· Sep 1, 2016 3m read

NewBie's Corner Session 20 Parameters and Status Part I

NewBie's Corner Session 20 Parameters and Status Part I

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


Parameters are another name for Variables when used in passing data from one Routine to another.

Let us say we have 2 routines (RtnA and RtnB), and we want to pass 3 parameters (Parm1, Parm2, Parm3) from RtnA to RtnB.

RtnA would look like:

                Set Parm1 = "Value for Parm1"
                Set Parm2 = "Value for Parm2"
                Set Parm3 = "Value for Parm3"
                Do ^RtnB(Parm1, Parm2, Parm3)               ; Actual Call List

RtnB would look like:

RtnB(Parm1, Parm2, Parm3)                        ; Formal Call List
                Write !,"Parm1 = ",Parm1
                Write !,"Parm2 = ",Parm2
                Write !,"Parm3 = ",Parm3

Actual Call List and Formal Call List   

When RtnA calls RtnB with the three parameters, this is referred to as the "Actual Call List."

When RtnB receives the three parameters, this is referred to as the "Formal Call List."

The number of parameters in the Actual Call List should match the number of parameters in the Formal Call List. (This is not a hard and fast rule, see the InterSystems documentation for exceptions to this rule.)

In addition to passing parameters, a Status can be passed back, see the new RtnA and RtnB below.

RtnA would look like:

                Set Var1 = "Value for Var1"
                Set Var2 = "Value for Var2"
                Set Var3 = "Value for Var3"
                Set Status = $$^RtnB(Var1, Var2, Var3)   ; Call to RtnB and receive a Status in return

RtnB would look like:

RtnB(Var1, Var2, Var3)
                Write !,"Var1 = ",Var1
                Write !,"Var2 = ",Var2
                Write !,"Var3 = ",Var3
                Set Status = 1
                Quit Status          ; Quit passing back a Status

In RtnA please note, the call to RtnB is not just a "Do" but a "Set Status = ".

And two dollar signs now precede ^RtnB, to give $$^RtnB.

User Defined Function

RtnB now becomes a User Defined Function since it returns a value.

And in RtnB the "Quit Status" passes back the Status.

Successful Status and Unsuccessful Status

By convention when the first character of the Status is a 1, that signifies a success.

And when the first character of the Status is a 0 (Zero), that signifies a failure.

--Mike Kadow

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