Hi Developers!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Embedding AI Services

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,898 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Feb 8, 2021 2m read
Websocket Client Embedded Python

This is a demo to make use of a simple WebSocket Client with Embedded Python in IRIS.

How to Test it

  • Run an Iris Session in Docker
  • Select your WebSocket Echo Server
  • Enter the text you want to send or generate it
  • Send it and see the result
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris "##class(rccpy.WSockPy).Run()"

*** Welcome to WebSocket Embedded Python Demo ***

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So I am a front end developer working with REST API with Cache database on the BE. The BE guys are currently using Cache through a Windows virtual machine and they claim it is not possible to have a development server to work with. All the work they are doing is directly on the production server and changes are immediate and I think this is a bad idea going forward and we most definitely need a development server that has access to the same code base and different version (through git) to be able to do development. We also do all the testing on this production server with test accounts, but we cannot do automated testing with this setup.

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I need another set of eyes to look at the following. Instead of a Data Lookup table, I wanted to try to lookup a value against a Cache table that I had build. So I thought I could write a function to run a simple SQL query against the Cache Table and return me a %Boolean value back to my routing rule. However today I found that it was not working properly.

Can someone take a look at the following method and verify that I am doing this correct?

index = column name

value = HL7 field that I am passing into the method

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Building REST API with InterSystems IRIS Docker Container in 5 Minutes

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In the context of IKO (Iris Kubernetes Operator) the question of Service not redirecting dynamically to the correct Pod is still pending.
In production this can be dangerous since an overload (or any other simpler problem) can cause you to change the main Pod and leave the application inoperable until we intervene.

Intersystems support warned that this is still an issue of IKO, but there are some possibilities that I am studying.

To explore an idea I had, I would like the help of this Forum to answer the following question:

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I have a PV1 repeating field that can contain multiple or a single value. I'd like to always pull the last value in the field but am not sure how to configure this in my DTL.

The repeating field is in PV1:50().1

Could somebody shed some light on this?






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*Analista Ensemble Júnior / Pleno

Próximo Metrô Clínicas

* Conhecimento em barramento e protocolos RESTFull / SOAP
* Integração com banco de dados Oracle / SQL Server

* Integração de sistemas hospitalares
* Administração do ambiente Ensemble
* Análise de Dados

Enviar CV com pretensão salarial

Contratação CLT ou PJ tempo indeterminado

Empresa ..................: JHealth Informatics
Email ........................: rh@jhealth.com.br

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· Jan 5, 2021
OpenVMS versions

I'm just clarifying that 2017.1 is viable on 8.4-1H1. can someone please confirm, also what kind of support would we receive if we upgraded to 8.4-2L1? I know that 2015.2 works on it. yet it says it's not supported.

we really need to get to 8.4-2L1. any help would greatly be appreciated.



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In addition to charts on a dashboard we have a request to have a crosstab which would be populated by some entries queried out of an error log. It's basically a detail query with mostly text data. I have tried making a pivot widget for this using both a cube and kpi source, and while succeeding with the KPI, it leaves a lot to be desired.

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How do we return a member from a set? For example if I want a calculated measure to return the NAME of the date with the max transactions, to get the set ordered I might do something like:

ORDER([TransactionDate].[YearMonthDate].[Date].MEMBERS, [Measures].[TransactionCount], DESC)

But how do I access the first member in the set as a member so that I can get to the properties such as the member NAME (what I want to return in this case)?

In some MDX implementations like Microsoft there are kind of backdoor functions for this like:

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Two permanent job opportunities for Caché Developer/Programmers. Small company, remote positions. Offices located in Philadelphia and Ft. Myers, FL. Development team retiring in next two years. Looking for new team. Excellent benefits including stock options and work environment. Travel and financial services industries.

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Hi -

I know this is very "newby" of me, but here goes..

I have moved some classes onto my server, but these have never been in VSCode as edited files, and I'm just not finding the magic command or button or drop-down that says "pull this file from the server and make me a local copy to edit. I can see the class files on the server using the ObjectScript plugin - but I just can't find out where to make a local copy for editing


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Hi !

There is a BusinessService be called by several callers,but now I get this error below on Event Log page:

<Ens>ErrGeneral: Failed to create document from string:

ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error:processing instruction cannot start with 'xml'
while processing Anonymous Stream at line 1 offset 106

What may be the cause of this error?

How can I locate the parameter that caused this error?

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· Feb 2, 2021 12m read
A custom SQL index with Python features

Image search like Google's is a nice feature that wonder me - as almost anything related to image processing.

A few months ago, InterSystems released a preview for Python Embedded. As Python has a lot of libs for deal with image processing, I decided to start my own attemptive to play with a sort of image search - a much more modest version in deed :-)

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The docbook chapter "Importing XML into Objects" has the following tip:

You can call the Correlate() method repeatedly to correlate more than one element, although the examples in this chapter show only one correlation.

Does anyone have a good example of multiple correlations? I've got code running that does multiple imports of the same file while changing the correlation and it's inelegant and not really what I want.

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Making a blog using Python + IRIS Globals

Since I started to use internet (late 90's), I always had a CMS (content management system) present to make easier post
any information in a blog, social media or even an enterprise page. And later years putting all my code into github I
used to document it on a markdown file. Observing how easy could be persisting data into Intersystems IRIS with the
Native API I decided to make this application and force myself to forget a little of SQL and stay open to key-value database

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