
I just updated Atelier to 1.01.263 and now many of the Atelier icons/images are blurry and the spacing in the Atelier Explorer doesn't look right. This is on Windows 10. Is this a known issue? Are there any settings I need to adjust?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,415 amazing developers
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In my country we speak in spanish. My developing machine uses windows 8.1

I made a nice looking html mock-up using angular material (in Atom, writing in UTF-8). I just moved that mock-up to the CSP folder inside Ensemble and it shows the typical weird characters of character encoding problems.

Have you had an issue like this before?

My temporal solution for the html files: I just configured Atom to read the files in Windows 1252 encoding.

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Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

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While I can see the benefits that $ZSTORAGE could have if used properly, I have not seen it used in the environments I have worked in. I was wondering if there are any developers that promote its usage.

If used properly, I would imagine it could be highly effective in maximizing free memory since some processes will never go over X amount, while others may very well need much more.

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· Feb 21, 2017
Parse %ObjectIdentity


I'm trying to implement %OnAfterDelete ClassMethod for persistent class. As a parameter it gets oid As %ObjectIdentity for the deleted object.

ClassMethod %OnAfterDelete(oid As %ObjectIdentity) As %Status

My question is: how to get ID value from %ObjectIdentity ?

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I have one Ensemble EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has several methods, each writing a different file. In my Ensemble Production I have configured this FileAdapter to write to a certain directory, but i'd rather have each method write to a different (sub)directory instead of writing all files to the same directory. How can I achieve that without splitting the methods into different business operations?

The current code just sets the filename and the output:

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0 544

I have a business operation in an ensemble production to which I can send a test message which requires a date input. However, I can not seem to find out how I write the date in the test message. 1980-01-01, 01-01-1980, 50000 (cache integer encoding). But I constantly get an error: <ZODAT> zDateOfBirthDisplayToLogical+1^Ckey.Customer.1

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0 576


I am trying the following command in order to freeze the instance before backup is done:

csession CACHE -U%SYS "##Class(Backup.General).ExternalFreeze()"

The command requires user name and password to be supplied when prompted. Is there any way that this command can be run where it doesn't query the credentials? I am wondering if it can use OS level permissions (root or effective user who owns Cache processes etc) .

My test is on a CentOS 6 machine if that helps.



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Hopefully this is a simple questions to respond to. Can you do Delegated Authentication for SOAP web service calls. I ask as I am not seeing this work as expected. I have this authentication turned on and enabled in for he CSP Web Application yet I keep getting a "Security Token could not be Authenticated. And a global I was setting to capture some of the available data is not being loaded.

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0 781

I use the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation table a lot. Someone just referred me to the HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Document table, which has an AggregationId column.

I assume that column references the ID column in the .Aggregation table. If so, does this mean that if the same document was requested 1,000 times that there will be 1,000 entries for it in the .Document table? This seems inefficient to me. Why not have one record in the document table and have a DocumentId column in the Aggregation table?

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I have Healthshare/Ensemble version 2015.2.1.

I created Business Operation in my ENSDEMO namespace that will connect to an external REST endpoint to send data to this external REST Service.

I also created an http service in Home>Healthshare>Service Registry, under the Service Type: http. I entered the REST endpoint Name, Host, SSL Configuration, and URL.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: The inconspicuous Menu button

Amongst the large fonts and chunky icons of Portal's pages, the Menu button in the top left corner is easily overlooked:

When clicked, it often produces the following menu:

When I remember it's there, I find the "View Console Log" option particularly handy.

I wrote "often" above because I've also noticed that the Menu contents change when I'm on a page within the Ensemble section of Portal:

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0 548
· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Feel at home on the Home page

Until recently I didn't pay much attention to Portal's home page:

If it's not showing when you initially launch Portal you can easily jump to it using the button / tab at the top of the left-hand column of options. And later during your session, get there via the Home link that will be visible at the top of every page.

On the Home page the "Recent" section is automatically maintained for you.

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Portal tip: Use the search box

User interfaces such as Portal often give us multiple ways of doing a task. Sometimes we stick with habits and don't realize that another way might save us time.

Here's one that I learned by watching someone else using Portal.

Use the Search box to get quickly to a page that may otherwise be several layers deep in the Portal hierarchy. For example, suppose I want to check the status of the ECP networking:

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0 302
· Feb 13, 2017
Connecting using factory

The following code in .Net using CacheObject.dll version 2016.1.2.206 com library

ConnectionString = "cn_iptcp:[1972]:PHDEMO:PHSYSADM:***********"

b = factory.Connect(ConnectionString )
objCacheObject = factory.Static("CacheObjectConnection")
clist = factory.GetConnectionList()

for the above code, b is true and clist is Local,cn_iptcp:[1972]:

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0 452

IO devices can be assigned to a mnemonic space using, for example:

u device::"^%X364"

Is there a method that will return the assigned mnemonic space for the current device?

I can infer it by attempting to write to the device using a non existent write /mnemonic and then inspecting the error returned, but this is rather messy and could potentially affect the status of the device. For example:

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