Hi Developers!

As discussed in previous parts of Package Manager stories to turn your IRIS application into a deployable package you just need to introduce the module.xml file into the root folder of the repository and describe all the resources.

I’m pleased to introduce you to a new project template on Open Exchange which contains examples of how to make different types of resources of your InterSystems IRIS application a part of the ObjectScript package and so make the deployable ObjectSctipt package.

Let's see how you can describe your application resources using this template project as an example.

See the details below.

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NewBie's Corner Session: 9 Documentation and books

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

To access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

Click on the InterSystems cube in the Windows system tray, then choose Documentation.

Or – another method you can use to access your documentation:

Assuming you have installed Caché, (see NewBie's Corner, Session:1),

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· Mar 5, 2021 3m read
Fraud Management with InterSystems IRIS

Organizations around the world lose an estimated five percent of their annual revenues to fraud, according to a survey of Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) who investigated cases between January 2010 and December 2011. Applied to the estimated 2011 Gross World Product, this figure translates to a potential total fraud loss of more than $3.5 trillion (source: https://www.acfe.com/press-release.aspx?id=4294973129).

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Providing a reliable infrastructure for rapid, unattended, automated failover

Technology Overview

Traditional availability and replication solutions often require substantial capital investments in infrastructure, deployment, configuration, software licensing, and planning. Caché Database Mirroring (Mirroring) is designed to provide an economical solution for rapid, reliable, robust, automatic failover between two Caché systems, making mirroring the ideal automatic failover high-availability solution for the enterprise.

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Hi folks!

Want to share a lifehack with you on ObjectScript highlighiting withing VSCode for script files.

Script files are just files with lines of ObjectScript that we feed anywhere, e.g. into IRIS during Docker baking procedure.

Typical usecase - here is the Scriptfile

here is the Dockerfile where we feed it.

And here is how it looks like usually in VSCode:

Screenshot 2021-08-05 at 09 51 06

Coudl be more beautiful, right?

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· Apr 22, 2016 1m read
Huge icon on Atelier's Help menu

I'm using Atelier 1.0.145 on Windows (x64). When I open the Help menu from the menubar the final entry (About Atelier) has a huge version of the Atelier icon alongside it. This distorts the menu. I can't post a screenshot here because my simplistic screen capture tool causes the faulty menu to close. But the large icon I see is also (correctly) displayed on the About box itself:

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can programmatically retrieve routine dates and sizes using the RoutineList query of the %Library.Routine (or just %Routine) class.

The RoutineList query has an argument, and the routine name to be searched can be specified by prefix match or middle match. (For wildcards, specify * or ?)

In the example below, *.MAC is specified as an argument.

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· Jul 24, 2023 20m read
Local K8s Deployment of a FHIR server


This is a sample to deploy iris-oauth-fhir on k3d with IKO.
* iris-oauth-fhir is a sample to deploy a FHIR server with OAuth2 authentication with InterSystems IRIS for Health as a resource server and Google OpenId as an authorization server.
* k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab's minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker.
* IKO is a tool to deploy InterSystems IRIS for Health on Kubernetes.

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This post is meant to provide a quick possible explanation for a very perplexing problem.

Scenario: You’ve just created your own administrative user in your 2014.1 (or later) instance of Caché. You gave it every possible security role (including %All), so it should in theory be able to do anything within the instance.

You’ve written a very advanced routine with a break command in it for debugging:

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Dynamic PoolSize (DPS) Experiment


Enhance Ensemble or IRIS production so it can dynamically allocate pool size for adapter-based components based on their utilization.

Sometimes, an unexpected traffic volume occurs, and default pool size allocated to production components may become a bottleneck. To avoid such situations, I created a demonstrator project some 2 years ago to see, whether it would be possible and feasible to modify production, so it allowed for dynamically modifying its components per their load.

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This paper describes how Ensemble behaves after a system crash or similar uncontrolled shutdown or failover. Ensemble is normally configured to start processing messages automatically when the operating system restarts or when the system has failed over to a cluster member or mirror member. No manual intervention is required. But, in order for your system to robustly handle system failure and restart, you must understand how Ensemble handles these conditions and develop your productions using the rules and guidelines in this document.

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· Sep 28, 2017 1m read
Terminal license expire message

If you are facing out the license expire warning message on your terminal ("*** Warning: This Cache license will expire in 3 days ***") and you do not want that message to be displayed, you can disable/enable that by rinning the following commands:

Do ExpirationMessageOff^%SYS.LICENSE - Disable

Do ExpirationMessageOn^%SYS.LICENSE - Enable

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· Dec 9, 2021 2m read

Millions of professionals use a wonderful tool, spreadsheets, for engineering calculations and financial analysis. It attracts a user-friendly interface and clear data organization. Cell formulas provide rich opportunities for automating calculations. No programming is required.

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This is the third article in our short series around innovations in IRIS SQL that deliver a more adaptive, high-performance experience for analysts and applications querying relational data on IRIS. It may be the last article in this series for 2021.2, but we have several more enhancements lined up in this area. In this article, we'll dig a little deeper into additional table statistics we're starting to gather in this release: Histograms

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I tried to make atelier look more like XCODE with this simple trick or tip: change the default font to SF Mono and size 14.

To do it I did:

1) Install SF Mono font in the system which is the default font for XCODE and needs to be installed in order to use it.

You can find it in: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/Fonts

Double Click SFMono-Regular.otf file and install it. You will get a warning of "serious problems" but it will work all right.

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At Global Summit back in April, in his keynote speech, John Paladino mentioned that improvements to our documentation search were being made. You might have wondered, since things seemed to go quiet, whether anything was really happening. Well, we had an internal demo of some of the upcoming features recently, and the new capabilities look really cool – searching documentation has been frustrating for InterSystems staff too! So, I thought it might be good to pass on a few details to give a taste of what is coming. Of course, InterSystems will be putting together much better information

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Sometimes we need to know for sure if the current environment has sufficient cores, memory, and bandwidth to support the planned number of users and such SLAs as latency, response time, and availability. This is true for databases and backends. This is why it is mandatory for critical applications and databases to simulate the users simultaneous/concurrent requests and collect metrics about performance and availability.

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I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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