
I have a little problem that appears to my newest program. One of the purpose of my program is to transfer a file from a path to another one.

Another person/entity places the file into a specific file ( let's call it \\Server\) but the problem is that my service (a simple EnsLib.File.PassthroughService) takes it and places it directly into my other path. The pdf file is very big and it happens almost all the time that the size of the output file is not the same as in input and so is corrupted.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,989 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

In the first article I started discussing RESTForms - REST API for your persistent classes. We talked about basic features, now, I'd like to discuss advanced features - mainly queries capabilites:

  • Basic queries
  • Query arguments
  • Custom queries


Queries allow getting slices of data, based on arbitrary criteria. There are two query types in RESTForms:

  • Basic queries work for all RESTForms classes once defined and they differ only by the field list
  • Custom queries work only for the classes in which they are specified and available, but the developer has full access to query text
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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS Containers for Developers

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Roadmap: Analytics and AI

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Off the back of the Interface Monitoring post I had created a class that queries the Ens.AlertRequest global and returns the entries between 6pm the night before and 6am in the morning.

I tested this build in our T&D environments and the build worked very well.

However in our production environment the query is being truncated, by what I believe to be a timeout and I get a partial query output.

In the System>SQL pages my 12 hour query times out.

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the file being created on the FTP server will have a format that includes the current date I would like to pull this file off the FTP while ignoring other files on the same location.

Inbound Service Class

I would like to find the file on the FTP that is being created using Todays date. But it appears that the wildcard are not recognizing the file format:

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I configured a SQL inbound adapter to monitor my local Cache database.

But I got "ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: ODBC Connect failed for 'SAMPLES' /
'' with error ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: DSN/User Connect."

Same error if the DSN setting is blank or set to my namespace.

Question is whether SQL inbound adapter is for external database server ONLY?

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Hi Developers:

There's lots of news in this month's Developments newsletter for customers and partners. InterSystems made the Gartner Leaders Quadrant and ranked high in other analyst reports. There have been several major product releases. And the recent "AI Robotization (Python, R, Interoperability) for InterSystems IRIS"(Anton Umnikov, Eduard Lebedyuk, and Sergey Lukyanchikov) is now available on demand.

You can download the latest issue from our landing page.

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· Dec 12, 2019
Bootstrap Tables & CSP

Hello All,

We need to develop a small csp application which shows data in simple paginated / searchable table for business users.

It is to be built on an old version of Cache and is not a big full fledged application but something temporary. We can't use Zen and using a combination of csp & Bootstrap as bootstrap makes the pages look beautiful with little effort.

I have built the table in boostrap and it works fine with pagination and search working perfectly

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In the previous part of this series, we saw how to define a basic portlet. Now we will look into making this portlet reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience.

In this example, we will be embedding a Developer Community article along side a couple of widgets displaying information related to the number of views on the Developer Community articles. This example is not hosted on the Community Analytics server, but if it was we could see the view counts going up as we interacted with the page.

Why use this?

In a real case, perhaps you have an embedded page from an external web site showing the current Emergency Room wait times for Hospitals in your area. This portlet can be used along side widgets from your Emergency Room showing how many people are waiting, how many doctors are active, and how many people are being treated. As other Emergency Room wait times grow, you can possibly expect your volume to increase as well. This can help you make decisions on how to allocate resources.

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I am having trouble configuring the environment in eclipse have download eclipse for java script and web developers followed the video but could not connect to the server I have my Apache server 7.0 added to the java environment and I can start and stop the server through eclipse IDE but when I fire atelier and add server I get the above error any help please .This is the first time I am trying to use the plug in through eclipse .Just in case There is another installation I need to do please advice but I am guessing something to do with atelier not seeing my configurations or permissions

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I am under the impression that inside HealthShare you can Services, Processes, and Operations. The service takes incoming data, the processes can process that data, and then the operations can send that data out.

I am curious if anyone has any experience, guides, or advice on how I can send data to a service using a Java application. I intend for the data to be in XML format. I am also curious if I succeed at picking up the data in the service, how I send the data back to the Java application using an Operation.

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As we announced at our Global Summit in October, we are developing dedicated connectors for a number of third-party data visualization tools for InterSystems IRIS. With these connectors, we want to combine an excellent user experience with optimal performance when using those tools to visualize data managed on InterSystems IRIS Data Platform.

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Hi ,

I am stuck with unit test failure with intersystem . In case of unit test failure, the build in jenkins is succeding while the build in jenkins should fail in case unit test failure .

In cache programming i am using %UnitTest.Manager class and DebugRunTestCase method within it. I'm able to link studio with jenkins. I wanna fail my build in jenkins, if any of the test cases fails. Could anyone help?

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Hi Everyone,

Please welcome the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Using IoT in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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· Dec 12, 2019 2m read
Creating Portlets in DeepSee

What is a portlet?

The simple answer is: a custom widget. A portlet can exist by itself on a DeepSee dashboard, it can be used along side standard DeepSee widgets, or along side other portlets. The rendering of the custom widget is completely user defined. This means you can embed a web page, create a form to perform any sort of action needed based on the data on your dashboard, use third party charting libraries, or simply display data from outside of a DeepSee cube.

How to get started

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· Dec 12, 2019
ComplexMap Riddle

Im usually pretty good at ComplexMaps and implemented a couple, but I have one that is stumping me on how I can implement it. My problem is I have no real "leading data" to key off of and need something else...

It goes a little bit like this:



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Hello guys,

Is it possible to map a package as read only?

I know it is possible to mount the source database as read only and map the package in the target namespace. But I would like to make the mapping read only so that the package would be "read only" only in the target namespace.

This would avoid someone to forget to set the database read only again if a modification in the package is needed.

Thanks in advance.

Jonas Zanon

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Our current file repository was on a linux server, but it has been having issues. For this reason, we are moving the data to SharePoint online, since we already pay for the service. It seems there is not an option to ftp/sftp files to/from the SharePoint Online server from our RedHat server (Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2015.2.3 (Build 855_0_17370))

How would I send and receive From the RedHat server to the SPO Server?

I'd love full example code, but any help pointing me in the right direction would be much appreciated.

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