Good Morning and thanks in advance for all replies. I have created a PowerShell script for backing up CACHE and all related files to be run on a nightly basis. My script works as long as the Unknownuser has %all access which is not acceptable in our production environment. I have tried every format I can thank of to get the script to use a specific id with no luck. How can I get this command to run under a specific id?

..\bin\cache -s. -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze() <d:\backup\login.scr"

The file just has

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NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Traversing A Global

Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure. This session and several that follow it deals with the Global Structure. However, just presenting the material will not guarantee your understanding of it. You must experiment with the data and concepts that are presented.

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NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Judging from the number of responses to Session 27 Traversing A Global, developers are passionate about their methods. I am not here to judge the merit of the various methods.

Over the next few pages I will demonstrate a number of methods to Traverse a Global. If you don't already have a favorite they may help you pick one.

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· Sep 28, 2016
wsHttpBinding with Cache

Hi all,

This is a real long shot, but does anyone have experience integrating MS wsHttpBinding with a Cache application?


I ask because my project had some initial design discussions for new web service communication and this specification was mentioned.


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· Sep 9, 2016

Hello, guys.

I found one interesting moment in Cache Object Script. It doesn't have(or at least I didn't find) trimming function. By trimming I mean if a string has some whitespaces/tabs/carriage returns from very beginning or/and from very right, this function removes them.

I have found several workaround ways.

1. Using Cache Basic

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Checking if Directory or File Exists:

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a directory exists:

Set directoryName="c:\temp\nosuchdir"

/* Check for existence of a directory - Return Value:  0 - directory does not exist;  1 - directory does exist  */

Set directoryExists=##class(%File).DirectoryExists(directoryName)

If ('directoryExists)  // do the processing for when a directory does not exist

Outlined below is an example of how to check if a file exists:

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Hi all,

We're creating a series of RESTful APIs that output data from a Cache database (made up of global storage that we've mapped to classes). I'm running into some problems with object-to-JSON conversions when relationships are involved. Eg:

ParentClass has children relationship to ChildClass

ChildClass has parent relationship to ParentClass

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I need to do an UPDATE via SQL and I would like the statement to return the `ID` column of each row that is updated. MS SQL has an "OUTPUT" statement, but I don't see anything similar in Cache. Is there a way to do this?

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NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Global Structure

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

This post contains several links to very good documentation of the Caché Globals Structure.

Like I said, "Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure."

universalNoSQL.pdf -

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We're developing Ensemble PoC and one day our frontend developer (who doesn't have Ensemble production running) said that Populate just doesn't cut it and he needs to see the real data. He needed only one object, but the problem was - it's a big object. Still, I checked ids of everything related and wrote this command (parts omitted, but you get the idea):

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NewBie's Corner Session: 9 Documentation and books

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

To access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

Click on the InterSystems cube in the Windows system tray, then choose Documentation.

Or – another method you can use to access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

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· Aug 18, 2016
Read only Async mirror setup

I have setup an async reporting mirror member with Read only access. My problem is that if I try to do any sql reporting against that data I am getting errors. I am sure that this is because the DB is read only, but I had assumed that setting up a reporting mirror would handle this.

I there a setting or mapping I am missing?

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