· Apr 17, 2023
Refreshing Combo

Hi Guys

How can I refresh a dataCombo after saving a new element in it?

I've the following dataCombo and after saving a new element I would like to fresh and reload that data in it?

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0 171

Curious if anyone has modified the HL7 TCP/IP Service and adapter class to receive an HL7 message, ACK it, and just dump it straight to a file? I don't want the messages in the engine at all - just receive and dump. Has anyone done this before and have code you're willing to share?

Thank you very much in advance!

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0 366

hi,I meet a problem,i want to move huge data from ensemble to`s about 3years business data.i have tried some case!

1. EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter

i parse the data one by one,and translate it into inser or update sql statement then write to Oracle,it·s most slowly,and take more disk space。 the data to a new table,and then use dbeaver transport data to oracle。

3.user linktable. save object as insert,but,i can·t user %openid method.

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0 292

Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to load data into chache tables from external database (ref data). This process will take 1 min to complete all data load.

Currently I have created Business Service to trigger Business Operation with out bound db adapter to load data into cache tables.

process will be trigger when i restarted business service.

But requirement is , this business service should be triggered from outside ensemble environment i.e , this should expose as REST endpoint and share with the external team.

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0 195
· Feb 20, 2023
Roles and user access

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for an easy to allow certain user to only have access to one CSP or Zen page from my application, my thoughts is to create a role to only access that specific page then allocate that role to my user, but can find the Zen page so I can allocate it to a role?


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0 224

Hi, I am facing below error while sending the data from one namespace to another namespace.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFailureTimeout: FailureTimeout of 15 seconds exceeded in EnsLib.TCP.PassthroughOperation; status from last attempt was ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectionLost: Lost TCP Counted Read connection to xx.xxxx.xxs- detected via ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <READ>zReadCountedStream+10 ^EnsLib.TCP.CountedCommon.1|Block Count -- logged as '-'
number - @'
Else { Read tLenStr#4:pStartTimeout Set tTimedOut = '$Test }'

0 3
0 346

Hi Community,

I have created a HL7 production in my working environment, Ens.Alert ,EMailAlert, PagerAlert, and BadMessageHandler are created.

Can anyone explain how Ens.Alert and BadMessageHandler will work when an HL7 message in Passed in Business service and how these 2 are related when any error occurs in the Production envinorment?

0 1
0 242

Hi community,

I am working on Converting Non HL7 message (Using record maps) into HL7 message.

1.Can anyone share few details how to save Non HL7 message into SQL table and the converted HL7 message into SQL table

2.In Message Viewer is there any SQL tables are linked to the session id or where the information regarding the message will be stored? Will the message trace details are stored in globals or in SQL table,If yes can anyone share the details in which tables or globals will it be stored?

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0 361
· Jan 16, 2023
File system Max size

Hi Guys,

we are having a problem with the Cache.dat file is not expanding anymore since it has reached 2.2TB, we still have extra 260Gb of free disk space in our drive but for some reason it's raising a FILEFULL which is a result or the database not able to expand.

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0 543
· Nov 29, 2022
Apache with SSL Certificates

Hi Guys,

Our system admin has installed a new SSL certificate to replace the old one in our Windows server 2016.

So should it be ok to just then remove the old Certificate given that we installed the new one, knowing that the old one has been used previously or do we need to do something in existing SSL/TLS configurations ?

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0 305
· Nov 14, 2022
SSL Configuration for Gmail

Hi Community,

I am configuring new SSL Configuration for Gmail (For sending errors to gmail in ensemble production) by following the below steps.


Step2:Giving the server address

Step3:Giving the port number , I have tried giving 465,587,25 as port number still is not connecting

Can anyone please tell me where i am doing wrong on configuration?



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0 720

Hello Developers.

I have a question regarding X12 834 file for Payers.

We have a client thats sending X12 834 file with single ST SE block and has thousands of members in one single block and X12 process is throwing STORE error when processing this file.

Has anyone ran into this issue and has a way of splitting 834 file into single <ST> <SE> block?

Thank you in advance


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0 255

Hi Guys,

This link ( uses Javascript request to open a a steam and collect data in an array (screenshot below) and I'm trying to replicate this with Cache script with HTTP request which is connecting Ok but don't know how can I collect data because the code is hanging at Set tSc=Httprequest.Get(HttpURL) and cannot execute S BLEConnect=Httprequest.HttpResponse.StatusLine or any line after it.

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· Sep 28, 2022

Hi ,

I am Converting HL7 message into SDA3 format by using Ens.DataTransform Class but transformation is not happening while using this class and throwing the below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zTransform+1^Hosiptal.SDA3.DataTrans.1 *target -- logged as '-' number - @' Set target.Patient.Name=source.GetValueAt("PID:5")'

Let me know if any mistake please refer the below code

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0 516

I am experiencing a problem with an EDI process that uses a SQL Batch Service to connect to our DEV environment. However, when we point the EDI service to our TEST server, it errors out.

I have checked every single property on our TEST and DEV servers as well as the properties on the associated tables. They are identical. Nothing has changed in the SQL either.

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0 314

I'm trying to test SOAP integration by using one Ensemble production to send a SOAP message to another production, but I'm seeing the following error when I try to pass a message between the two:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=Server
faultstring=Internal Server Error
<error xmlns="">
<text>ERROR #7900: Service 'SOAP' not enabled for application '/csp/healthshare/hspc/'</text>

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0 1.6K

I was able to run the Cache terminal from the command prompt with the following command, in the namespace that I provided in the brackets:

cterm /console=cn_ap:ENSEMBLE[TEST_1]

But the command suddenly stopped opening the terminal in the correct namespace. It just opens it in the default namespace. I tried it with different namespaces or invalid namespaces, it always opens the terminal in the default namespace now.

I cannot figure out what is causing this behaviour.

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0 1.2K