InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,873 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hey Developers,

Meet the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Complex Decision Logic with InterSystems IRIS
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Hello; I am using a custom class extending CodeTableDetail (actually it extends CodeTableTranslated) for a MedicalClaimLine.Extension property for a Procedure Modifier value, in addition to the existing MedicalClaimLine.ProcedureModifierItems property (this is a list of %String). This works very well, stored AND translated correctly, until a valid ProcedureModifier value is used that is all punctuation: ##, **, or ++.

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Credentials for a Productions are stored as plain text in ^Ens.SecondaryData.Password and exposed as plain text via SQL table Ens_Config.Credentials which is not ideal as only admins should know the credentials.

I can create my own adapter etc... to store and use encrypted passwords but does anyone know if there is a standard way to do this in a Production?

Alternatively, am I missing how to secure this so the production can run and someone can monitor and operate a production without access to the SQL table or global?

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems "Sustainability" Interoperability Contest 2022 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Sustainability Topic
  • Sustainability Dataset
  • Business Process BPL or Business Rule DTL Usage
  • Custom Interoperability Adapter
  • Production EXtension(PEX) Python, Java, or .NET usage
  • Embedded Python usage
  • Docker container usage
  • ZPM Package Deployment
  • Online Demo
  • Code Quality pass
  • Article on Developer Community
  • The second article on Developer Community
  • Video on YouTube

See the details below.<--break->

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· Aug 25, 2022
SAM - Adding node_exporter

Note sure if anyone would know this.... But I presented my team with a Proof of Concept of running SAM to monitor our IRIS Development and Test Clusters. In talking with them we would like additional OS metrics that aren't provided by what is built into SAM. Looking at more OS detail I found node_exporter from Promethus. I added node_exporter to our server that we want to monitor, but then tried to config isc_prometheus.yml to use node_exporter. That did not go well and when I restarted SAM, it would not download the built in metrics to SAM.

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This morning I noticed that the ISCAgent.log for one of my high availabilty healthconnect servers has many entries that say:

"Mirror remote control command requested access to instance directory not found in registry."

In addition, Messages.log has many of the following entries:

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2022! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2022 🤩
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Hello! I am currently creating a class for a small error trap. I have it working and all is good but I really want to change the order of the fields in the SQL return from Alphabetical to something else.

The current Order is ID, ActionType, ErrorCount, ErrorDetails, Model, ResultCode, ResultMessage, Stock and Yard

I would really like for the field order to be ID, Yard, Stock, Model, etc.

Example of current order,

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!!

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Upgraded IRIS/Connect to 2022.1 and /api/atelier no longer works through a Web/CSPGateway. Also upgraded the Web/CSPGateway to version WebGateway-2022. on Ubuntu and HTTPD Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) with no luck as well.

It doesnt seem to matter if I add /api/atelier or /api/monitor to the enabled applications list, these routes do not make it back to the instance, however /csp, /csp/sys still does.

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Hey Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Using the Business Process Designer in InterSystems IRIS
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We're excited to announce the launch of the Community Roundtable series!

Roundtable sessions are for you to learn new things and connect with other Community members. Each month we'll select a new topic, provide an overview and select a specific date and time for this event.

We drafted a couple of topics for the first roundtable to choose from, but most of all we want to hear what you'd love to discuss!

Navigate >> to this challenge << on Global Masters to choose the topic and suggest yours.

UPD: Challenge is closed. Thank you for voting and ideas! We will be announcing the topic for the first session shortly.

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I am using $Query to loop through a global.

When I use $GET to get the data all we get back is the global name.

How do you get the value of the global after you have looped.

Below is my example in terminal.

Thank you in advance

Set node = $Query(^FromExtraMed(""))

w node

If i try w $GET(node) it returns


If i had this hardcoded it would have got the value

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· Aug 25, 2022
Ensemble Local Installation

Hi Team,

I am new to InterSystems. I am trying to setup DHTML editor with ActiveX control for Trakcare 2021.7 version. I am receiving Ensemble locally not installed error. Could you please guide me for using Ensemble in local windows machine

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Hey Community!

We've always had this idea on the back burner about improving the process of collecting, analyzing, and responding to product enhancement requests from our members. We knew we needed a good user experience and even better internal processes to make sure the best ideas were gathered, heard, and responded to. And finally, this thought has come to fruition!

So in case you missed it, let me introduce to you the Official InterSystems feedback portal:

💡 >> InterSystems Ideas << 💡

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