When working with a large query executed though an ODBC connection what is the best way to allow the paging of the results at the client side. I have tried some methods using %VID and similar methods, but these really don't seem to work as the value returned is related to the ID of the data and not the position in the results set. What would be ideal is if the value seen in the management portal when you check of "Row Number" was available to external queries through ODBC. I have not seen a way to return this however.

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Hi All,

I am new to this technology and I have installed the trial version of cache 2016.1 with Normal security.

I was trying to develop the sample cinema application and mean while when I tried to view the csp webpage, it opens the browser and ask for login after logging in it shows Service Unavailable error instead of preview of webpage.

Could you guys suggest an answer to resolve this issue.

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· Jan 6, 2017 4m read
Atelier, The XML Contents Editor

This article is one of the series which introduces Eclipse to experienced Caché/ Ensemble/ HealthShare users. The goal is to open the perspective of a developer who was using Caché Studio for years and make Her/ Him see deeply into the Eclipse world – far beyond Atelier. In other words it is an Atelier (Eclipse IDE for InterSystems technology) beginner’s guide. This time the topic is: editing XML files using Atelier.

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· Feb 17, 2016 3m read
Listing files in folder


How do I get a list of files residing in a certain folder/directory, according to some wildcard/filter.

For example all '*.txt' files in 'C:\Temp'.



You can use the %Library.File's FileSet class query.

Here's some sample code using it (also attached):

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I'm currently re-engineering an application from CSP pages directly accessing COS Methods, to an Angular/Material front end accessing a REST DAL. Both the Angular front end and REST services are hosted from the same Caché instance and the same namespace, but the REST services have their own CSP application, with all calls being routed through a Dispatch class.

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I am facing issue with cache database it is part of schneider PES software..the issue started with below:

and after some reinstallation i became not able even to install it.

receiving always message:

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the boss started using his new mac laptop, and now we are getting macintosh's own html escape characters being stored in the database especially in our text blocks, when we then print it we see things like don%u2019t instead of don't

so for example instead of the apostrophe we see %u2019 being stored. We've already noticed %u2018, %u2019, %u201C, %u201D, %2026

I'd like to replace the %u2019 with the nearest equivilent (especially when he starts to use left and right quote marks)

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0 454
· Jan 3, 2017
Deciphering Error Messages

When deciphering an error message (<MAXSTRING>main+45^LBZNSJHCACUPLB), my understanding is the error offset is 45 lines from "main". If there are "go sub" entries within this 45 lines, do you count the lines in the "go sub" section or do you do a straight count of lines ignoring the "go sub" section?

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0 452
· Dec 20, 2016 5m read
Atelier, The Productivity Boost Tool

Development productivity? Isn’t it kind of an oxymoron? Anyhow, we all dream a magic tool which does the tedious job of the software development and leave the intuitive or creative part on the developer. Atelier is the next generation tool of InterSystems aiming to boost the productivity of Caché/ Ensemble based software development. Atelier is based on the popular Eclipse IDE platform, which makes available the “infinite” pool of third party tools for Caché developers. Those tools can truly boost the productivity. This short article gives some examples how third party plug-ins can help developing for Caché. It is an absolute beginner’s guide, beginner to Eclipse but experienced to Caché.

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· Jan 1, 2017


I have detected an error in CACHE 2016.1.2, on both 32 and 64 platforms, when loading the autocad application, it fails. This did not happen in CACHE 2014.1.4.

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Ansible helped me solve the problem of quickly deploying Caché and application components for Data Platforms benchmarks. You can use the same tools and methodology for standing up your test labs, training systems, development or other environments. If you deploy applications at customer sites you could automate much of the deployment and ensure that system, Caché and your application are configured to your applications best practice standards.

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0 2.5K

I use DataGrip (JDBC client) to query Caché server via JDBC.

The problem I encountered, is that if I wait 10 or more minutes between queries I get an error:

[08S01][461] Communication link failure: Socket closed

To fix that I need to disconnect and connect to server again. Is there a JDBC timeout setting somewhere I can change?

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0 1.6K

Currently, namespace Alpha is configured to use database AlphaDB as its global database. How would we go about having namespace Alpha configured to use database AlphaDB for its global database except where global ^Customers(CustomerId) has a CustomerId greater than 10M, which we would like to have it redirected to database BetaDB.

In other words, ^|"AlphaDB"|Customers contains all customers between 1 and 10,000,000; and ^|"BetaDB"|Customers contains all customers greater than 10,000,000. Any help would be appreciated.

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0 487
· Dec 27, 2016
Annotating PDF files

I've been asked to annotate a PDF file (in Intersystems Cache). That is, take in an existing PDF (printable form with areas for people to write in) and use Cache to update it (automatically fill the fields in).

Does Zen have the ability to set a starting/initial PDF? I see the ability to define an XML format to write in, but that's not exactly what I need, because that will generate my "answers".

I'd like to overlay my "answers" on top of an original PDF. Do you know how to do that?

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I have a Zen Mojo application that haves a tree menu, in this menu I'm loading all records from database (about 1500) and the page is very slow, about 2 seconds to load, I don't know how to get faster.

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0 421
· Dec 22, 2016
Computed property


I have 3 classes defined to model the team/team-member/employee relationship, where each employee can belong to multiple teams, each team can have multiple employees, and one and only one team member is a team leader:

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0 492
· Dec 14, 2016
Intergity test for cbk files

Hi, Community!

We have our internal backup system which produces *.cbk files for Full, Incremental and Cumulative backup modes.

Does anyone have an automation procedure to restore this files on some target testing system, check the integrity and mark the files as "restorable"?

Please, share?

Thank you in advance!

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0 420
· Dec 20, 2016
Reading PDF File in Zen

Hi Frnds, I am beginner of Cache. I know how to copy from a text file to text file. But i'm facing problem while reading PDF directly using Files concepts. Please provide some solution for copying content from PDF to TXT file.


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