All time

I am creating a new HL7 DTL item. I put the from as HL7 and the to as XML, hence, those Ens classes were loaded into the new DTL. However, on the map screen, both the left and the right column only show 'source' and 'target', and no other fields. I pictured that when I included these classes, both columns would pull the corresponding 'schema' to show all the to/from fields, but, they did not. Is that right?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,968 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I'm testing a REST API that is used for our IRIS Backend with a mobile app (Angular / ionic).

The problem is that, our test environment does not yet have HTTPS capabilities, it's something we're going to set up ASAP, but right now we don't have it set up.

We want to test the API endpoints via a web browser using either a test application built in Angular, or the app itself built with NPM via the browser. This means that the set-cookie headers are being blocked by the browser.

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Hi Community!

It's been a month since the end of the Global Summit 2024 (here is a brief reminder of how it went: part 1 and part 2), and you may want to relieve the excitement or, maybe, wish to see the sessions. This is your chance to influence the order in which the sessions are published here, on the Developer Community.

Please vote for your favorite topic and we will use YOUR votes to plan our announcements! 😉

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The extension and source code are now available

After having some discussions at Global Summit and using a lot of package managers in my day to day development (npm,nuget,Chocolatey, etc) in addition to recently using the InterSystems Package Manager for some CICD process I'm building using Intersystems IRIS and IRIS 4 Health, I wanted an easy and integrated way to search/view/install packages related to the Intersystems tech stack.

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Hi Guys,

I'm getting ERROR #6237: Unexpected tag in XML input: imageclickbutton when running Build All for all existing classes, imageclickbutton is one of custom components we use in our application and I can actually compile imageclickbutton.cls class with no issues and also I can compile the class containing the imageclickbutton tag with not issues but I get the errors when running the Build All not sure why?

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Hey Community!

As you may know, our Developer Community AI has been out for over a month now 🎉 We hope you were curious enough to give it a try 😁 If you haven't yet, please do! Anyway, since it's still in beta, we're very interested in learning what you think about it, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.

Since we value your time and effort, we will give away a cute prize to a random member of the Community who shares their thoughts. To participate in this sweepstakes, you have to follow the guidelines:

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Trying to test a router that takes an XML input and performs a transform on it.

First attempt I tried to test the transform using the XML Document Viewer via the Ensemble -> Interoperate -> XML Document Viewer menu. The transform itself is working however I can not get the output to save to a file. I've made sure permissions are set correctly on the file. It simply doesn't output anything and I'm at a loss as to why.

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So, here is a novice question; but, I can't seem to figure out how to do it, or find any comments. I simply want to close out this DTL, under the Interoperability / Build / DTL screen:

There do not seem to be any buttons to 'close' the current DTL item. I tried logging off and back on, and, it brings it right back. Ideas?

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An effective source control solution allows organizations to manage complex codebases, facilitate seamless collaboration within development teams, and streamline deployment processes.

Sonic Healthcare, a leading provider of pathology, radiology, general practice, and corporate medical services, has significantly enhanced visibility and control over its complex environment by implementing Deltanji source control. The tight integration Deltanji provides with InterSystems IRIS and IRIS for Health has been central in achieving these improvements.

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Hi, Community!

Need to learn how to write better prompts for GenAI? This video from Learning Services introduces six key strategies:

Optimizing Your Prompts for Generative AI
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Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Optimizing Supply Chains with InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator @ Global Summit 2023
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With the introduction of vector data types and the Vector Search functionality in IRIS, a whole world of possibilities opens up for the development of applications and an example of these applications is the one that I recently saw published in a public contest by the Ministry of Health from Valencia in which they requested a tool to assist in ICD-10 coding using AI models.

How could we implement an application similar to the one requested? Let's see what we would need:

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