· Jun 19, 2023

Images in Zen Reports

Hi Guys,

I have images in my zen report, eg. 

<table orient="row" width="100%">
<item value="Images:" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:0.9em"/>
<img src=" ./images/wo/Bearing.jpg" id="WOImage" align="right" height="20px" width="250px"/>

and if I run the report to the screen the report with its images comes up fine



but I need to generate and save the report as pdf to a specific path, so I used the below code and it generates the pdf report but the no images, so how can get my report with images?

FYI, I do have those images in a file location and also streamed in a database.    

Set obj=##class(MSDS.Maintenance.Report.CBMReport).%New() Set obj.LineID=lineId
Set obj.LocID=loc
Set obj.WOID=wo
Set ret=obj.GenerateReport("C:\temp\Values.pdf",2)


Product version: Caché 2018.1
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