Each business component in Ensemble picks up its allocated jobs from a pool, and the Pool Size setting for each component determines how many jobs each component can work on each time. In this article we will be specifically discussing different Pool Size settings for Business Processes.

Pool Size = 1

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· Nov 14, 2016 14m read
Mastering the JDBC SQL Gateway

As we all know, Caché is a great database that accomplishes lots of tasks within itself. However, what do you do when you need to access an external database? One way is to use the Caché SQL Gateway via JDBC. In this article, my goal is to answer the following questions to help you familiarize yourself with the technology and debug some common problems.

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· Sep 23, 2016 6m read
Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

This is a detailed guide to develop RESTful services using InterSystems Ensemble. The goal of this guide is to make you understanding the basic concept and building blocks of a RESTful service. The service is going to provide a very basic functionality (a “Hello world!”).

You will learn how to create required components as Ensemble classes, configure the run-time as an Ensemble Production and create a service configuration as a web application.

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This is the second article in a series on iKnow demo applications, showcasing how the concepts and context provided through iKnow's unique bottom-up approach can be used to implement relevant use cases and help users be more productive in their daily tasks. Last week's article discussed the Knowledge Portal, a straightforward tool to browse iKnow indexing results.

This week, we'll look into the Set Analysis demo, a slightly more advanced application where you'll be using the concepts identified by iKnow to organize your content into sets of documents. The original version of this demo was developed by Danny Wijnschenk & Alain Houf for an academy session at GS2015, but the app has evolved significantly since then.

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· Dec 19, 2016
HL7 Section to JSON

Hi all,

I'm trying to convert a HL7 section to a XML or JSON string.

We need to save the content of PID section into a SQL Column, therefore we need to convert it into a XML o JSON string

is there any easy way to convert it?

I've tried to convert it directly into a DTL, but all my attempts have been unsuccessful

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

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Your application is deployed and everything is running fine. Great, hi-five! Then out of the blue the phone starts to ring off the hook – it’s users complaining that the application is sometimes ‘slow’. But what does that mean? Sometimes? What tools do you have and what statistics should you be looking at to find and resolve this slowness? Is your system infrastructure up to the task of the user load? What infrastructure design questions should you have asked before you went into production? How can you capacity plan for new hardware with confidence and without over-spec'ing? How can you stop the phone ringing? How could you have stopped it ringing in the first place?

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· Nov 2, 2016
Healthshare FHIR Subscriptions

Hello All,

Having a recent project to create a FHIR repository, I want to know (as looking at the code) if HealthShare FHIR implementaton supports subscriptions?. I know it records the subscriptions ok, BUT does it handle sending the subscription out (based on the tags) to an endpoint (i.e. when a new FHIR request commits data that would trigger the subscription) ?, I'm 50% it doesn't, but would rather find out for sure before shoe horning something in.


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· Aug 26, 2016 2m read
TLS v1.2 support in Caché


What version of Caché supports TLS v1.2?


Caché 2015.2 announced support for TLS v1.1 and v1.2. In this version, the SSL/TLS configuration page provides checkboxes for TLS v1.1 and v1.2, which allows the versions to be configured individually. This allows sites to, for example, require TLS v1.2 only.

Additionally, some earlier versions of Caché provide undocumented support for TLS v1.1 and v1.2, specifically Caché 2014.1.3 and above and 2015.1, on Windows, Linux and Unix.

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· Dec 12, 2016 3m read
Generate and Validate Captcha Code

Suppose you have developed your own web app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform a captcha validation on the client side in order to determine whether or not the user is human and make it safer. There are some modern frameworks to address the captcha issue, however most part of them needs internet access to generate codes and sometimes are complex to implement. Take this as basic example considering that image recognition has gotten too good. That's why you nowadays you tend to see more pattern recognition captchas than mere reading ones. (I.e.

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· Jun 13, 2016 1m read
Debug: using locks for breakpoints

Hi, Community!

Want to share with you one debugging approach from the Russian forum.

Suppose I want to debug the application and I want it to stop the execution on a particular line.

I add in code this line:

l +d,-d

When I want to start debugging in this line I block d in terminal

USER> l +d

And execute the app.

The app stops on this line and lets me connect to it with Studio debugger.

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Myself and the other Technology Architects often have to explain to customers and vendors Caché IO requirements and the way that Caché applications will use storage systems. The following tables are useful when explaining typical Caché IO profile and requirements for a transactional database application with customers and vendors. The original tables were created by Mark Bolinsky.

In future posts I will be discussing more about storage IO so am also posting these tables now as a reference for those articles.

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I'm trying to connect to one of our Ensemble servers Cache database from a C#-windows form . I'm running the client from my local computer with OS win7. Using .NET FW ver 4.5.2 in the client.

ODBC local setup using "InterSystems ODBC35"

In this ODBC konfigurationview i can put my userID and password and try a testconnect (or ping). And that run successful.

However, we don't want to leave credentials in the ODBC-configuration it self (open up for anybody to use the source) but instead send it from the klients.

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The MONITOR process (also called the Caché Monitor) scans the messages in your cconsole.log file and sends you emails based on the severity of those messages. The MONITOR is configured using the ^MONMGR utility in terminal.

The MONITOR should not be confused with the similarly named System Monitor, which checks a variety of system health and performance metrics and can log messages regarding them to the cconsole.log, where they can then be scanned by the MONITOR.

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DTL Transformations and GetValueAt/SetValueAt calls on HL7 messages will truncate any fields longer than 32K. To avoid this, the methods GetFieldStreamRaw and StoreFieldStreamRaw must be used when dealing with fields that might be larger than 32K. OBX:5 is a frequent example. These methods have some subtleties and must be used carefully.

This can't be done by simply dragging from left to right in a DTL. It must be done with a code action. Also, the StoreFieldStreamRaw call must be the last edit made to the segment because the segment becomes immutable after that.

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Created by Daniel Kutac, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

Warning: if you get confused by URLs used: the original series used screens from machine called dk-gs2016. The new screenshots are taken from a different machine. You can safely treat url WIN-U9J96QBJSAG as if it was dk-gs2016.

Part 2. Authorization server, OpenID Connect server

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When refreshing a html or tablePane component using refreshContents() that takes a lot of server-side-processing, I'm running into timeouts every now and then. i.e., the result for the tablePane is that there's nothing displayed at all.

How can we configure (relax) that timeout so also those heavier ones get refreshed eventually? Just overriding %request.Timeout in %OnPreHTTP did not seem to do the trick.

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I need to pass a parameter string that contains slashes to a REST call.

I tried URL encoding, or making URL map to accept query parameter instead of path parameter but apparently we only allow for path parameters.

I can come with several workarounds, but these involve some transformation at client and then on server, but I'd prefer a direct support.

Q1: is there any Cache specific trick to pass slashes in path parameters

Q2: are we going to support query parameters in REST?

something like this would help:

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· Mar 3, 2016 2m read
Class Projections and Projection Classes

The purpose of this post is to raise the profile of a powerful mechanism that has long been available to us, and to open a discussion about ways in which it can be used or abused.

You can read more detail about the mechanism here. To summarize, your class definition can use the Projection keyword to reference one or more projection classes. A projection class can implement methods that get invoked at key points in the lifecycle of your class.

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I'm in a process of acquiring a corpus of documents on educational courses.

For example there is an educational course called "OOP" and it can have documents from 2008, 2009, ... 2016 etc.
And there are a lot of these courses, each one with programs from different years (hopefully)

So 1 document is 1 programm of one course for one year.

I want to calculate how much does a course changes per year.

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