This worked for me as well. In my case I was parsing an XML file ANSI encoded without proper header. Once the stream hit a special charachter (in my case "à") it wouldn't recognize it. I presume
set cda2Stream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
// Converting to UTF-8 encoding as the original stream is ANSI encoded without proper header
set convertedStream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()
while 'cda2Stream.AtEnd {
// Parsing the converted stream
set XpathDoc.PrefixMappings = "s urn:hl7-org:v3"
I think XML would be the best way, especially if you want to do it programmatically. This snippet will export your table to the specified folder
ClassMethod ExportTable(table As %String, path As %String)
set class = $replace($replace(table,"_",""),"SQLUser.","User.")
set sqlQuery = "select $listbuild(%Id,'"_class_"') as oid from "_table
set rset = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,sqlQuery)
while rset.%Next() {
set elements(rset.%Get("oid"))=""
do ##class(XML.Element).Export(.elements, path_"/"table_".xml", "r")
And then you import it on the other instance with:
The advantage of this solution is that it uses %GUIDs as identifiers, as such you can add/edit data on your target system and it won't be overwritten when importing the file.
An alternative way without having direct access to file system would be use a JDBC client with export functionality. I use DBeaver and you can right click on your query/table -> Execute -> Export from query:

To create a SOAP service refer to this documentation Creating SOAP Web Services in IRIS. Within your Method you should be able to call a StoredProc and convert the output to the one required by the service.
However it is not that simple to call a SOAP service directly from browser, please refer to this StackOverflow question to see possible solutions and limitations. I would consider exposing it as REST service. Either way the service needs to be exposed on the same domain as your webpage to avoid CORS.