· Oct 5, 2016

Using %Populate and Populate method


I have created a class that extends %Persistent and %Populate and have set the various POPSPEC attributes of my properties to control how the  properties are populated.  However, when I compile the class and try to run the Populate() method it tells me the method isnt defined.

Here is the class definition:

Class My.PrimaryClass Extends (%Populate, %Persistent)


Property Name As %String(POPSPEC = "NAME");

Property Title As %String(POPSPEC = "TITLE");

Property City As %String(POPSPEC = "CITY");

Property State As %String(POPSPEC = "STATE");

Property Zip As %String(POPSPEC = "ZIP");

Property Employment As VA.SecondaryClass;


However, when I run the Populate() method I get the following:

SAMPLES>do ##class(My.PrimaryClass).Populate(10000)

DO ##CLASS(My.PrimaryClass).Populate(10000)


<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>^My.PrimaryClass.1 *Populate,My.PrimaryClass


I know this has to be somethng really simple that I am doing wrong here.  Any ideas on why this might be happening?

This is:  Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.1.1 (Build 108U) Wed Jul 6 2016 15:57:04 EDT

Discussion (2)1
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I believe you have figured out the solution for this.

I have just mentioned below list of methods for different fields.

NAME - Name()
COMPANY - Company()
TITLE - Title()
PHONE - USPhone()
CITY - City()
STREET - Street()
ZIP - USZip()
MISSION - Mission()
STATE - USState()
COLOR - Color()
PRODUCT - Product()

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