
I have very recently started to work with Ensemble and have both the 2014 and the 2017 version.

To learn, I have created a small test flow that takes an xml file using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService, sends it to a Process that transforms it with xslt into another format, and then passes it onwards to a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Business Operation.

This is the code that I have before and when sending it onwards:

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· May 16, 2018
Collect TrakCare's datas

Hey everyone,

Here's my issue, I would like to develop a web application which use and send datas to TrakCare app, but I really don't know how to communicate with TrakCare's datas.

With a little research, I think I could use "RESTForms" or "EnsembleWorkFlow" but I don't really get how...

Can somebody help me and tell me the way forward ?

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Let's say I have this simple script file try.script

write 1
write 0

I can execute it in a terminal (csession) by calling:

csession cache < try.script

And I get the following output:


However I want to use a try catch block in my script:

try {
write 1/0
catch {}

But as script is executed line by line, it's interpreted like this:

0 8
0 1.1K


I'm trying to set Caché-Python Binding on Mac, but there is a problem.

I performed installation and configuration of Caché-Python binding module based on the manual (URL)
including setting of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in "bash_profile",
and they seems to be done successfully (there was no error in the process).

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0 925

I have an in-memory list of items and I want to check which items match my pattern string.

Pattern string is a comma-separated list of items and special symbols like '*' and maybe '?'.

There's something similar in $system.OBJ.Compile, it accepts patterns: "*.data.*,Sample.*" - and it would compile 'Sample' package and all 'data' packages.

For example:

set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
zw result
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0 694
· Oct 25, 2018
Healthshare Health Insight

I need help in health insight. I am trying to generate reports on deep see but i am not able to pull in the patient ids as these are our requirements for the project. Can anyone help me in unlocking this feature.
Can anyone help me with link to correct documentation on how to access the edge gateways of multiple facilities to access the clinical data on sql explorer.

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0 437
· Nov 26, 2018
BPL - Foreach IF statement

As part of a BPL I am building I need to foreach over a some repeating elements and look for a certain value, if said value is present I need to forward the message to another operation.

I can't seem to get the if statement inside the foreach loop to work and I think I am doing something wrong?

The error message I am getting:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zS2+2^GWH.Messages.Eobs.AKISegmentCheck.Thread1.1 *k1 -- logged as '-' number - @' Set k1=request.GetNextIndex("PIDgrpgrp("_(1)_").ORCgrp()",k1,.tSCTrans)'

Can anyone explain that error to me?

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0 714

Hello ,

I want the datagrid to reflect values based on the value i select in the Combobox. How to pass value from the combobox to the

altJSONSQLProvider parameter and reload the datagrid ?

My combobox defines below method on change.


<altJSONSQLProvider id="PatchClassJsonId" OnGetSQL="GetSQL" >
<parameter paramName="1" value="C"/>




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Totally new to IRIS and Cache.

Trying to evaluate it and work out how we could use it.

As a standard application database. Object or relational etc. does not matter.

Issue is ObjectScript.


1) Can we develop, maintain and use an IRIS database and never use ObjectScript i.e. use only Java, Python, C++ interfaces etc. (exactly which one does not matter)? Would that make designing and using the IRIS database more prone to inefficiency and error?

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0 804

My main goal is to be able to create reports and alerts in my SIEM based on what individual searched for and accessed what patient records, and when.

Does anybody have any experience with this? I've been ingesting audit logs in to Splunk but I'm having a hard time getting useful data.

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0 384

I looking to gain insight on if I can trigger a SMS text to a Clinician

New to HealthShare and trying to get the process for setting up a message.

Simple use case

Alert a Clinician if a patient meets specific requirements via an SMS text message.

I have set up a test physician in our dev environment, and enabled push notification on the Edges fro the MPI update manager.

Based off of the HEPUSH documentation.

Any direction to documentation or steps is greatly appreciated.


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0 342

I think I already know the answer to this but I thought I'd ask anyway. So the Node.js adapter allows you to perform operations directly on Globals. Does the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll or InterSystems.CacheExtreme.dll provide a mechanism to access Gobals directly or are you accessing globals via Caché ObjectScript classes?

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0 513


I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

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1 870
· Jul 10, 2018
SOAP/Rest MPI call

Newbie question.

We have a desire to leverage apigee to do a call to our MPI system.

Not sure if this is something we can do via HealthShare.

Anyone doing a soap request or restful call from InterSystems through Apigee?

If I am overlooking the obvious (documentation) any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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