The %Net.SSH.Session class lets you connect to servers using SSH. It's most commonly used with SFTP, especially in the FTP inbound and outbound adaptors.

In this article, I'm going to give a quick example of how to connect to an SSH server using the class, describe your options for authenticating, and how to debug when things go wrong.

Here's an example of making the connection:

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· Apr 17, 2017 4m read
Debugging Web

In this article I'll cover testing and debugging Caché web applications (mainly REST) with external tools. Second part covers Caché tools.

You wrote server-side code and want to test it from a client or already have a web application and it doesn't work. Here comes debugging. In this article I'll go from the easiest to use tools (browser) to the most comprehensive (packet analyzer), but first let's talk a little about most common errors and how they can be resolved.

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I have a process that is importing lots of data from an external file, but every now and then I come across a STORE error.

I know that the STORE error is occurring in the %Save method of the class but I know very little else and I think its something to do with a lage amounts of Related Objects.

Is there a method of finding out more information regarding this error i.e. which actual object was being saved etc etc.



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In the WRC, we frequently see customers contact us because their Web Gateway is unable to serve web pages. This article will explain a frequent reason why these errors can occur, and explain some tools which can be used to debug the problem. This explanation is focused on the Web Gateway serving InterSystems IRIS instances, but the same explanation should apply to the CSP Gateway serving Caché instances as well.

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One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

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For debugging purposes I sometimes need to display stack information to the current device or save it (to a global for example).

There is this snippet offered in documentation:

ClassMethod StackToDisplay()
    For loop = 0:1:$Stack(-1) {
        Write !, "Context level:", loop, ?25, "Context type: ", $Stack(loop)
        Write !, ?5, "Current place: ", $Stack(loop, "PLACE")
        Write !, ?5, "Current source: ", $Stack(loop, "MCODE")
        Write !

And to save stack to a global there's always an exception method:

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We at George James Software are pleased to announce that our acclaimed code debugger and editor Serenji is now available as a Visual Studio Code extension.

As well as supporting the latest InterSystems IRIS platform Serenji also works with earlier platforms, including versions lacking the server-side Atelier API support required by other VS Code extensions.

Serenji connects you directly to the code in your namespaces, resulting in an experience more familiar to existing Studio users. No need to export and import classes and routines.

We believe Serenji is the first extension to bring VS Code's powerful debugging features to ObjectScript developers.

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Hi Community,

I would like to share with you my experience regarding to debugging via Atelier.

I'm developing a REST API and would like to attach to a process when I call the API via a REST Client tool, for example Postman. The purpose is to inspect values from HEADER and BODY of the HTTP request during the debugging process.

Come on! How am I doing? I am going to demonstrate that by using a class from SAMPLES namespace.

1 - Open Atelier;

2 - Open your REST Service class;

3 - Go to the method related to the URI that you need to debug;

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This is more for my memory that anything else but I thought I'd share it because it often comes up in comments, but is not in the InterSystems documentation.

There is a wonderful utility called ^REDEBUG that increases the level of logging going into mgr\cconsole.log.

You activate it by

a) start terminal/login

b) zn "%SYS"

c) do ^REDEBUG

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· Oct 1, 2018 4m read
Profiling code using Caché Monitor

Not everyone knows that InterSystems Caché has a built-in tool for code profiling called Caché Monitor.

Its main purpose (obviously) is the collection of statistics for programs running in Caché. It can provide statistics by program, as well as detailed Line-by-Line statistics for each program.

Using Caché Monitor

Let’s take a look at a potential use case for Caché Monitor and its key features. So, in order to start the profiler, you need to go to the terminal and switch to the namespace that you want to monitor, then launch the %SYS.MONLBL system routine:

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Last weekend we've updated our Caché version to

Versie:Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312U)

I'm using Studio to develop. I've been using the built-in debugger and it has been working nicely. But now, since the upgrade, I'm getting this error when trying to debug any routine or class method:

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I am reading in an X12 document into my production that needs to be processed and returned as a CSV file. I have created a record map to support the fields I want to extract with a batch class to store headers. I have a DTL mapping the data to the appropriate fields in the record map and am sending the record map to a EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation.

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OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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At the George James Software booth at Global Summit last year we took the wraps off the work we've been doing to make our popular editing and debugging tool Serenji available on the Visual Studio Code platform.

Rather than requiring you to pull code from your namespaces into local files, then push the changes back to the namespace to run it, you work directly in the namespace. In other words, the editing experience is like Studio rather than like Atelier.

As well as editing code you can also debug it directly from VSCode.

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Hi I'm hoping the community will once more help me out with a question!

Right I have a production that takes an attachment from an email and processes it, sending out a hl7 message at the end. This works ok.

Now I just need to take the email and send it back out to a 'backup' email address, basically giving
a) A backup incase there is a problem with the email or something else further down the line.
b) A log of the emails receieved.

So I thought the best thing to do is have an operation with an email adapter and to send that my message.

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I am fairly new to Cache and ObjectScript. I have a new task I have created with a corresponding method that I am trying to debug in Studio (2013).

My ClassMethod looks like this

ClassMethod DoMyWork(Output pWorkCount as %Integer,  pInput1 As %Integer = 30)


/* Does some work here and increments pWorkCount */


When I try to debug this using studio, I browse to my method but I am not certain what to put in here for the input parameter 'pWorkCount'.

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I recently spent some time with Atelier, and tried to use it's inherited (from Eclipse) XSL transformation capabilities.

I have installed Exlipse XML Editor and Tools and Orangevolt XSLT - as it provides Saxon XSLT processor.

I have XSLT 2.0 transformation defined, that uses isc:evaluate() callback function to perform some server side code.

And here is my problem: when I try to run XSL transformation of a file in my project, then as soon as the processor hits isc:evaluate() it fails.

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InterSystems Official
· Feb 27, 2023
VS Code ObjectScript releases v2.6.0

I'm pleased to announce version 2.6.0 of the VS Code ObjectScript extension, containing a number of enhancements that make a developer's life easier. Some highlights are described below. As always, find the full list of modifications in the CHANGELOG, including many bug and vulnerability fixes.

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From time to time, we get the previous question in support, something or someone is using more licenses than expected, and we need to find what.

We have two scenarios. The first scenario is when we realize that the licenses are exhausted when the application does not work or when we try to connect through the terminal and get the "lovely"


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