· Jul 7, 2021

Usage of Date/Time class property


What is the difference of class normal and date/time property and how to use in the script and what is the use of MINVAL and MAXVAL parameters?


Product version: IRIS 2020.1
Discussion (2)1
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Datatype classes are used to define object properties, they allow to:

  • Validate values both generic (for example any defined %Integer property by default checks that it's value is an integer) and based on datatype parameters (for example you can have an %Integer(MINVAL=0, MAXVAL=9) property which in addition to checking that it's value is an integer would check that integer value is between 0 and 9)
  • Provide different representations based on context, specifically:
    • Logical (what's stored in globals)
    • Display (what's shown in object)
    • XSD (for XML export/import)
    • ODBC (returned in SQL)
  • Provide generators for utility methods. Article on some examples.
