Currently to check if the class is mapped I call:

ClassMethod IsClassMapped(class) As %Boolean

  set sc = $system.OBJ.GetClassList(.classes,"/system=0 /percent=0 /mapped=0")
  quit $data(classes(class))

And it works, but I'm interested if there is a simpler approach out there?

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When starting a post, especially for the beginner there are a lot of buttons, check marks, icons etc. On some of them when you hover you get a very brief descriptions. In reading through some of the responses to the Developer Community Feedback there is a lot of good information.

Could one of the moderators, who know all the tricks put together a one or two page "cheat sheet?" or beginner guide?

This "Cheat Sheet" would be of great help!

I get the impression that there is a great push to encourage others to use the Developers Community.

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· Oct 17, 2016
Are we using callin API?

Hello community; this may seem odd, but I need to know if there's any way we could be using callin functions from a C application without knowing? e.g. if other developers created some C programs that call in to Caché that we don't realize are running. Is that possible? If so, where would I look to see these programs? Perhaps the server's task manager?

Thanks --Laura

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0 345

Good afternoon!
I faced a problem with HealthShare complete transfer to another PC. I have on the old computer a lot of interesting developments and test projects, including widgets, developments on DeepSee and other stuff.
Would you please describe the details how one HealthShare installation can be correctly transferred to another PC. And that this should be done.

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0 340

Several $System.OBJ methods have ByRef errorlog argument:

Compile(ByRef classes As %String = "", qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0)

ImportDir(dir As %String = "", wildcards As %String, qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0, ByRef imported As %String, listonly As %Boolean, ByRef selectedlist As %String)

What's the best approach of working with errorlog?

Do you convert it to status? If so - how? Manual iteration over local?

Is there some system method to convert it into %Status?

0 1
0 339

I am trying to create a query that returns the best and worst performing products for a given customer, based on this year's net sales versus last year's net sales, weighted by the total net sales for all of the products sold to this customer in the last two years.

I have created Last Year Net Sales (up to the last month end): AGGREGATE(PERIODSTODATE([Invoice Date].[H1].[YEAR],[Invoice Date].[H1].[Month].[NOW-13]),measures.[Net Sales])

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0 335

Hello community,

I would like to know answer to the question: What would be an optimal way to connect an Ensemble and a pure Caché server? Optimally in such a way for the Caché system to be able to fire Ensemble processes and the Ensemble server to call Caché server functions.

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0 336

I'm designing a workflow for PHR via FTP. What I've done is create a single FTP adapter to pick up files from multiple customers. A router then accesses a lookup table and determines if a particular customer is allowed to send a particular message type to the state. If not, the message doesn't go out. It seems like everyone is against this approach (other than my CEO, thankfully), including Intersystems:

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I'm trying to create a Zen Report that, when rendered to PDF has a header on every page that includes some items from the group that I'm iterating over in the <body>. I can't use <header> as that only displays once for each iteration, even if that spans more than one page, but <pageheader> seems to be independent of <body> so again doesn't work.



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NewBie's Corner Session 26 Globals and Arrays Part 2

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Globals, Arrays, and Variables Part 2

A thorough understanding of Globals, Arrays, and Variables is foundational for every Caché developer.

Uniqueness of the Caché Global Structure or database

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· Jun 29, 2018
DICOM Operation

I'm trying to add an Operation to store DICOM files but each time I add a Operation using the class EnsLib.DICOM.Operation.TCP it reverts into Services and I cannot work out why this is happening. I've tried following the guide online (link at the bottom) but the Operation still reverts to a Service.

Any pointers would be appreciated,

Thank you.

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· Mar 16, 2017
HL7 Service - design question

noob here..(moving from JCAPS to Ensemble)

We are wondering where is the best place to tie the schema category for an incoming HL7 message? Should we do this within the service (via the message schema category setting) or receive everything and validate in the process (DTL) level?

We want to capture everything that will be sent to that HL7 listener service and then decide what to do with bad messages at the process layer.

Does anyone have any recommendation regarding this? Appreciate your input and decision thought process.

Thank You,

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0 319

"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi"?

I’ve hit the wall. I’m a one person shop who wants to start developing Cache on a mac using Eclipse/Atelier, after using Studio for the last 5 years. I’ve installed the 1.1 beta plugin, watched 6 or 7 videos from the September conference, tried several times to work through the cheat sheets, only to have connection issues or compilation issues, so at this point, I’m feeling very frustrated. The videos were interesting, but generally didn’t work as tutorials for fundamental programming operations, for me.

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· Dec 9, 2017 1m read
Simple Game Code(21 sticks Game)
    w "Total No.Of Sticks:21"_!
    s sticks=21
    r "enter machine name: ",a
    r "enter dev name: ",b
    w "Display 1 to 21 sticks"_!
    s i=""
    f i=1:1:21{
        w " "_i_" "
    w !_"User select 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 sticks:"_!
    r "User enter sticks: ",us
    if us>4 {
        w "please select upto 4 Sticks"
        r "User enter sticks: ",us
    s cnt=sticks-us
    s sticks=cnt
    f i=1:1:sticks {
        w " "_i_" "
    s dev=1
    s machine=0
    d:sticks=0 lost(dev,machine)
    d machine(.sticks,us)
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