· May 4, 2020

InterSystems Developers Community Release, May 2020

Hi Developers!

Here is the May 2020 review on the new features on Developers Community!

We introduced the following new features:

  • improved events section;
  • Other topics were removed from main;
  • Search in the specific language only;
  • subscription settings in all the supported languages;
  • Discord Channel is introduced.

See the details below.

Enhanced Events Section

In this release Events section of the site shows upcoming and past events, and has event categories: online and offline. Read more about the feature. And hold your webinars on Developers Community.

'Other' topics removed from Main

Sometimes, not often, we are getting posts that are not relevant to InterSystems or to InterSystems community but could be interesting to members of the InterSystems Developers Community. We don't want to block such conversations but also don't want to mix them with general technology conversation. So if the post goes with 'Other' main tag only it lives under the separate Other tag and is never shown in the main feed.

Search in the specific language only

Now DC search will not show you the results in Spanish if for the search in English. And vice-versa. And both will not show Japanese articles. And the search in Japanese will show Japanese posts only. Convenient, isn't it? This functionality comes with the current release.

Subscription settings in all the supported languages

When you open a language-specific community for the first time we suggest copying your subscription settings to a new site too. And if you agree you start getting emails in another language too. And it was difficult to unsubscribe or adjust your email settings on another language moreover if you don't know another language at all and opened the language-specific site because of curiosity.

In this release, we introduced the management of all the subscriptions in all the sites in all the languages. So you can go to your subscriptions settings to examine and change the subscriptions on all the DC-language sites:

Discord Channel for DC

We have a Discord channel now! We introduced it during the contest, but it makes total sense for any other InterSystems technology-related chats. 


As always we fixed a lot of minor bugs, such as the bug in a search, improved events management, and so on. 

Check the full kanban of solved issues in April 2020. Here is the planned kanban for May 2020.

Submit your ideas, bug fixes, contribute to Developers Community, and stay tuned!

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