This is the first article of a series diving into visualization tools and analysis of time series data. Obviously we are most interested in looking at performance related data we can gather from the Caché family of products. However, as we'll see down the road, we are absolutely not limited to that. For now we are exploring python and the libraries/tools available within that ecosystem.

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Hi all,

Does anyone know if a process (which is using a license unit) does an OPEN or USE to send data (to a label printer as an example) through TCP, will result on license slot usage?

If so, will use a new connection of the currently used one by the process or will get a new slot?

Kind regards

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Currently, we are running 2014.1 on two different servers (OpenVMS, RHEL). The plan is to transition from OpenVMS to RHEL, but our Write Daemon is in a Troubled state on both servers.

On the OpenVMS server, we have a WIJ file that's 26G and can grow to 40G (size of database cache). Since it hasn't grown to 40G, we don't believe the size of the WIJ file to be the issue.

What else should we be looking at regarding the performance of the Write Daemon?

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· Mar 20, 2018
Bad regex?
Set rm=##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New("[0-9]*","Word 123456")
Write rm.ReplaceAll(".")
.W.o.r.d. ..


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most of my jSON data is single words, but when it comes to sending chunks of a memo/email via JSON, that totally different

which is the correct conversion process to prepare data ready to insert into the data part of a JSON string so that all problem characters are converted

JSON of course crashes if you use the wrong format of quotes (single or double) and you ned up having to use &QUOT and \' to get around that but is there a simple call to something that will just take care of preparing the data from the JSON string both on the inward and outward part of JSON

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Cache 2016.2.1.603 for windows)

I created a few classes and one class called jitPod.Api.toServer.additionalConsignments and realised even before I did any work,, that the word "Api" (note capital A) needed to be "api" (all lowercase)

it would not allow copying the class to the lowercase name because the directory already exists (i understand that)

so I exported the class to an XML, edited the xml to become lowercase "api" , deleted all the classes (and directory name) and re-imported the class.

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· Mar 14, 2018

I have a ZEN report set up to generate a file for loading to into excel (see attached). Even though I have DEFAULTMODE set to "excel" the resulting output file that I get on one CACHE instance is .xml while on another it is .xls. This is even though I run the report from the two instances on the same PC. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? The Cache version is "Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2013.1.6 (Build 950_1) Fri Jun 6 2014 17:43:51 EDT"

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I came across How to import a tab separated text file into a SQL table programmatically?, which appears to indicate that I can pass the filename and all records will be imported. However, when I put use the Import method only a single record gets imported. However, all records are imported if I use the management console to import the file by selecting it and choosing the options.

Has anyone ran into this in the past?

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· Mar 13, 2018
idx and cache

I am new to cache. idx is a language for cache database? we have cache database on aix and planning to move to linux, but i was told only aix is supported since idx only works on aix. can someone help me to understand?

thank you very much.


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Hi all,

I am new in Cache. I have to update a record with a long text field, for that, I am using ODBC but the issue is that it is returning an error when I execute the ODBC SQL statement because the field contains some commas, colon, double quotes, single quotes, and CR LF characters.

There is a way to escape this chars? I have seen I can save the field when I replace the single quotes with a double single quote (it's -> it''s) but I can not save the information when the field contains double quote chars. What about the other chars?

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· Mar 8, 2018


I'm getting <WIDE CHAR> error in one of my routines, I was thinking a corrupted data or disk out of space or no mount database but all seems to be OK?

I'm running Cache 2014.1.2 and the same routines and data works in our client main server with not problems but having the same copy in their backup server is generating <WIDE CHAR> error, some other reports works but this specific doesn't?


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Hi I currently have a requirement to upload microsoft documents from a client's PC to a cache database, at present the idea is to use javascript to open the file and convert it to a binary stream and then for cache csp to upload the binary stream to the database. Just wondered if anyone else had attempted this or are there better options !



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· Mar 8, 2018
Menu bar in Studio

While I'm working in Studio, every now and then, the menu bar gets "unglued" and becomes a window of its own outside of Studio.

Is there a setting that prevents this from happening?

Also, if I happen to close Studio while the menu bar is "loose", the menu bar remains missing when I open a new Studio Session.
Is there a way to get the menu bar back in such a situation?

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· Mar 8, 2018
creating a test server

hi, new here, and new to cache and deepsee.

i've been trying to setup a copy of our production server so we can use it for testing/development.

i did a full backup. moved it to the new server. ran the DBREST command. got it to restore but seems like permissions get all messed up. and it just generates a bunch of errors.

is there an easier/better way of doing this?

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· Mar 8, 2018
Parallel execution in COS

Hello community,

I need to perform some processing-heavy operations on a set of input objects and I would like to utilize more than a single processor core to do the heavy lifting.

Is there any way to call methods in parallel and wait for the results in a blocking way?

Basically, I am looking for an equivalent of the pythonese

with Pool(n) as p:
results =, data)



EDIT: Correct English :)

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0 516
· Mar 7, 2018
UNC path not recognized

Hi Guys,

One of our clients is running Cache 2014.1.4 and for some reason is not recognising UNC paths?

The Path is accessible via windows explorer with no issues (\\backupsvr) and also my works fine when using :

O C:\folder\file.txt:("WNS"):5

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This series of articles aims to address the following topics:

  • Creation of a web application based on REST pages;
  • Overview of some tools for tracing (debugging) HTTP requests;
  • Switching from hyperevents to... hyperevents;
  • Integration with jQuery File Upload;
  • Conversion of JSON from the {id:1,parentId:1} format to the {id:1,children:[{}]} format for tree visualization;
  • Integration with jQuery EasyUI (using datagrid and tree as examples);
  • Other topics.

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I have one in my testing environment. According to, I should move to native Ubuntu build with 2017.2. So I downloaded Cache for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64) 2017.2.1 and tried to update my existing 2015.1.4 installation. What I got was:

Upgrade from lnxsusex64 platform is not allowed.

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It is often necessary to sort the results of a query on a string field containing a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters. In cases like this the default string collation may not always return the data in the expected sequence.

An example of this may be where a select from Samples.Person should order the results by the street address, but firstly ordered by the street number part as numeric, and then by the street name.

The default query will return the results as follows:

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Hi Guys,

Can you please advise on the below queries.

Query 1:

Example 1:

 S a="345",b="arun",c="kumar",d="hi",e="yello",f="orange"

Example 2:

S a="345"

S b="arun"

S c="kumar"

S d="hi"

S e="yello"

S f="orange"

Can you please advise me, which one is performance wise is better.

Query 2:

Example 1:

S:a=1 R="Arun"

Example 2:

I a=2 R="Arun"

Please advise me, which one is giving better performance in this.

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