Astronomers’ tools

5 years ago, on December 19, 2013, the ESA launched an orbital telescope called Gaia. Learn more about the Gaia mission on the official website of the European Space Agency or in the article by Vitaly Egorov (Billion pixels for a billion stars).

However, few people know what technology the agency chose for storing and processing the data collected by Gaia. Two years before the launch, in 2011, the developers were considering a number of candidates (see “Astrostatistics and Data Mining” by Luis Manuel Sarro, Laurent Eyer, William O’Mullane, Joris De Ridder, pp. 111-112):

Comparing the technologies side-by-side produced the following results (source):

Technology Time
DB2 13min55s
PostgreSQL 8 14min50s
PostgreSQL 9 6min50s
Hadoop 3min37s
Cassandra 3min37s
Caché 2min25s

The first four will probably sound familiar even to schoolchildren. But what is Caché XEP?

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· Jan 19, 2018
Gitlab hooks for Studio


I am in the process of trying to implement version control software with studio. Has anyone got any recommendations (either Linux based/windows based) as a place to start I have installed Gitlab and I wanted to know whether anyone has come across any obstacles using this.

I was also wondering whether anyone has developed any hooks for Gitlab that works well with Studio as I would prefer if there was a more integrated solution with studio? Any help with this would be great.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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I have very recently started to work with Ensemble and have both the 2014 and the 2017 version.

To learn, I have created a small test flow that takes an xml file using EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService, sends it to a Process that transforms it with xslt into another format, and then passes it onwards to a EnsLib.EDI.XML.Operation.FileOperation Business Operation.

This is the code that I have before and when sending it onwards:

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· Feb 27, 2018 2m read
Dataset Lightweight M:N

This data set demonstrates a basic M:N relationship between 2 tables
The dataset is targeted to show a slim implementation of M:N
It's no question that other implementations exist. But at significantly more storage consumption.

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This post provides useful links and an overview of best practice configuration for low latency storage IO by creating LVM Physical Extent (PE) stripes for database disks on InterSystems Data Platforms; InterSystems IRIS, Caché, and Ensemble.

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I am using a standard EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation to create files based on HL7 messages but I just realised that lines in the output file only contain CR (Character Return) but no LF (Line Feed). It is really important to have both as another system picking those files will fail otherwise...

Is there any way to configure this?


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1 1K

I'm looking for a way to get the message header ID for the current message in a Request to a Business Process.

I've located some code that gives me what I need, but it runs the risk of violating the "abstraction layer" ISC has in place around such things. And while I very much appreciate their efforts at keeping things simple for me ... well, sometimes you just have to dig through the guts to get what you want.

Is there a documented, deprecation-resistant method for getting at %Ensemble("%Process").%PrimaryRequestHeader.%Id() from within a BP?

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· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


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InterSystems states that Caché supports at least three data models – relational, object and hierarchical (globals). On can work with data presented in relational model in a program written on C# the same way one works with any other relational DB. To work with data presented by object model in C# one needs to use .NET Managed Provider or some kind or ORM. And starting with version 2012.2 one can work directly with globals (or use direct access to hierarchical data) via Caché eXTreme for .NET.

4 18
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· May 21, 2018 10m read
Adding your own provider to MFT

Managed File Transfer (MFT) feature of InterSystems IRIS enables easy inclusion of a third-party file transfer service directly into an InterSystems IRIS production. Currently, DropBox, Box, and Kiteworks cloud disks are available.

In this article, I'd like to describe how to add more cloud storage platforms.

Here's what we're going to talk about:

  • What is MFT
  • Reference: Dropbox
    • Connection
    • Interoperability
    • Direct access
  • Interfaces you need to implement
    • Connection
    • Logic
  • Installation
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· Aug 27, 2018
Order by date

Hi community,

The question that I have , it's very simple. I developed a pivot that contains two rows, the first it's a date and the other another field. I need to orde by date in descending order and I can´t find where I can do this. I saw that it's a option Sort members, but it's based in a condition of the measures.

Can someone help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

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I would like to examine the contents of my OBX-5 field and not route the message if it contains alphabetic characters. I've tried various combinations of the Match and Contains functions, with no luck. Should I be using the COS ? operator or plaini regular expressions?


OBX-5 Contains "\D"

OBX-5 Contains "?.A"

OBX-5 Contains "[A-Z]"

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Index to Articles

Hi All

It's been 6 weeks since my original article sad
- - - - -but I have been busy on this project

I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago.
Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail.
Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly.
And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.

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1 940


I need to read a UTF8 encoded text file and translate the content to 8-bit.

Using %File class and $ZCVT(TXT,"I","UTF8") works , but I see that if the content is larger than max string (32000) and we cut the content

To max string chunks, we can get a <translate> error if we cut it in the "wrong" point..

Is there a better way to do this task?

My code looks like this:

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· May 16, 2018
Collect TrakCare's datas

Hey everyone,

Here's my issue, I would like to develop a web application which use and send datas to TrakCare app, but I really don't know how to communicate with TrakCare's datas.

With a little research, I think I could use "RESTForms" or "EnsembleWorkFlow" but I don't really get how...

Can somebody help me and tell me the way forward ?

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0 472


I am beginner with this system.

I would like to do a migration of Cache.

I have at this time a windows XP with Cache 2007.1.5.802.0.7279.

I already install on a windows 10 the version of cache 2017.1.1 Build 111

The question is how do i have to transfer DB from the old pc to the new one?

Thank you very much for your help.

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The Eclipse environment persists perspective data to enable layout customization and other features. Sometimes when this data becomes out of date, Eclipse fails to clear references to it. For example, upgrading a plug-in can leave behind data about an earlier version of that plug-in. This mechanism applies to all Eclipse plug-ins and is not unique to the Atelier plug-in.

In light of this: You may find that after upgrading from Atelier 1.1 to 1.2, your Atelier perspective looks something like:

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0 919

Is Cache the preferred database source for extracting data elements for use in Health Share Patient Index or is there a significant benefit in sourcing data from a warehouse, data mart, or MV? I realize that could be a loaded question with 100 other questions that may follow, however, if there is a known advantage to extracting data from a particular data storage type, the answer may highlight that point.

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0 557


I would like to schedule the Database Compact and Freespace methods as legacy tasks.

Has anyone implemented this yet?
Is this even possible?

The request for this is due to the fact that we have 3 interfaces in a namespace whose messages are deleted after 7 days. All other messages in this namespace should be kept for one year.
This leads to a certain fragmentation. Furthermore, the messages to be deleted are relatively large (MDM^T02 > 32MB), which in turn leads to a fast growth of the database size.

How would you solve this problem?

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