· May 31, 2019
Conditions within ruleset

Hi guys

I have always struggled with this, tended to use workarounds but now decided to hear from more experienced people if this is something I am misunderstanding.

I need to basically add a "send" within the ruleset number 2, but without a need to associate a "when" node to it. Is this possible? What I basically need is to forward messages with status 160 to "ManageEDM" and also regardless of the status, it should get sent to "ManageRIS"

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I have a custom process that is parsing HL7 and inserting it into a table. Periodically the inserts fail with # due to error: ERROR #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of....

Traditional databases would wait until the lock is removed then do the insert, but cache fails. I'm sure it's my coding approach.

How can I work around this? A Try/Catch loop?

Thanks in advance.

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I have a DTL to transform X12 Document 278 Request to 278 Response HIPAA 5010 schema. The DTL is called from BPL. I defined a class method that receives source, target, and context objects. How can I create 2000F loops in the response when there were none in the source object?

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· Jul 15, 2019
Non CSP Files

CSP pages extend %CSP.Page. What about html/css/js/etc that are hosted on the same web application? Is there any way to override how they're processed like with how you can override a CSP page and CSP REST logic?

Thank you!


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Hello, I tried to convert HL7 message to JSON in a business process and I got errors. Has anybody converted HL7 to JSON? Are certain characters not allowed in JSON?

I just tried to set a property to quote request.RAWContent and quote. I will try to put example in GitHub and share here later.

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Customer has a connection set up to connect to an ISC sftp server but it keeps failing the connection with:

ERROR <Ens>ErrOutConnectFailed: SFTP Connect failed for'!SFTP'/PubKey=''/PrivKey=''
with error ERROR #7500: SSH Connect Error '-2146430933': SSH Error [8010102B]: Failed getting banner [FFFFFFFF8010102B] at Session.cpp:238,0

A manual connection can be made successfully and I have verified that the credentials are correct. The Connection Settings are:

SSL Configuration - !SFTP

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I am trying out Atelier. I have installed it and managed to get it to connect to a cache instance to test it. I have created a local project and I am trying to copy the server files to it using the "Copy to Project" item on the popup menus. I can copy both classes and routines to the project without issue, but when I try to copy the CSP files, I get the following message:

com.intersystems.atelier.utils.CheckedExceptionWrapper: Input length = 1

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How can I send a request via a SOCKS5 proxy in IRIS, using, for example, EnsLib.REST.Operation?


I need to access APIs inside my corporate network, to which I don't have direct access from my home office. I've set up a SOCKS5 proxy via SSH on my host machine like this:

ssh -D 9999

I can then make requests with curl to the APIs I need:

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First of all thanks for your time, and thanks for your help.

We have the following doubt: how HTTP status is being replied from a SOAP Service to the Outbund System?

Where in HealtShare 2020's classes is being replied an HTTP/200 OK or an HTTP/500 or any SOAP HTTP status code?

We ask this because some outbound systems do need to have an HTTP 200 to being able to process our SOAP responses.

We have been examining the following classes:


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I am trying to connect to a web socket endpoint that potentially has a number of different IP addresses for load balancing purposes.

I have been asked whether it's possible to use a DNS name to resolve the IP address rather than statically assigning one specific IP address in the TCP Operation.

If it's not possible to resolve on a DNS name directly on the TCP operation, then I wondered whether it was possible to provide multiple IP addresses.

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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We have a rest service that collects production status information like whether a connection is disabled, enabled, etc.

I would like to present that data in a DeepSee dashboard but do not know how to create a pivot that accesses the data gathered by the service.

Does anyone have any information or documentation about how a dashboard would be configured to use use a Rest service?

Thank you

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Hi guys,

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST
Windows Server 2016
We have mapped 6 Databases for Shadowing to shadow/backup server with same kind of environment and platform.
The process for shadowing is growing or keeps on running in back round, not sure whether it will die or not - refer screenshot

We want to know how many process does cache instance will take for one database shadowing

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