Imagine that your .NET project uses the Caché DBMS and you need a fully-functional and reliable authorization system. Writing such a system from scratch would not make much sense, and you will clearly want to use something that already exists in .NET, e.g. ASP.NET Identity. By default, however, this framework supports only its native DBMS – MS SQL. Our task was to create an adaptor that would let us quickly and easily port Identity to the InterSystems Caché DBMS. This work resulted in creation of the ASP.NET Identity Caché Provider.

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0 1.4K

Hi -

I know that when specifying Caché password rules (i.e. what constitutes a valid password definition) that the "Pattern Matching" logic is what is getting leveraged under the covers to enforce the "A Password Must conform to X" rule. I was hoping that people could share some more sophisticated pattern matching rules. (in particular, I was wondering what a rule that would require non-repeating mixture of letter, numbers, & punctuation of an overall minimal size)

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Is this available anywhere (for Health Connect)? I've found a few presentations but they are aimed at entry level.

We're looking at supporting more and more FHIR, REST plus OAuth interfaces in future. I've built some of this into older versions of HealthShare and Ensemble but it's desirable to move to supported versions.

We would be using Healthshare as a facade to other systems.

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0 1.3K

If a user simply closes a tab (running a web application), is there any good way to ensure that the license is released AND the login cookie is destroyed?

I found that if the tab is simply closed without first logging out of the application, then 1) the license hangs around forever, and 2) if the user then opens a tab, he is already logged in.

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0 1.8K

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to authenticate a user(Health Share clinician) from a Java Application.

I 'm already connected to Caché and able to run SQL commands.

My question is: How can I authenticate a user using only SQL? In fact, what I want is verify if the users exists in the base and if the given password is the same used in Health Share.

There is a column 'password' in Security.users table but I'm not able to see its content, even so, I don't know which hash function to use to compare with.

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0 1.6K


We are trying to implement a client side data provider as a component (ZEN) that will use JQuery to do rest calls to a desired URL, in this case, a %CSP.Rest service implemented by ourselves.

This component will be used within our application that is authenticated with a correct user configured on Caché management portal and therefore using one license unit. As we are using a Ajax call from client side this connection creates a new session that will use a new license.

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0 596

Hello community,

I have productions running in several different namespaces. They all use a common credentials ID for sending email, which is set up in only one of the namespaces. The documentation says that credentials are entered by namespace. When I ran a production in a second namespace, the error log said that credentials were not found (expected), but later attempts to send a file thorugh the production did successfully send an email. I'm wondering if Ensemble is able to look in other namespaces for the same credentials ID?

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0 806


I am trying to create a %Installer script and I noticed from our documentation that %Installer's <CSPAuthentication> will only accept:

Optional; within <Namespace>. Defines one or more CSP applications; the supported authentication flags are 4 (Kerberos), 32 (Password), and 64 (Unauthenticated).

Is "Delegated" authentication supported? What is it's code?

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

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Presenter: Saurav Gupta
Task: Provide customized authentication support for biometrics, smart cards, etc.
Approach: Provide code samples and concept examples to illustrate various custom authentication mechanisms

Description: In this session we will discuss customized way to solve various authentication mechanism and show case some sample code.

Problem: Using custom Authentication mechanism to support devices like biometrics, smart cards, or create an authentication front end for existing applications.

Solution: Code samples and concept examples.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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In preparation for a presentation I need a real-world LDAP schema that has been customized a bit beyond the basics. Perferably this would be based on an OpenLDAP system which would make it easier to merge into this presentation.

If you have such a schema you would be willing to share please respond or contact my directly at

Thanks in advance.

Rich Taylor

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0 324
· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Using Two-Factor Authentication


If the administrators responsible for securing applications had their way, passwords would be long complex strings of random symbols, and users would memorize different passwords for every application they use. But in the real world, few people are capable of such prodigious feats of memory. The typical user can only remember a handful of relatively short passwords.

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