I am trying to install IAM in my local and I downloaded IAM-0.34-1-1.tar.gz and extracted. I went to the location where iam_image.tar is available and run below command in the command prompt.

C:\ESB\HC\IAM-0.34-1-1.tar\IAM-0.34-1-1\IAM>docker load -i iam_image.tar
unsupported os linux

Getting unsupported os Linux issue. Kindly let me know if anyone had this issue. Thanks!

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,409 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

(We are in contact with IS support for this problem but I would like to ask Community too, perhaps somebody experienced this problem in the past)

Hello Community,

we need your help with Cache 2017.2 freezing on Linux machine.

Since we moved our primary production Cache from Windows to Linux in the begging of this year, we have experienced system freezing twice. Yesterday without any good reason Cache stopped to respond with the log shown below.


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Hi -- at a customer site we have 8 Access Gateways, with a couple of different load balancers that decide which projects go to which subset of AGs.

We're about to go live with a project that uses a subscription, and we have that subscription pointing to one of the AGs. What if that AG goes down? The project is dead until the AG is back up. The subscription forces us to pick an AG that's registered in the Gateway Registry -- I don't see a way to get a cluster or load balancer address in there.

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· May 1, 2020 1m read
Code sample to concatenate JSON arrays

ObjectScript doesn't include any built-in method for appending one JSON dynamic array to another. Here's a code snippet I use that's equivalent to the JavaScript concat() method.

Call it with any number of arguments to concatenate them into a new array. If an argument is a dynamic array, its elements will be added. Otherwise the argument itself will be added.

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3 732

Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in April 2020!

19 New applications in April 2020

FHIR Server and API Manager for MIT COVID-19 Challenge by Steven LeBlanc

This demo shows how InterSystems API Manager (IAM) can be used to view and test FHIR resources with InterSystems IRIS for Health. It comes pre-configured with a FHIR server, pre-populated with synthetic patient data. The new InterSystems API Manager (IAM) includes OpenAPI Swagger specs to quickly generate REST client code to work with many common FHIR resources.

Production Manager by Nikolay Soloviev

REST API to manage IRIS Interoperability Productions.

rest-api-contest-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Template repository for InterSystems IIRS REST API Programming Contest

JSON-Filter by Lorenzo Scalese

ObjectScript server-side JSON filter.

objectscript-openapi-definition by Guillaume Rongier

The objectif of this library is to generate the ObjectScript Class from an OpenApi definition.

FHIR-HL7v2-SQL-Demo by Guillaume Rongier

Ready to use a demo of an FHIR Server and HL7v2 transformation to the FHIR Server on IRIS For Health Intersystems The FHIR repo can be a query in SQL.

CloudWatch-IRIS by Anton Umnikov

Configuring AWS CloudWatch with InterSystems IRIS

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0 136

Hi Community!

The registration phase for the second InterSystems Online Programming Contest has already ended, and now the voting week begins!

We have 7 applications - so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote?

This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

4 6
0 389

Hi Developers,

New to machine learning? Watch this video on InterSystems Developers YouTube to understand the basic concepts of machine learning and how it provides value in applications around the world today:

What is Machine Learning?

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Product is Caché
Version is 2018.1


I'm working in a security issue of the system that says that once you are logged into a session 
and you save this cookie. You can go to another navigator and use this cookie to be registered. 

I would like to chenge this cookie once user is logged into my system but I can't logout and 
login again because all my cookies are removed.

Is there a way to change to cookie or renew it?

Thanks a lot.
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0 1.6K

During runtime I build an object which is essentially a wrapper over in-memory table:

col1 ... colN
val11 ... valN1
val12 ... valN2

I want to use this object as a part of INSERT or UPDATE queries, based on a value of some column (the main use case one of the columns is an ID value)

What's the best way to expose the object to SQL?

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