InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,647 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Management Portal Overview
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· Sep 17, 2020
modifying patient address in DTL


Newbie question. Could you please help me implement the following using DTL only - no programming.

We have a problem where our system sends longer addresses e.g. block of flats in an unexpected format

e.g. address below:

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I am trying to create a Procedure in Caché, but this message is showing:

<UNDEFINED>frmit+118^%qaqpsq *mt("v",1)

This is the procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE testebi.sp_cargainicial()
INSERT INTO testebi.Fato_Atendimentos (
PK_OsProcedimento )
from dado.TblOsProcedimento ;

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From my recent post, I uploaded a set of values into a global, and I am trying to compare the first field, and then

$GLOBAL("123", "bone issue")=""

$GLOBAL("234","joint issue")=""

Now, I want to compare and see if the DG1:4.1 segment has the code $GLOBAL and then replace the DG14.1 segment with the code and the description

so For Eg: if DG1:4.1 exists in $GLOBAL("123") then replace the segment with the code and description

Can someone guide me on how I can achieve this?

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· Sep 17, 2020
Bulk load csv into global

Is there a way to bulk load csv into a global? I have a csv with 283 lines in the following pattern

123, first text

234, second text

456, third text

I want to load them into a global ^loader(code, text). Is there a way to upload them using code?

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· Sep 16, 2020
More than 1 cursor in a class

I have a class that has 2 different cursors for different queries, audit1 and audit2. which are in 2 different methods. The first query runs fine, but the second one generates a 102 error.

Is there an issue with having more than 1 cursor in a class?

Has anyone seen this before?

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Hi Community!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Get InterSystems IRIS from the Docker Store
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Hi guys!!

In the system that I work, I came across an iterator pattern that uses the %Resultset library without performing the close after executing the query. Does anyone know how to say what are the impacts of not performing such a procedure?

If you have any model of iterator pattern made in caché to recommend as a good example, I will be grateful hehe :D

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Hello everyone smiley

We are facing what seems to be a network problem while transferring HL7 messages from Ensemble/Healthshare to a distant target through TCP/IP.

Here is the version of the system in any case it could be useful: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.02.2415 + Linkage Engine:15.03.9901]

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· Sep 11, 2020
Automatic Watch variables

I come from Visual Studio and now I use mostly Cache 2017 Studio. One debugging functionality I miss dearly is current local variables automatically appearing in the Watch Variables window together with their values. Yes, I can hover or type them myself but both actions take extra time which is especially noticeable when debugging unfamiliar code across many routines. Any Cache settings or plugins to that effect? If not then why not? And if nothing else is there in Cache, what are the alternatives or hacks in this respect?


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Hi Community!

Join us for another InterSystems Brazil virtual event, this time in partnership with Shift. The topic of discussion led by Marcelo Lorencin on September 16 will be: "InterSystems IRIS for notification of Covid-19's test results for the Ministry of Health".

Please register now with the link below, vacancies are limited:

InterSystems IRIS for notification of Covid-19's test results for the Ministry of Health

Date & Time: September 16 – 11:00 BRT

Note: The language of the webcast is Portuguese.

Join us!

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· Sep 14, 2020 3m read
IRIS Native API for ObjectScript

It seems to me that for some reason this didn't make its way to the official documentation
and seems to be rather unknown though implemented already in IRIS 2020.1

Thanks to @Dan Pasco I got a hint on the classes involved.
I used the recommended sequence of how to use it.
it is all directly taken from Class Reference and I just collected it to create a first overview.

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· Aug 21, 2020
IRIS SQL Linked Table

Hi everyone

Anyone knows how can we add a column to an existing linked table in Cache to reflect the external SQL table?

I've tried different queries. It does not fail but does not add the column either...

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Hello Developer Community!

I’m pleased to announce the 0.9 release of the ObjectScript extension for Visual Studio Code. Earlier this year I announced that InterSystems would be joining the community in evolving this already popular tool. Since then, we have been hard at work solidifying the code base and building a slew of new features.

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Common macro def as following

#def AnyNumber(%args) for i=1:1:$listlength(%args) { Write $listget(%args, i)}

Using this marcro in objectscript code:

ClassMethod Test() as %Status {



if ths args is literal value , Iit worked great. But When I want pass Objects, It's not working


I know I can pass a %ListObjects , If I want more shorter Line. How can I do this.


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Hi i have rules and i want to log them to analyse what rules executed , I want to add in the log Msg Controller Id, MRN, Value coming in the message, and my customize text telling whats wrong with this field... i have like 50 rules and at the end i can check the log table and found like 20 entries so it means 20 data issues are there for a given message control id. any advice how to to do it

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