· Jul 3, 2023 11m read

An experiment on generative AI and FHIR

This project is an experiment to use OpenAI API to answer to user prompts in the healthcare domain using FHIR resources and Python code.
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Project idea

Generative AIs, like the LLM models available on OpenAI, has been demonstrated remarkable power to understand and answer high level questions. They use huge amounts of data to train their models, so they can answer complex questions.

They can even use programming languages to create code based on prompts - and I have to confess that the idea of getting my work automated causes me some anxiety. But so far, seems like that it's something that people must to get used to, like it or not. So I decided to do some tries.

The main idea of this project came when I read this article about the ChatARKit project. This project uses OpenAI APIs to interpret voice commands to render 3D objects in live video from smartphones cameras - very cool project. And seems like this is a hot topic, as I found a recent paper following a similar idea.

What make me most courious about it was the use of ChatGPT to programming an AR application. As a open github repo was available, I searched into it and found how the author used ChatGPT to generate code. Later, I found that this kind of techinique is called prompt engeneering - here is a Wikipedia article about it, or these two more practical references: 1 and 2.

So, I thought - why if I try something similar, but using FHIR and Python? Here is what I came up with:

Project basic idea
Fig.1 - Project basic idea

Its main elements are:

  • A prompt engineering module which will instruct then AI model to use FHIR and Python
  • An OpenAI API integration module
  • A Python interpreter to execute the generated code
  • A FHIR server to answer the queries generated by the AI model

The basic idea is use the OpenAI Completion API to ask the AI to break down the question as a bunch of FHIR queries. Then, the AI model creates a Python script to handle the FHIR resources returned by the FHIR server in the InterSystems IRIS for Health.

If this simple design works, users would be allowed to get answers to questions that are not yet supported by the analytical models of applications. Futher, thoses questions answered by the AI model could be analyzed in order to discover new insights on users needs.

Another advantage of this design is the fact that you don't need to expose your data and schemas with an external API. For instance, you can ask question about patients without the need of sending patient data or schema of your database to the AI server. As the AI model only uses public available features - FHIR and Python in this case, you don't need to plublish internal data.

But, this design also leads to some questions like:

  • How to guide the AI to use FHIR and Python according to the users needs?
  • Are the answers generated by the AI model correct? Is it possible to have confidence in them?
  • How to deal with security issues of running a Python code generated externally?

Thus, in order to build some support to these questions, I did some elaboration on the initial design and got this:

Project refined idea
Fig.2 - Project refined idea

Now, some new elements was added to the project:

  • A Python code analyzer to scan for security issues
  • A logger to record important events for futher analysis
  • An API REST for futher integrations

So, this project aims to be a proof of concept which can support experiments to gather information to try to answer those kind of questions.

In the next sections, you will find how to use the project, some results that I got trying to answer the questions above and some conclusions.

Hope you find it useful. And you are more than welcome to contribute to the project!

Trying the project

To try it, open an IRIS terminal and run the following:

Do ##class(fhirgenerativeai.FHIRGenerativeAIService).RunInTerminal("<your prompt>")

For instace, the following questions was used to test the project:

  1. How many patients are in the dataset?
  2. What is the average age of patients?
  3. Give me all conditions (code and name) removing duplications. Present the result in a table format. (Don't use pandas)
  4. How many patients has the condition viral sinusitis (code 444814009)?
  5. What is the prevalence of viral sinusitis (code 444814009) in the patient population? For patients with the same condition multiple times, consider just one hit to your calculations.
  6. Among patients with viral sinusitis (code 444814009), what is the distribution of gender groups?

You can found output examples for those questions here.

Please, note that if you try that on your system results may be different, even if you use the same prompt. This is due the stochastic nature of LLM models.

Those questions was suggested by ChatGPT. It was asked that the questions was created by a way which the level of complexity was increasing. The exception was the 3rd question, that was proposed by the author.

Prompt Engineering

The prompt used by the project can be found here in the method GetSystemTemplate().

It follows the guides of prompt engineering where first you assign a role to the AI model, and then enter a bunch of contraints and instructions. The intent of each of its section are commented, so you can understand how it works.

Note the use of a kind of interface definition when the model is instructed to assume a function already definied called CallFHIR() to interact with FHIR instead of declaring something by itself. This was inpired by the project ChatARKit where the author define a set of functions that abstracts complex behaviours for using a AR library.

Here I used this techinique to avoid the model to creating code to do HTTP calls directly.

An interesting finding here was about forcing the AI model to return its response in XML format. As Python code was intended to be returned, I formmated it in XML to use the CDATA block.

Despite beeing clear in the prompt that the response format must be in XML, the AI model just starts to follow this instruction after sending the user prompt in XML format as well. You can see that in the method FormatUserPrompt() in the same classe refreced above.

Python code Analyzer

This module uses the bandit library to scan for security issues in the generated Python code.

This library generates the AST of a Python program and test it against common security issues. You can find the kind of issues are scanned in those links:
- Test plugins
- Calls blacklist
- Imports blacklist

Each Python code returned by the AI model is scanned against those security issues. If something wrong is found, the execution is canceled and an error logged.


All the events are logged for further analysis in the table LogTable.

Each run to answer a question has a session ID. You can find it in the column 'SessionID' in the table and use it to get all events by passing it to the method RunInTerminal("", <SessionID>). For instance:

Do ##class(fhirgenerativeai.FHIRGenerativeAIService).RunInTerminal("", "asdfghjk12345678")

You also can check all log events using this SQL:

FROM fhirgenerativeai.LogTable
order by id desc


Some tests was executed to get information to measure the performance of the AI model.

Each test was performed 15 times and them outputs are stored in the this and this direcotries.

Please, note that if you try that on your system results may be different, even if you use the same prompt. This is due the stochastic nature of LLM models.


For the test of the question #1, there were 14 results 6, and 1 error. The correct value is 6. So it was 100% correct, but had execution failed of 6%.

SQL statement to validate the #1 result:

FROM HSFHIR_X0001_S.Patient

For the test of the question #2, there were 3 results 52, 6 results 52.5 and 6 errors. The correct value - considering ages with decimal values, is 52.5. So I consider both values as correct as this little difference probably is due an ambiguous prompt - it doesn't mention anything about allowing or not ages with decimal values. So it was 100% correct, but had execution failed of 40%.

SQL statement to validate the #2 result:

birthdate, DATEDIFF(yy,birthdate,current_date), avg(DATEDIFF(yy,birthdate,current_date))
FROM HSFHIR_X0001_S.Patient

For the test of the question #3, there were 3 error and 12 tables with 23 rows. The tables values was not in the same position and format, but again I've considered this due a malformed prompt. So it was 100% correct, but had execution failed of 20%.

SQL statement to validate the #3 result:

code, count(*)
FROM HSFHIR_X0001_S.Condition
group by code

For the test of the question #4, there were 2 errors, 12 results 7 and 1 result 4. The correct value is 4. So it was 7% correct, and had execution failed of 13%.

SQL statement to validate the #4 result:

p.Key patient, count(c._id) qtde_conditions, list(c.code) conditions
FROM HSFHIR_X0001_S.Patient p
join HSFHIR_X0001_S.Condition c on c.patient = p.key 
where code like '%444814009%'
group by p.Key

For the test of the question #5, there were 11 errors, 3 result 4 and 1 result 0.6. The correct value is 4. So it was 75% correct, and had execution failed of 73%.

The SQL used to validate the #5 result is the same used for the #4.

For the test of the question #6, there were 12 errors and 3 result {female: 4, male: 2, other: 0}. The correct value is {female: 3, male: 1, other: 0}. So it was 0% correct, and had execution failed of 80%.

SQL statement to validate the #6 result:

p.gender, count(distinct p._id) qty_patients, list(p.key) patients, list(c.code) conditions
FROM HSFHIR_X0001_S.Patient p
join HSFHIR_X0001_S.Condition c on c.patient = p.key 
where code like '%444814009%'
group by p.gender

Summarizing all results:

Test # Accuracy Execution Failure
1 100% 6%
2 100% 40%
3 100% 20%
4 7% 13%
5 75 % 73%
6 0% 80%


As you can check in the codes generates in the tests directory, seems like no security issues was generated by the AI model - and that was the same result that the code analyzer module found, no security issues.

So, in order to test if the code analyzer was able to detect security issues, the module that executes Python code has a property called CodeInjection where malicious code can be injected in order to be tested.

So the following malicious codes were injected for security testing:

  1. Security test #1:
print(eval("os.chmod('%s', 0o777)" % 'test.txt'))

This code tries to access the OS filesystem and change the permissions of a file. This is clearly a not expected code for the intent of the project, so it must be blocked.

  1. Security test #2:
import requests

url = ""
params = {"arg": "value"}

response = requests.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()


This code tries to make a HTTP request to an external address - the Postman API in this case. If this code is executed, local information could be easyly accessed by attackers.

As you can see in the directory for security tests, the code analyzer found the security issues successfully.


For accuracy, the AI model get correct results for the questions of low complexity, but starts to fail as the question complexity increases. The same was observed for failures in execution. So, as more complex are the questions, more the AI model generates code that won't execute and with more probability to lead to wrong results.

This means that some efforts need to be made to the prompt. For instance, in the code of question #6, the error was quering just patients and ignoring the conditions. This kind of analysis is necessary to guide changes in the prompt.

In general, the performance of the AI model in this tests shows that it still need more improvement before being able to answer analytical questions.

This is due the stochastic nature of the AI model. I mean, in the ChatARKit project cited above, if the AI model renders a 3D object not exactly in the place requested but near of it, probably the user will not mind it. Unfortunately, the same situation is not true to analytical questions, the answers need to be exact.

But, it's important to note that I am not saying that AI models can't perform such tasks. What I'm saying is that the design used in this project needs improvement.

Important to note that this project did not used more advanced techniques to use generatives AIs, like Langchain and AutoGPT. Here a more "pure" approach was used; perhaps using such more sophisticated tools could be lead to better results.

Regarding security, the code analyzer found all security issues tested.

However, this does not mean that the code gnerated by AI model is 100% secure. Futhermore, allowing execution of Python code generated externally may be definitely dangerous. You even can't say with 100% sure that the system that is giving the Python code is actually the OpenAI API server...

A better way to avoid security issues may be try other languages less powerful than Python, or try to create you own "language" and present it to the AI model, like in this very simple example.

Finally, it's important to note that aspects like code performance was not covered in this project and probably will be a good subject for a future work as well.

So, I hope you found this project interesting and useful.

Disclaimer: This is an experimental project. It'll send data to OpenAI API and execute code generated by AI on your system. So, don't use it on sensible data and/or production systems. Also note that as OpenAI API calls are charged. Use it on your own risk. It is not a production ready project.

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Hi José,

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