Process-private Globals can be used as a data global in storage definition. That way, each process can have its own objects for the class with ppg storage. For example lets define a pool, which can:

  • add elements to a pool (ignoring duplicates)
  • check if an element exists in the pool

Here's the class:

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· Jul 14, 2016 1m read
Caché Haiku

Alex Koblov posted today a #CachéHaiku:

Full command names

Make your code more readable

Than compact versions

My haiku:

Caché Globals

Shows you keys to the value

If you $order it

Your variant? ;)

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NewBie's Corner Session 16 Introduction to New Concepts

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

A number of new concepts are introduced in this session that will be developed more fully in subsequent sessions. It is necessary to at least introduce these concepts here because they are all interrelated.

Older style of MUMPS Programming

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· May 23, 2016
REST and IO redirection

Problem: I have a REST broker, and if I hit a code block, which does IO redirection, the REST reply becomes broken in one of the following ways:

  • Binary output
  • No output
  • First 4096 characters of the reply are missing

Consider the following REST broker:

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I'm with a problem in a property, where she has two parameters that conflict, DISPLAYLIST and VALUELIST.

In screen when I'll go to set value in the field, the CACHE transform internally the property of LOGICAL to DISPLAY with propertynameLogicalToDisplay(propertyname), far so good.

My problem is in the property, why, by default she send the value as DISPLAYLIST, in hour of transformation as the value is DISPLAY MODE the error occurs.

How I do to that default value be VALUELIST and not DISPLAYLIST?

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I cant find any description on how to read custom http request headers in a REST service.

On some occations i want to read http headers passed along when customers uses our REST API or headers added by the CND provider. Does anyone know how to read these http headers?

For example: sends a vistors country information along to the server using a customer http header called "CF-IPCountry". We would like to read this information and use it for statistics.

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NewBie's Corner Session 15 Executing Routines and Labels

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Routines and Labels

Routines are computer programs with a number of executable code lines.

Labels (also called tags) are points in a routine that can be called (executed). They subdivide routines into manageable modules (or subroutines).

Routines, Subroutines/Modules and Functions

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Using the method ##class(%SYSTEM.Process).GlobalReferences() I'm able to know how many global references has been done in the process. But I'd like to know how many of those references has been done by my code and how many has been done by Cache itself.

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Hello Cache experts,

Has anyone tried using Cache object script to check windows service is running or windows service installed or not on same computer or remote computer ? basically i am trying to develop cache program which will check "windows service" running or installed on current computer or remote computer. Based on the status of this windows service, i want to write some business logic in our application. Any suggestions will be more welcome

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I'm using studio for the first time. I copied the Security.Users Class to my own UCDavis.Security.Users

I can't edit the copied file. I totally get why I can't edit the Security.Users class - but why is it stopping me from editing the class I created??

Thanks in advance!


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The release of IBM POWER 8 processors with AIX 7.1 introduced up to 8 SMT threads per processor core (logical or physical). Which SMT level (1, 2, 4, or 8) to use can be confusing and varies based on multiple factors. This article is meant to help with a starting point for your specific application.

Firstly, if running on a version of 2014.x or older, it is advised to use SMT 4 or lower. SMT 8 with those older versions of Cache' has shown a decline in performance and scaling in benchmarking applications.

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· Aug 2, 2016
Use of $ZUTIL(49) is deprecated

Hi all,

I'm using $ZUTIL(49) to get information of the databases I want to add to a mirror. This information is passed to ##class(SYS.Mirror).CatchupDB(plstPathDatabases) in order to Catchup all databases addes to a Mirror.

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