· Oct 8, 2020
Report Render Server Error

Hi everyone, i'm using a render server to make pdf output with zen report and everything was fine till recently i've been getting this error message and i have no idea what it means, i'd be very thankfull if someone could help or got into the same situation.

Error message:

ERROR #5001: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: "fo:table-body" is missing child elements.
Required content model: marker* (table-row+|table-cell+) (See position 817:-1)

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Hello InterSystems Community,

We're excited to announce that we've completed our first Open Exchange submission for InterSystems platforms.

BridgeWorks VDM is an ad hoc reporting and graphical SQL query builder application that was designed for any user who needs access to their SQL projections in InterSystems Caché, InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health databases as well as access to InterSystems DeepSee and InterSystems IRIS BI Cubes with minimal SQL scripting experience.

VDM features:

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Currently we are using Health Share 2015.2.2, and looking to upgrade to the latest version in the next month.

From what I understand we have to upgrade to 2017 or 2018 prior to going to 2019.1 since 2019.1 is on the IRIS platform.

In trying to outline my steps in the upgrade process I came up with a question.

  • Can a Full System Backup from 2015.2.2 be restored into 2019.1?
  • Do I have to restore the 2015.2.2 back up into 2017 or 2018, then do the 2019.1 conversion?

Has anyone had experience with this? or should I open a ticket with WRC?

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· Feb 13, 2017
Connecting using factory

The following code in .Net using CacheObject.dll version 2016.1.2.206 com library

ConnectionString = "cn_iptcp:[1972]:PHDEMO:PHSYSADM:***********"

b = factory.Connect(ConnectionString )
objCacheObject = factory.Static("CacheObjectConnection")
clist = factory.GetConnectionList()

for the above code, b is true and clist is Local,cn_iptcp:[1972]:

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· May 22, 2023 6m read
Recovering a Mirror after crash

Here we are again with an article related to the Mirror!

In the previous article we saw how we could configure a Mirror between two IRIS instances, one acting as an active node and the other as a passive one. This mirroring system works on the transfer of a journal file that keeps the instance that works as a passive node continuously updated, but what happens if due to some communication failure or permissions of the journal file it is not transferred correctly?

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I have created a class file that I want to execute daily to gather Metrics (Message Header, Space Available, etc..) and write the data into a Cache table. Now that I have written the class I want to add it to the Task Scheduler within Ensemble to run every morning. How do I go about getting the class file created as a Task within the Task Scheduler? The Documentation isn't as clear cut for creating custom tasks as one would expect.

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· Apr 13, 2021
Technical Assessment Platforms

Hello everyone!

Have you ever worked with or undertaken a test through a technical assessment platform (Codility, Coderbyte, HackerRank, ...)? What was your experience?

Thanks in advance for sharing!

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We have a situation where we want to save the patient photo (or any other attachment) received via FHIR to a persistent property without decoding it. When it is sent out again using FHIR is is stored in the encoded format and need not be encoded. We do not need to decode it for our application. We always use it on another system that retrieves it or saves it via FHIR and therefore it is always received or sent embedded in JSON.

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The goal is to construct a comma separated string, using a loop but the same way $listtostring(var,",") would do (i.e. "a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h" without starting or ending comma).

What is the best way to do it, concerning the readability of the code and its performances?

To do so, there are more than 5 methods, but in this example we will test 4 :

1) using a "if" in the loop

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Hey Developers!

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems Full Stack Contest!

So, it's time to give your vote to the best solutions built with InterSystems IRIS.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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I am new to InsterSystems Cache - having a SQL Server background. However I am dealing with a Third Party who use InterSystems Cache to hold some of our data. To do some analysis I need to view a backup of the database. They are prepared to send me a backup.

My question is - how can I view this backup ( would this be the CACHE.dat file?).

Do I effectively need to have an installation of CACHE on my machine to be able to view this? Is it possible to view it from SQL Server?

Any help would be appreciated.



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Well my last post got cut off for some reason. I am trying the new beta and wondering about the following functionality from Studio that I don't find in Atelier:

F12 = Open the routine and jump to the tag of the current call the cursor is on in a routine

F2 / <Ctrl> F2 = jumping to a bookmark / toggling a bookmark

<Ctrl> G = Jump to a tag in the code

When might these things be in Atelier? I use them a lot in Studio and the absence of these really slows me down.

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While starting the development with IRIS we have a distribution kit or in case of Docker we are pulling the docker image and then often we need to initialize it and setup the development environment. We might need to create databases, namespaces, turn on/off some services, create resources. We often need to import code and data into IRIS instance and run some custom code to init the solution.

Lajos Simicska declares war on Viktor Orban: "It's either him or me!" - The  Budapest Beacon

And there plenty of templates on Open Exchange where we suggest how to init REST, Interoperability, Analytics, Fullstack and many other templates with ObjectScript. What if we want to use only Python to setup the development environment for Embedded Python project with IRIS?

So, the recent release of Embedded Python template is the pure python boilerplate that could be a starting point for developers that build python projects with no need to use and learn ObjectScript. This article expresses how this template could be used to initialize IRIS. Here we go!

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