· Jun 7, 2023 2m read

Global Summit 2023, The Explosive Ending! For now

Hi Community!

We've reached the end of this #GlobalSummit23 - the last day! And this is our day - programmers' day. The keynotes today were all dedicated to the developers, their growth, aspirations and innovations.

To make it even more interesting, during the keynotes @Dean Andrews talked about the Developer Community, among other things. You can watch this part on Youtube now, or wait when the proper professional version come out:
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Right after lunch all the moderators who were present at the Global Summit gathered for the session called "How to get the most out of the InterSystems Developer Ecosystem". This year there were a lot more people present than the last!

@Dean Andrews talked about news and features of the Community, Global Masters, Open Exchange, Ideas Portal and how people can benefit from them.

And then there was an open season for anyone who wished to say a few words 😊

@Dmitry Maslennikov of the DC EN

@José Pereira of the DC PT

@Muhammad Waseem of the DC EN

@Kurro Lopez of the DC ES

@Lorenzo Scalese of the DC FR

@Scott Roth of the DC EN

And here is the photo of all the moderators present (left to right): @José Pereira, @Muhammad Waseem, @Djeniffer Greffin, @Scott Roth, @Dean Andrews, @John Murray, @Irène Mykhailova, @Lorenzo Scalese, @Kurro Lopez.

What a nice bunch of people!

I hope everyone who was present enjoyed these 45 minutes.

After the session it was almost time for the final ice-cream and coffee! But before I glimpsed @Guillaume Rongier finishing his talk about his favorite topic Python.

We hooked up with @Dmitry Maslennikov@Murray Oldfield and our new Community member who joined during the session above - @Vladimir Babarykin.

And I literally caught @Vita Tsareva from Caelestinus after the final goodbye

This is it. Hope you liked the story of how my Global Summit went.

Share your thought of the Global Summit in the comments. And what do you think will be the location of the Global Summit 2024? That's an interesting topic 😀 See you then!

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