDA -> FHIR and FHIR -> SDA. Similarly Do Intersystems have DTLs for HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7?

      2. The reason why I am asking is, I see in HSLIB namespace HS->GateWay->HL7->HL7toSDA3 and HS->GateWay->SDA3->SDA3toHL7 DTLs. Like-wise I am trying to locate HL7 -> FHIR and FHIR -> HL7. Please help me to locate them

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      We have a PAS that accepts HL7v2 QBP^Q21 requests, and returns patient details in an RSP^K21.

      We have a clinical system that wants to sent an http GET request of the form http://server/getpatientbyid?pid=M1234567

      So I think I need to convert the query url into a QBP^Q21 (HL7) message, then take the response in HL7v2, convert to SDA, convert to FHIR, and put that in the response to the original GET.

      Does anyone have any experience doing this? is there an approach you would recomend?

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      Working on implementation FHIR to my project, I found interesting project HAPI-FHIR, which could help me to quickly launch my FHIR api server with InterSystems Caché as a storage, because this projects uses Hibernate to connect to database, as an example they use DerbyDB. I tried to change settings to use InterSystems Caché, but unfortunately it does not work and throw some errors inside HIbernate. As I found in Caché documentation, I have not some many options, I just have to set Cache dialect, and set database url.

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      Most of my development experience is with HL7v2 interfaces and I don't have a background in web development and I'm very weak with javascript.

      I'm looking for suggestions of learning resources to learn FHIR and 'SMART on FHIR' (JavaScript, OpenID connect, OAuth2) for developers like myself who mostly do HL7v2 integrations - but see FHIR as the future - and want to develop their skills!

      I've found these

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      Hi Developers,

      We have exciting news! The new InterSystems online programming contest dedicated to all things health-related will start very soon!

      🏆 InterSystems FHIR and Digital Health Interoperability Contest 🏆

      Duration: January 15 - February 4, 2024

      Prize pool: $14,000

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      Hello, developers!

      In this article, I will show you how to configure FHIR repository + OAuth2 authorization server/resource server on IRIS for Health following the previous article.

      In Part 1, we introduced the preliminary preparations, configuring the OAuth2 authorization server, and obtaining the access token.
      Part 2 will show you how to build an FHIR repository and configure an OAuth2 client/resource server.

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      In the past, reading information from a bar code was limited to a simple alphanumeric code. The creation of a bar code with more than one dimension (2D), especially the QR Code, allowed to increase the amount and variety of data stored in a bar code. While conventional bar codes are capable of storing a maximum of approximately 20 digits, the QR Code is capable of handling several tens to hundreds of times more information. This revolutionized the markets. Now QR codes are everywhere and can be very useful for storing textual, numeric, alphanumeric and even binary data.

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      I've successfully installed and configured the custom MESH API supplied by intersystems. I'm able to send HTML rendered documents directly to GP's using Kettering.xml.

      Ideally, I'd like to be able to send PDF/RTF files rather than HTML. Is this possible and if so can I still use Kettering xml? I know FHIR is the preferred method of transmission but i've tried sending a test FHIR message through MESH to EMIS but it's not displaying so I'm not sure if EMIS is able to display FHIR formatted messages.


      Anthony Breen

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      Hoping someone can help.

      I had posted a similar question outside this group a while ago "Errors requesting data from local Ensemble FHIR Repository" but haven't had the chance to follow up on it since. It was suggested I re-post inside this group.

      I'm trying to request data from my local FHIR repository using a simple JavaScript client and am getting the following CORS errors . ( It is a standalone client not inside HealthShare without CSP etc. on my localhost ).

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      FHIR has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing a standardized data model for building healthcare applications and promoting data exchange between different healthcare systems. As the FHIR standard is based on modern API-driven approaches, making it more accessible to mobile and web developers. However, interacting with FHIR APIs can still be challenging especially when it comes to querying data using natural language.

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      · Aug 22, 2020 2m read
      My experience working with FHIR

      Hi Community,

      I want to share my experience creating the iris-fhir-portal with FHIR.

      I decided to take a step forward and join the IRIS for Health FHIR contest, but I had never worked with FHIR before.

      After the FHIR Contest Kick-Off Webinar, where we got an overview of how the IRIS for Health works with FHIR, I started to looking at the FHIR documentation to create my Patient Chart project.

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